First new hero in EIGHT MONTHS and she's already banned for a week?!?

Yes, exactly. Sigma set the precedent.

Your unnecessary toxicity invalidates any point you were trying to make.

I’ve climbed almost 200 SR on my Damage playing only Echo this week.

It doesn’t matter how long you waited for a new hero, you need to test run new heroes to see if they need to be balanced and give players time to learn how to play her … throwing new heroes into competitive without knowing if they are broken or not totally ****s up ranked. And Sigma should have been baned too.

Calm the F down. It’s only for a week, and you have 28 other hero’s to play till then.

My main DPS(McCree) and tank(Reinhardt), were banned last week but you don’t see me crying like a toddler.

If you want to play her so badly go to quickplay.


She was tested on the PTR. She was even nerfed a couple times as a result of that testing.

It boggles the mind that this is the nerfed version.


I wouldn’t say it’s unnecessary, it’s selfish players such as yourself that turn many people off from competitive in the first place.

And regardless of if you’re good at Echo or not has no bearing on the general community. Players who pick her up for the first time in comp are an issue no matter which way you slice it.

The mode is meant to be taken seriously, and one is expected to know what they are doing with their character. Using the mode as a training ground undermines the entire point of the competitive mode.


I’m with ya man. Hero bans are the whole reason I quit comp. It was completely unnecessary below masters imo.


Sigma being an exception to the ban rule when there were a whole bunch of extenuating circumstances is hardly a precedent. He should have been banned from comp for two weeks. Echo should’ve been banned from comp for two weeks. It’s already hard enough to take Comp seriously without it being the place for people to use new heroes for the first time.

I agree that the hero bans are rather dumb, but honestly, be thankful that she got a week in Comp that she shouldn’t have gotten.


PTR is testing for gamebreaking bugs. The player base on PTR is too low for actual balancing and they only change things if it’s so broken that it absolutly can’t be ignored or it’s mechanics isn’t working as expected.

If you want to only play competitive then deal with the rules of competitive. In the past Echo would not be in competitive until after next week anyway.

More shocking is that it only 5 days for her to reach a threshhold that tracks pick rates over the last 14 days meaning despite having a 0 pickrate for 9 of those days she still reached the threshold.


Relevant note: OP is on console

What’s relevant about that? They don’t have PTR access?

Play comp with a controller plugged in and try to hit echo. OP’s mad because they can’t abuse the moth for a week.

I’m still not sure how that’s relevant. The thread isn’t really about how strong she is. It’s about hero bans and, by extension, comp bans for new heroes. So, I’m not really sure how relevant console vs PC is here outside of PC players having access to her for a decent period before console.

How so? She’s nowhere near as OP as some claim. She’s incredibly squishy and easily countered by hitscan.

Selfish how?

Not argument here. Good thing it wasn’t my first time playing her.

See my edit

Long queue play? Nah, I am going to have to pass.

PTR is for testing whatever Blizzard want, and that includes new heroes.

Echo was nerfed twice before release based on PTR feedback.

Queue time for me (east coast) dps is half the wait for QP.

You know sigma wasnt banned for a week