Don’t you just hate it when you’re in a group and you see a 3-4 man stack, with a genji getting 5-6ks w/ nanoblade, or tracer just incredibly slippery and destroying the backline, or a widow that just headshots you no matter what you do? It sucks having a smurf, we all have been there and it seems inevitable to beat.
Well, here is a solution that may just work. So, from the above example, what do they all have in common? They are all DPS roles. We rarely complain about a hard-core smurfing lucio or mercy, or orissa. While they can be amazing, the biggest hurdle to smurfs are killing the insane DPS.
With that said, my solution is to have a minimum level requirement to play competitive mode on either all or only DPS roles. This being, you must have at least to level 50 to play competitive modes (from the current 25). This will ward off many new accounts from DPS stomping, and if wanted, they can still comp queue at level 25 for tank or healing roles only (if using DPS only level requirement). Additionally, this will gouge up account selling and prices at a higher level due to increased difficulty in now farming up to 2x the amount to reach competitive entry point, which will make buyers less ambitious about buying.
Think about it - increasing competitive entry point to the point where creating a second/alternative account is just not worth the time and effort. It takes a lot of grind up to level 50. You can still enjoy quickplay as a “smurf” to carry, but not as easily in competitive matches. I believe that the reason why people want to make second/alt accounts are twofold: 1) stat reset 2) flex from GM/t500.
Increased level entry will aid with both issues, but continue reading about what I have to say about stat resets.
++ Edit ++
An alternative solution is to add certain benefits when you reach a certain level. Perhaps at higher ranks, you can unlock legendary skins from chests (vs. having to buy w/ currency = level grind), OR perhaps, unlocking certain skills or that become stronger that can be utilized with each 50 levels (perhaps OW2). Any method to help with higher level players directly or indirectly with comp-games can be beneficial. Lastly, I think one major SOURCE of new characters, is the lack of ability to reset stats. Perhaps a season stat erase or some token could be of use for players
What do you guys think?? If you like it - BLOW THIS UP FOR THE DEVS to see!