Finally, a solution to the smurfing problem

i mean people are just asking to play competitive as a competitive enviroment, with balanced teams without advantages to either side at their rank… whats wrong with that?
there’s smurfs at every rank, that doesn’t make it any easier at any rank if the skill level is relative to where they are smurfing.
i’ve got a replay from last night where a streamer was streaming her and her mates playing in bronze, deranking one game then trying to draw it out to 16-16… bragging to another smurf on the team about being a contenders player… (in oce pepelaugh)

i mean you’ve got to be pretty sad to spend your free time not in comp trashing on easy players in a lower elo. i guess they’re just trying to make themselves feel better for being stuck where they are.


I’ve always thought this was a good idea. Have a like.

I read the other day that the MM should use account levels when creating a match, and after thinking about it, I like it.

Stop pairing level 25s with me.

I’m going to let you in on a secret. People sell leveled accounts for like $5 over base price.
Its against tos and technically bannable but do you think they are going to ban the people giving them money?
All this would do is prevent actually new players from ever getting Into comp because at 16 hours to 25, it would take 64 hours get to 100.

Not a single person is going to invest 2.5 days of their life before being able to play ranked.

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I don’t agree with this. I wouldn’t invest that much time more than once, but OW is a good enough game that players would invest the time to play comp.


I disagree.
The game is advertised as a competitive game. 2.5 days before you can actually experience the game is pathetic and more than enogh to put people off.
Or they would just buy pre leveled accounts like everyone else.

Ummm how do you know they are a 3-4 man stack? Blizzard took the ability away from us to see who is grouped on the other team.

You can tell if someone is not solo by trying invite them to your group. You get a different message if they are grouped. But there is nothing to say that it isn’t just 2 separate duos.

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Okay, but the competitive mode isn’t competitive because alt and smurf accounts are allowed.

You’re not playing against players in your rank. Your playing against players who are trying to get to their rank because the system doesn’t know where to place new players.


You mean like every other game? Nah man you’re right. Ow is the only game that has smurfs.

I’m not taking about every other game. I hope the devs aren’t out to follow the status quo. That would be quite depressing.

If anything, I hope they are pushing to be better than every other game.


Let me phrase It differently then.
Why do you think other games have smurfs?
Simple answer.
It’s an unfixable problem.

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You can’t eliminate smurfing or alt accounts, but steps can be taken to limit them. It’s just like cheating. You can’t get rid of it completely, but you can take measures to limit it.


I see so many Roadhog ‘smurfs’ it’s pathetic. It’s most definitely not limited to DPS

Like what?
Mobile verification?
Increase base level?
Literally all I can think of without going down the route of hardware id and that would not go down well.

It will kill any new players too, im not trying to play for 24 hours before I can queue comp in a shiny new game i get.

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Just make 50 hour minimum as support, to get able to play tank role. After that, 50 hour minimum as tank to unlock dps role. After that 10 hour minimum as least played dps to unlock second least played dps. Ultimately there will be last five dps smurfs want, and can play: Ashe, Doomfist, Genji, Tracer and Widow.

report every smurf, it’s basically cheating

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It’s not basically cheating. It’s absolutely cheating according to Blizzard, specifically “unfair advantage”.


They should really increase competitive lvl requirement. I started playing competitive around lvl 100.


That’s why I report them all for cheating, cause it is cheating