Finally Retiring, here is my feedback for the Blizzard Devs

Overwatch has been a part of my life since before launch and to this day I still love it. I wanted to share some feedback as to why I am choosing to leave the game. To be clear, I am not mad at the devs or hating on the game, this is just my 2 cents on things that I feel are lacking in the game and why I am moving on.

  1. (No real role queue) - this is something that i know has been floated around a lot and there are pro’s and con’s to. But I, as a 29 year old gamer with a full time job, just want to sit down and play a few games of overwatch with a balanced team. I don’t want to spend 15-20 minutes trying to assemble a group in group finder after every game of overwatch.

  2. (Unable to veto modes/maps) - Myself, and im sure others, just really don’t like some modes or maps. But the dev team is so intent on forcing these modes to be played that it has caused me to simply not play the game. I wanted to try competitive this season and after getting several 2cp maps in a row i have simply quit.

  3. (Lack of meaningful new content) - This is a tough one, because i’m not sure even what type of content would feel new and fresh. But a new hero and a new map every few months fails to excite me anymore. I used to look forward to the seasonal events but they are all just more of the same each season.

  4. (Lootboxes) - This is a topic that is very hot at the moment, but when seasonal events do come out, i used to be excited to try and get the new items. I used to spend money on loot boxes because i wanted that “cool genji skin”. But now, i have gone several events without getting skins for the characters I enjoy and it really saps the joy out of the event. If i could just buy the skin I wanted, id be happy. random chance is not fun for me.

  5. (No Story) - When Overwatch launched i watched the Hanzo + Winston shorts over and over. I was so excited to learn more about the characters but there has been so little development on this front. I enjoy watching the shorts, but there is not nearly enough of them and all of the lore put into the comics rather than in game or in these animated shorts.

  6. (Rank Decay) - this one is a very large reason I no longer play the game. I used to play in masters every season but each season I would come back from a work trip or vacation to find myself at 3k. Then i would have to grind my way back up to masters over and over. This system has sapped all motivation to even try to climb in rank because i know I will just be rank decayed.

So as I said, i’m not mad at the game, its a great game and I do love it. But for the reasons listed above I am moving on to play some other new things. its been fun, and though this community has been branded toxic, i do truely love you all


Yeah, these are some valid points.

I wouldn’t expect it ALL done. (though maybe I should… couldn’t they still hire more people with all that money? I know it would get exponentially more complex, but… really? XD )

But I agree that it seems like there should be more. At least a couple of the things you mentioned, after more than 2 years of “development”.

Thanks for putting into words, the things I couldn’t. I just posted something similar as my first forum post ever. Especially 2. It’s the only FPS I’ve ever played that does this.

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Have fun playing literally any other game, where developers care about their player base. You made the right decision to leave.


fully agree with 1/2/3/6, rank decay should only be a thing at gm.


I don’t think map or mode vetos are ok for competitive. For QP, sure… but all game modes in comp are part of the game, and you can’t cherry pick the parts that are favorable to you. People would do it strategically.


But you got to remember, Blizzard is a small Indy company. They don’t have the resources to fix these problems :stuck_out_tongue:


Recently there was a video in which Scott says that they are no plans to introduce features that blocks map because they find it “scary”.

I wish he understands how scary it is for us to play this maps/mode for ex: Assault maps.


I agree with a lot of your points, especially loot boxes, speed of new heroes and maps, and lack of role queue. Vetoing maps sounds good, but should never be in competitive. Comp is about testing your abilities in every game mode and map the game has to offer and seeing how well you can adapt. If you just concentrate on one map you’re amazing at, you’ll be artificially boosted to a rank you don’t deserve.

I’d say “stick around for the next dev update,” but I’m kinda pissed at them that it didn’t come yet despite suggestions that it would be early this week.


I also think role queue might have its own issues. Crazy long queue times for DPS, for one. But also, you’d have a lot less ability to adapt. Like, imagine you rolled up a Junkrat main and a Symmetra main for your DPS and the enemy team showed up with a Pharmercy. Even if one of the tanks or healers could go hitscan, they wouldn’t be able to.

