uh they also have more HP , you know that if role lock is gonna its gonna be all tanks and no DPS again.
While I don’t really agree with the sentiment of the post you’re replying to, I think it’s important to distinguish here between sequels and Overwatch 2.
When a sequel is released, the players who prefer the original can still play the original instead, so the addition of the sequel doesn’t take anything away from the players/customers, other than splitting the community. When Overwatch 2 is released, Overwatch as we know it will cease to exist.
Exactly. Tank players are a vast minority and this is why they are scraping one tank.
I wonder if this mode will be using 2cp maps? That sounds like it would be an efficient way to keep the maps and save a ton of work.
Love the new map designs. been playing shooters since i had to type “cd\programfiles\heretic\heretic.exe” with my first (un)real experience being unreal tournament.
I keep watching the demo from a few days ago thinking, i will move here, isolate x, kill/push back, move to x cover, oh the map opened up a bit, but i can still, exc…
Deff a huge plus for me, who’s looking to go back into comp as a tank main. knowing i can focus better while trusting my weebs to use all those beautiful cover options while i focus on drawing attention and living. there is a reason blizzard world and kings row are my fav maps, even though my fav map type is koth.
Even made a long post about how happy it makes me to see power given to individuals through smart cover placement/usage.
Are the old maps gonna get updated with route options to keep us from getting rail roaded as often and/or cover options to make up for the less tank presence?
You don’t speak for all of us, i am excited for all these changes that open up a lot of possibilities.
We are tank mains, do we not even get into a match and start complaining? or do we, even when getting rolled hold faithful optimism we can make a final stand?
I mean I haven’t tanked in a while in OW when it is my thing I do across multiple games, cause of CC tilting my sry butt, but they are looking to address this as stated several times, but i still hold the hope i can return and play tank without getting stun locked over and over.
You find what you look for, if you are looking for the changes to be bad, then you will find them bad, even if they are good, if you are looking for them to be good and they turn out bad, you still spent 75% less time mad.
What tanks? lolol
I’ve been exclusively tanking in this game for four years and trust me, it’s lonely out here haha
treker look 4k
They seem to have hinted at that a few times now.
You’re gaining tons of heroes and maps though. And if you buy Overwatch 2… additions overload.
Where is that “ton”? The same 3 maps from blizzcon have been shown again and only 1 actually playable hero.
We’ve only seen 2 push maps, NO control maps, 2 hybrids and 1 escort. Losing 1 tank in gamemodes doesn’t mean you’re removing more than we’re gaining. Then theres Gothenburg which is probably going to be for the new gamemode since 2CP is going away and MORE. Do you think they’ll release OW2 with just these maps? Then theres smaller arcade maps for things like deathmatch, elimination, CTF etc.
Heroes: Mauga confirmed, fox girl maybe, Junkerqueen likely, 3 other silhouttes from the interview or whatever it was and more. So I still think we’re getting more than we’re losing.

Where is that “ton”? The same 3 maps from blizzcon have been shown again and only 1 actually playable hero.
What was shown at Blizzcon isn’t all we’re getting. Its all thats ready, close to completion or still in development.

What was shown at Blizzcon isn’t all we’re getting. Its all thats ready, close to completion or still in development.
if it is not ready then how do you know we are getting “tons” of it?
Hero missions aren’t ready. But we all know we’re getting tons of them. New looks for OW1 characters aren’t ready. We know every single character is getting one which is tons of new looks/skins. I could also ask how do you know we’re losing more than we’re getting if the game is not even close to release? Not even beta or closed beta announced.

When a sequel is released, the players who prefer the original can still play the original instead,
Ya tell that to the many dead multiplayer games, Like once a server is down it’s gone unless they get the release treatment years down the line.
Even then the chances of still finding a decent amount of players that are not hacking, trolling, or simply like within the top 1% of the skill bracket. Is well not exactly easy to do when match making only has like a hundred player to situate. .
Like If Ow2 did come out as it’s own separate game, with the way that shares the same heroes and the likes. Well what game is going to get the support, and which is going to be bleeding players in favor of the new stuff in the sequel.
So because someone spent years playing Smash Melee they should keep the exact same game mechanics and engine for Smash Brawl?
See how that sounds? It’s a new game, things change, change with them or say “I don’t like this any more” and find something new to play.
Since DPS has the most heroes to choose from and is the most popular role to play, wouldnt it make far more sense to encourage:
2tank + 3dps + 2heal 7v7
2tank + 4dps + 3heal 9v9
I think he is talking to a little more than 1/3. I play tank to either push the objective/cart or to hold a certain position. I play tank because I can take damage that other team members can’t. Not because the tank role is basically a DPS with a massive hitbox and a barrier.

I think he is talking to a little more than 1/3. I play tank to either push the objective/cart or to hold a certain position. I play tank because I can take damage that other team members can’t. Not because the tank role is basically a DPS with a massive hitbox and a barrier.
Winning an objective is one thing.
Being a damage sponge that doesn’t go for kills, and hopes they have teammates who capitalize on the space you’re making and frequently give you heals.
And being totally cool with the idea when that frequently falls apart when playing with random teammates, that that’s just super fun.
I doubt any more than 1/3rd of tank players prefer that damage sponge playstyle.
Heck, less than 1/5th is closer to realistic.
You have a point. A 9v9 would be a nice Chaos mode but would have very specific maps, most of them fairly open, with some natural barriers and walls of course. 7v7 is basically the original mode with an extra DPS. I mean, a 11v11 mode would be madness but its an idea.
3 tank - 5 DPS - 3 Support for the 11v11.