Finally Retiring, here is my feedback for the Blizzard Devs

My only problem with LFG is that I usually don’t want to be locked into the same group. Even if they’re good. I want to play at my own pace–not feel that I HAVE to keep going because other people took the time to join up with me.

I also tried creating “one-and-done” LFG group titles, but that gets tedious fast.

So we still need role queue, sorta.

How come everyone on these forums seem to believe Blizzard aren’t implementing their changes because they “prioritize OWL” or “they don’t know how”?

Ever considered that the reason they’re not implementing your ideas might be because they don’t think they’re right for their game? I mean, it’s theirs. They design the game they want it to be, and they build it. If you play it or not, that’s your choice.

Map veto??? Bungie, a small company at the time of Halo, was able to implement map veto years ago. They didn’t find it “scary” in a game with very similar mechanics. They also had match replay (don’t get me started on that one…) I truly think Blizzard is full of ego maniacs who are more concerned with their own self absorption instead of innovating on behalf of the community. Have become to big for their britches.

Uhm, you just pointed at a really old game with map vetoes and replays. It would hardly be innovative to implement those now, right?

The innovative thing to do is obviously to NOT implement those, ever.

Why on earth not? Are you insane??

Definition of Innovation according to the dictionary:
1 : the introduction of something new
2 : a new idea, method, or device

Adding features that would improve the overall experience, which frankly should have been in as standard from the start, would most certainly be innovative in terms of Overwatch specifically.

Still can’t understand why you wouldn’t want replays or map veto? I mean, please explain because I believe you’d be like the ONLY one.

about rank decay, you truly expect just to sit at your rank forever until the season ends?

higher ranks are very competitive, they need players to constantly play because there aren’t many players up there.

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I definitely wouldn’t want map vetoes in comp, because then people would just be able to veto the game modes they were weak at, which are aspects of Overwatch.

Replay, sure, but I doubt very many would actually use them, and it’s HARD to retrofit an efficient replay system into a game that wasn’t built with one in mind. And it needs to be efficient, considering the number of matches that are played every minute, whose replayes have to be stored and sent somewhere.

yeah its their game, but really its OUR game because its made for US to enjoy, and WE are consumers paying for the game and playing it. They should care how we feel about the game they made for US, and they should care about what changes we would like on it in my opinion. Its not a great strategy to just be like screw you guys this is our game we will make it how we want and we dont care how you feel about it. Thats how you get people who lose interest in “your” game and stop playing it aka this post.

huh im not sure if you’re sarcastic or not…

No, not you specifically. A lot of people do enjoy the game, and obviously it’s made for them. If you don’t enjoy it, it’s not a game for you, and I don’t understand why you’re playing it.

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I agree with the original post.
-The characters drew me to this game yet the story has become disjointed and feels abandoned.
-There are little annoyances creeping into the game that seem intended to encourage play and purchases, but instead just sap my enthusiasm. Rankings have become based as much on how often you play as how well you play.
-OWL and other tournaments have become such an overwhelming focus that it distracts from other aspects of the game and skews balance.


Yes/no. I came from Evolve, where role cue was basically required. It worked well. The problem is that this game is very skewed towards DPS. Personally, I flex, however the Tanks are the role with the most boring gameplay, imo. Nothing interests me about them, and so if I get forced into a DPS/flex role, it would either take a long time or I’d always get filled into Tanks, for example. There needs to be a wider range of tanks and supports, a wider range of skill within those classes, before it would work out in the practical world.


I am so sick of how defense-favored Rialto is. I am sick of playing Eichenwalde 3 times in a row. I’m sick of HLC. I want to avoid those maps like the plague. However, this also raises a problem: I like Anubis. It’s my best map, but A LOT of people hate it.

So rather than a map veto, there should be a section where you can check what maps you want to play. This way I don’t have to get into a Rialto lobby to veto it, I would just avoid the Rialto lobby altogether.

Imo, we need lore and a map maker.

