legit question cause this isnt from an official OW page…
edit - looks like its legit
looks too good to be fake tbh and they did claim that the images provided were from Blizzard Entertainment but yeah, who knows till it’s actually from Blizzard I hope its true cuz the Mercy recolour looks amazing!
More OWL promotion
It’s like they have no sponsors….
Oh wait
The official Boston Uprising account tweeted the Mercy skin. So I’m pretty sure they’re real.
and theres this as well now Overwatch’s Anniversary Remix event begins April 5 - Dot Esports
so i think its legit…ill add zen up top
If this is true then I hope they give the omnic crisis orange Orisa skin. I never cared for purple.
I’d love a white version of the Stealth legendary Bastion skin.
You know I didn’t think it was real till OWL refer to it.
These skins are real! You can find higher quality pictures of it on the Blizzard Press Website!
Also as addition:
are the first weekly challenge event skins which will return!
Honestly I don’t think that’s gonna happen this year.
The factors involved not in its favor.
The 6 are the most used skins in OW1. Thats it. No others. Just the mini comming back
Hey that Cultist Zen is looking pretty clean tho
The Black Cat recolor is pretty awful, others are nice (particularly cultist) but not really my personal taste.
Super down with event legendary recolors in general though. I hope they end up being a regular thing.
wow a bunch of chromas how totally interesting
Looks nice, though more color variance would’ve been even nicer. I like white, but it doesn’t fit everything… Reaper and Rein look awesome, though.
They will look good with golden weapons.
I wonder if the skin recolours will keep the special voice lines like the originals.
So, if I’m understanding this correctly, these would be what Apex Legends consider “recolors”, yes?
Also, I hope these aren’t 3K credits a piece, but they probably will be.