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I imagine it would be. When some maps/modes never get played again, it’s got to hurt the pride of the developers. That being said, isn’t that kind of the point? I always feel that way about Arcades. I know I don’t HAVE to play them for the extra loot boxes, but why not make it so you get an extra loot box every three wins of any mode? Probably because it would be “scary” to see how many people would stop playing Arcades.


Just an FYI, this is an extremely common practice in competitive scenes and part of their metas long before Overwatch.

People would do it strategically is exactly right… Competition fosters strategy…


Maybe, but doing it like that isn’t going to work like the OP wants, just letting them play the game modes they like and avoid the others.
It’s like being able to ban heroes - it has upsides, but it isn’t so simple as “I never have to face X hero again”. You might want that feature to avoid, say, Brig - except your team insists on banning Ana instead because she’s more important to the meta and the enemy team searched your profile and banned your main.

You forgot to add scoreboard to the list :stuck_out_tongue:

Im 29 years old to and i was playing on console master and get tired how each match was carry by low effort pharahmercy or briggite + reaper.

Then i decide to play on pc, but on platinum rank, have the same problen…reaper , brigitte and pharahmercy on almost all matchs… yes i know that those heros arent good on higher ranks on pc… but can we the lower ranks, needs some effort to carry matchs?

And dont come here to post, “just pick the pharahmercy, briggite or reaper counters”… well i dont want play the same heros on all matchs.

Great post OP. I’m still playing and loving the game myself but some of these complaints are hard to ignore. The big one for me is the lack of control of what maps and modes you play. I knew from the first day I played this game that I hated maps like volskaya so why do I still have to keep playing it?

There’s just some really basic and fundamental issues I would have expected them to have ironed out by now :sleepy:

When they released the Retirbution Event this year, I was incredibly excited to learn more about Gabriel Reyes and more particularly his descent into becoming the Reaper. It’s why I was then very disappointed with what we got…don’t get me wrong, hearing Gabriel Reyes voice pre Reaper is always the best along with the skins…but i’d just love to learn more about the lore. And whenever they do release something about the lore, it’s always something very minor.

Really, it’s what kept me playing Overwatch - the story behind each character and the depth with them, wanting to learn more about them.

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Rank decay is there for a reason. I agree it’s too harsh but you cant just allow someone to play 1 week and then sit that rating for the next weeks.

Agree with all of your points, the game is simply not fun anymore the is not excitement in log in, many people are leaving the updates come so slow that about the time they arrive people just simply dont care anymore and move on to other stuff.
Right now people are waiting for game Dev update to see what is next but…im thinking well these update will be firts in the ptr for like a month until hit the live server and problably it will be just balance changes nothing new coming.
They need to add role quee, captain draft (these for comp game is the best choice), lore and maybe add mission to get coins like "heal x amount " or “Win playing a tank” stuff like that will make the game feel better to play.

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  1. Yep role queue would be awesome. The LFG was a great attempt, but people stopped using it sadly. Really awesome job on the system but you can only lead a horse to water.

  2. Ehhh, i’d rather they just delete all 2cp maps. Everyone will agree and that will be that. Map vetoes aren’t in the interest of the game. Some maps might be more enjoyable to some people because they are better with the charachter they use. Encouraging that type of thing is very VERY bad for the game. Deleting god awful 2cp maps is just objectively in everyone’s interest. Then we could go back and remove that terrible overtime spawn increase, which is only justified because if it wasn’t there 2cp would be in full 2cp again.

  3. Not a legit gripe.

  4. Not a legit gripe.

  5. Defintley not a legit gripe.

  6. Rank decay is only psychological. But yes, if it’s having that effect then it should be removed I agree with you. It really does the opposite of what it exists to do, which is keep people playing the game, because everyone who knows how it works knows that it doesn’t really hurt your rank, and everyone who doesn’t is demotivated to play after they’ve been decayed, instead of motivated to keep playing.

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