I’m suffering the same problem, as I have to cringe whenever a new map or hero gets released. They aren’t fun for me to play/play on, nor do the asthetic of the maps overpower how badly they play out.

Same here.

Exactly. I get shorts are expensive to make, but when was the last time we got a comic? I feels like a year without one.

Then aside from the shorts and comics, we don’t get any other information regarding any of the heros. More heros are being added and less lore is being revealed. Soon only a fraction of the game will have background knowledge and the rest of the heros will have nothing known about them.

I think placements are more of a problem than rank decay. Placements just place you where you left off, rather than updating your MMR/SR to the most up-to-date version of where you should be.

Decay is also irrelevant since it was added to punish T500 players from owning multiple accounts, but most of T500 are streamers who have a lot of free time to keep up most of their accounts. I think Calvin had like 5 or so smurfs in T500 a few seasons back.

But me being decayed when I’m at 3400 is bogus.

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I hope 1&2 never happen it would ruin the game. Bring on the same stale comps and same couple of maps every game. Looking for group can be done in like a minute. It has always been fast from what I have seen
3&5 I agree
4 I wish there was more in them. I always have enough credits. There is no point to buying lootboxes at this point.
6 is a necessary evil to keep people from sitting at the top that stopped playing and make top 500 open to players that still actively play

While I do see where you’re coming from ,I just feel like it’ll end up choking que times.

Modes is a bit much ,though I wouldn’t mind if they gave us the ability to deselect a map or two before queuing up (To not have groups exploit this by each member having a map deslected ,only the group leader’s deselect counts.) anything more will choke que times HARD.

Though I agree with the rest of your points

Bye, good luck…

This why everyone’s favorite event is the uprising event. It’s the only time of year we get

  • New or expanded lore
  • A completely new PvE campain
  • Last time we got a cinematic that was awesome and hopefully it stays that way. The year before was a cool static image cinematic too so at the very least we will get something like that.

Just seems unnecessary for diamond and masters players

You are wrong. So tired of people like yourself making excuses for Blizzard about “oh its to hard to implement”. Man, you must have a REAL low view of what their programmers are capable of. We can record footage now, but WE have to do it with an external program on our PC. Just add a feature as part of the game to record. Not that hard. Also, you state “it needs to be stored somewhere”. Yeah, if you choose to save footage. Maybe people just want to review and not save. In Halo 3 you could set a start and end point where you wanted to save the clip. It could be a few seconds, or the entire match. You save it on your hard drive just like we save our plays of the game now. We deserve it. People would use match review to improve. Concerning map veto, its majority rules. You have 12 people. Doesn’t matter if you are vetoing a map because you aren’t good on it or not. If a majority veto it, than a majority is speaking to not wanting to play it ON BOTH SIDES. There is no advantage if 10 out of 12 vote no. That takes people on both sides. These features should have been in from the start. In any competitive environment, you review footage of the opponent. We should be able to compete on the maps we have the best experience with, and be able to review ours and our opponents gameplay to improve. Please don’t encourage and defend poor performance with excuses. Blizzard dropped the ball, and should look into adding these features. we should have had all along.

decay doesnt mean anything unless you get worse at the game each week

Video capture isn’t hard, but it’s also not what most people mean when they say “replay system.”

Most people mean that they would like to have free-camera spectator mode when they say they want replays. And that is hard to retrofit efficiently, as you need to be able to reconstruct the entire game-state at any given point in time. This is usually done by recording every action a player takes (keypress, mouse movement) and the precise time they do it. These actions can then be applied to a known initial state from the match, to replay it.

If you had any idea of how much stuff goes on asynchronously inside of Overwatch at any given time you’d understand how hard it is to know when something really happened, and what caused what.

The only option they have other than spending months refactoring the code is to store the entire server-side game-state at a short interval (every 20ms or so) and interpolate between those snapshots. The space that would take would be massive.

I’m not making excuses, I’m just a developer who knows how sh1t works.