Female players will receive more endorsements

With the risk of this becoming a trollfest, I did want to examine something. Please be civil, and think of this as more of a thought experiment than a statement or political thing.

Do you think that girls are going to receive more endorsements just for being female and present?

Is this a bad thing?

Do you think that female players are less likely to receive endorsements because of sexism, etc?

We know that one out of every five players are female. We also know that people want more women in the game–they want to play with women, not for pervy reasons, but for social reasons (they just want to be around girls). More endorsements would encourage more women to play (it’s going to encourage everyone to play more, and to be nice, and to use mics). For these reasons I do think girl players are going to get more endorsements, but I also don’t think that this is inherently bad.

BUT let’s examine it. What are your thoughts?


If anything we’ll get less.

Stop making posts like these and causing the problem.


What exactly do you think is “the problem”? Please clarify.


I’m sure any “extra” endorsements for being a woman is balanced out by reports from misogynists.


Only from men who think that this kind of thing will get them an online girlfriend. :sweat_smile:

Only if they start online stalking you.


How viable is it to stalk people via overwatch? I was under the impression that it’s pretty hard.

It can be done if your Facebook is linked to your blizzard account.


Don’t you have to be “close friends” in order to see someone’s facebook name, though?

Although I guess even then, if you trust someone and make them a “close friend,” it could result in a stalk.

Can’t endorse me for being a girl if I don’t use my mic :thinking:


I could see a large company or brand endorsing female games just because they are female

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The goal stalking online is to gain info by being friends with your friends. Once this is done getting your info is easy.

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change your nickname to a female name… that should solve it?

also you can use voice changer…

The real question is, why should anyone care?

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haha, in regards to that, I know several men that can naturally make convincing girl voices


I don’t care who I play with, stop assuming everyone is asking for this. I tend to actually have a negative reaction when someone points out the fact that they are a girl, especially when no one asked or cares.


just a thought experiment! I don’t actually care in the grand scheme of things.

If anything, I’m a girl that uses mic, so I’m expecting this but not “worried,” if that makes any sense? But I would like to examine it.

young boys can finally answer “yes i am a girl”


speaking anecdotally, I get friend requests all the time from people who just hear me in game. They don’t know me, they weren’t on mic and we didn’t talk to each other. They just want more girls around.

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If it comes to be viewed the same as tradeable loot in MMORPGs, then yes, they probably will receive a disproportionate amount of endorsements :stuck_out_tongue: Will largely depend on how it’s implemented: I haven’t seen the details. Will also depend on how many actually talk in voice chat, or how many have obvious names–there are a lot of those.

They have a term for this it’s called catfishing.