Yea, bad idea.
A) Many smurfs just buy accounts that are already level 25. They’ll just do this with accounts that are higher level.
B) Smurfing Zarya, Hog, Zen, Lucio all can be VERY troublesome for a team. A GM player in gold won’t have many issues regardless of what theyre playing.
Level cap isn’t the fix, nice try though.
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You do know you are nowhere near the first person to suggest this. It has been ignored and will continue to be ignored. Blizzard doesn’t care!!
Smurfs do purposely throw to end up at a low SR.
I have been in matches where a six stack of new accounts stay in spawn and let us kill them over and over again. They just say hi and you get free kills the whole match. The six stack of new account smurfs are losing on purpose and not even trying to win.
Once they get all the way down to Silver then they start playing as a six stack with GM skill, mics, and complex maneuvers they pull off so easy and plays like they are in a baseball or football pro league.
Its not fair seeing them with nearly 50+ win streak and in Mid Gold. We lose and nothing we can do about it. Then guess what, the very next match they are again the same enemy team so you end up losing twice in a row.
Since you lost so badly to this six stack being stuck in spawn and just dying over and over again the matchmaker penalizes you and it costs you 30+ SR for the loss against the smurfs. But normally when you lose you usually only lose 20 SR but if you lose badly against smurfs you end up losing the most SR.
On the other hand, if you get smurfs on your team and have a very easy win then you end up getting the most SR for not dying a lot and winning easy.
Very stupid matchmaker system in my opinion and the reason many people are leaving, not playing anymore and don’t care anymore.
Smurfs account bring a ton of money to blizz. Won’t change. Nuff said.
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I dont mind raising the level cap to like 50 or so but also sometimes you just get smurfed on, all you can do is go next and beat the actual dps players at your rank. Also I hate to say it but blizz doesnt care who buys the copy they just care about the money earned at the end of the day.
This isn’t really a solution. While there are a lot of smurfs, there are also a lot of genuinely new players who may take an interest in Overwatch for its competitive scene. For a lot of players, this would be a turn off from the game. Unless you’re committed to the grind, it can take quite a while to level up to level 75. Let’s assume you play enough QP to level up 1 level a day, which is an hour or two of playing assuming you aren’t on a losing streak. Assuming you’re committed to doing this daily, you’d still be playing for a solid 2 months at minimum before reaching that point.
This is a “solution” to us at higher levels because most of us are well beyond the barrier for entry into comp now, and Blizzard raising that barrier almost certainly wouldn’t affect us, but this affects new players more. It would tank the playerbase
New players are mostly a myth at this point and deserve little consideration in such things, imo. If it’s good for the game, then perhaps “new players” should be more understanding.
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Nice thought. Obviously well intentioned. However this is a hard no. There are too many ways around it. As some others have said. It could create a greater market for account buying. It might make it more expensive, which I guess is a small deterrent but people will still do it. It doesn’t solve the issue of already leveled accounts throwing and smurfing. And by now there are many of them. It will be a turn off to new players who by level 25 would definitely be hungry for competitive play. There is a solution to the smurf problem, but this isnt it.
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It’s a copy paste old idea. Not new. Plus, it solves nothing. We need ideas that players can do. Not ideas thst rely on Blizzard to change.
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Half right. We definitely need ideas blizzard can implement. The community as a whole cannot be trusted to fix anything by themselves and if you think they can you’re sadly mistaken. The community as a whole is self serving and toxic. Too much of the time that self serving nature is to the detriment of games. There are plenty of things blizzard can implement to advocate and incentivise change in a positive way.
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or…you know… just make matchmaking include player level (not only sr). and if you have silver/gold or higher border (lets say lvl 800) you will not get players that are bronze frame. it will take time for new players to climb out of hell, but they will eventually (but no so many of those. 80% of “new” players are smurfs).
i remeber starting this game back in 2016. it took a lot of time to learn all characters (what they are good at or bad), and no way i would slice through people as genji if i was lvl 50 or smth. and i still have 1 account till this day. if i wan’t to play healer - i play healer (i don’t go and buy new acc just for that). i’m not one of those “mercy mains” that when they lose will switch to widow and destroy entire team. i stick to one account and hope that blizz will make some features for such players as i am.
higher your lvl - lower your queue time (priority), or chance for higher sr gain or smth like that. making you invest in 1 account. not crying around “oh i need to practice widow so i got this acc and don’t care about losing” - play quickplay/practice vs ai or anything else. i don’t need your bs excuses
They are mostly alt. And most the smurf are 1 rank above, and aren’t even genuinely good.
Queues times goes 20 min easy.
If you play him for the 35hours you could.
They won’t.
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Does anyone know if they implemented the solution yet? By that I mean layoffs.
nice try but i think 99% smurf account is beyond lv100 already
The idea to increase the level required to play comp would work, and many have pitched it. They’ll never do it because they have an awful revenue model. Even when on sale, they probably make a bundle off of new accounts. The only other way for them to make money off this dumpster fire is by selling loot crates, but i doubt many people do that.
If they really wanted to fix the game, they would have to adopt a better model. Something like Rainbow 6 siege has done would be better. At least then they wouldn’t be dependent on selling alt accounts that are part of the reason for this game’s decline.
For those not familiar with Rainbow 6, its by no means a perfect game. But the one thing I think they cracked was how to profit off their game without sacrificing match quality. Of course account sales are one source. But instead of relying solely on that, new and old characters and cosmetic items are locked until the player can either unlock them with in-game currency earned by XP, or flat out buy them. Everyone has access to the basic characters at a minimum, and its entirely viable to just play those characters.
Something resembling that would fix that part, but would cause other issues because of how poorly everything seems to have been thought out. That’s the trouble with OW, it isn’t just one thing that’s the problem. Fixing one thing would cause other major problems…
They could not and hopefully will not lock their characters behind paywalls/xp purchases. In games like league and R6 you only play one character the entire match so you can get away with having a small pool of available characters as you just pick one at the start and stay on it. In OW the whole point of the game is being able to swap between ANY character in the game to best suit the situation as you see fit. Not “oh we need this character or two to counter the enemy team but none of our players in that role have them unlocked… guess we lose.”
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You’re exactly right. They boxed themselves into a corner with that silly counter system. That was what i meant by it would cause other major problems. They would have to do away with that system before a revenue model like that could ever be implemented, which they probably should do anyway(imo).
It’s not a counter system. It’s a “you get to play whoever you want system” and it is more core to the design of the game than anything else. Getting rid of your ability to swap mid match only further validates one tricks and removes the biggest way the game has to be unique.
Want a game where you’re locked into one character the entire game? Fine go play R6, League, or any of the others that do that. Don’t try to turn a game into something it isn’t nor should it be.
It makes some sense, but it is actually a every role thing. You can obviously tell a dps smurf, but you can’t for supports because they make a big but unnoticeable difference. Similar to the offense line in football.
Tell that to the bap or Ana smurf playing sniper the entire game and finishing 78-1.