First 6 "Remix" Skins

Witch, Nevermore and Cultist… Literally my favorite skins for each of these heroes can someone please reattach my jaw to my head

They are the most used skins of OW1

I think they will be rewards for playing and not in boxes.

Some of you are too easy to please. But hey, if you like it then fair enough.


Remix is just… making existing skins white? Is it a reference to something? I thought it would’ve been like more alternate colors instead of everything turns white?


They’re so bad honestly imo :grimacing: i could just rock the away skins from different owl teams and it’s almost the same…

Mercy is looking at least decent since it’s white and blue, and my fave color is blue so…But i’m honestly not feeling the others.

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Whatever, they look fine, just hope they aren’t priced as legendary skins but knowing blizz…

Yea, everyone should be upset they are getting skins they like.

Like I said, if you like them then fair enough but given what has been lost for the sake of some recolours I wouldn’t be too happy.

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Honestly, I find your comment funny, because on the main post for these re-mix skins, someone else was like:

“Oh, great. I can’t wait for the forums to find some way to complain about this.”

And, here you are surprised that anyone is happy about it.

It just goes to show, you can’t please everyone all the time. No matter what is released or done for the game, there will always be people that hate it, and there will always be people that will love it.

Hell, even something as loathed as Paris still has those who adore the map (like myself). Just how it is, I guess. Haha.

Yeah, I’m not going to be too pleased if these things are priced at 3K credits a piece.

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I already wrote it…

Well, at least they picked the best skins also from the 2016-17 era so it’s not like I can be mad.

wais…is this true??? Did I really get my bastet Ana finaly? Please, tell me it´s true!

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WHY did they give Reaper a white recolour of this skin… Why not an Overwatch commander version of his Soldier24 skin like this concept :sob:

Yup its true. Look at the Blizzard Press Page. Its where you find official screenshots/pictures of whats coming up like the Hanzo, Sigma, Brig and Zenyatta Overwatch 2 looks. Its been updated and it shows all 3.
Link here:

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There are people who like these recolours but because of that they’re not really considering what they’re losing. I think they’re ok, but its nothing fancy.

I don’t see how anyone can look at this and see it as a net positive, Blizzard is just trying to convince people a company of its size cannot finish OW2 and release new skins for its current game at the same time.

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Yeah, all jokes aside, I feel what you were saying. Honestly, since Late 2019, OW1 has been taking “L” after “L” in terms of support, communication, and content for the game and its players.

Yeah, I get it [insert “they’re working on OW2” excuse, here], but you make a good point. Multibillion-dollar company, and this is the best they can do. Barely any maps (and the ones we did get weren’t even for the main/core game), one hero, recycled events, a cutback on skins for LNY 2022, and now full on recolors.

It’s just… Disheartening, man. To see OW go from GOTY 2016 to this. This game, this IP, had so much potential and they wasted a lot of it. Now, they are just hoping to get back in everyone’s good graces with OW2. But, honestly, I don’t know how well it’ll work. At this point, the bell has been rung. The OW hype train has died down. And many people have moved on. Now, I’m not saying their efforts will be unsuccessful, I’m just saying if they’re expecting the Fanfare that they got in 2016, I think that’s a bit too high of a bar to shoot for, you know?

Also, I do want to stress that I don’t blame any individual Dev or anything for where OW is right now. I know it’s all too easy to blame the team, when they’re the ones we interact with the most, but in reality, most of them were probably just trying to make the best out of the situation they had. As we’ve found out in recent years, it turns out Act-Blizz has been rotten, top to bottom, for quite some time now. And I’m sure there was plenty of ripple effects from all that, that affected OW, it’s Dev team, and us as players.

In short, I generally agree with your assessment. I feel things could have been a lot better for this game, overall. But, sadly, it is what it is now. I guess all we can really do is move forward and hope things get better. And, with the Microsoft acquisition, who really knows? Maybe all our squabbling will be a thing of the past and finally everything will fall into place one of these days and everything will improve for the better. And honestly, that would be rather nice.

Truthfully, I don’t like feeling as frustrated and disappointed with the game, as I do, these days. But, also, I feel it a bit disingenuous to be completely positive or completely negative about everything with this game, when that’s not the way I actually feel. I try to be as honest about my feelings toward OW, as much as I can. It’s just that the negatives have outweighed the positives a lot, for me, for some time now, sadly. But I wish that wasn’t the case.


Wow, I’m really impressed! They managed to take some of the best looking skins in the game and make them look horrible; that’s unironically some real talent.

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Pretty much the only thing I like about this. These recolors just look… blargh whatever to me. Have no desire to get a single one. But the challenges making a return is quite nice for many people I’d imagine. There are a few skins I missed too (like that D.Va one) because of bad timing or (more recently) because I just couldn’t bring myself to play the game but perhaps, depending on the available game modes, I might even try and bother this time. We’ll see. Would need to re-install the game though.

It’s true and official! :slight_smile:

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When I heard they were giving alternate color palettes to old skins I thought they would be selectively picking an alternate color scheme that fits the skin not just slapping white on all of them cause why not. There will probably be a couple decent looking ones but they really could have put more effort into them. Also this is instead of new skins for the rest of the year’s events which is lame.