[Feedback Thread Continued Part IV] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Can we make Mercy’s beam disconnect the second she breaks los of the one she’s healing please.

So the recent nerf wasn’t enough for you?

Man nerf 13 already. You are all so quick to nerf. You do know she is bad now…right?

Ehh I did ask for the healing nerf along with the damage boost nerf this would be my last one that hasn’t been implemented yet

She is far from bad though.

So not enough. Got it xd

Yup lol

So 12 nerfs after a horrible rework and you want more while shes dropping fast on all levels. Dude there is something wrong with you if you think shes a issue still.


Pretty much, yes and she’s still fine… definitly not dropping fast.

And you are a troll. Thanks for confirming that

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So anyone that has a different opinion than yours you’ll label them as trolls?
Funny thing is when I posted the damage boost suggestion not affecting certain ulties and healing gets nerfed i was called the same thing.
Look at where we are now.

And yet you fail to see Mercy’s winrate going down, pickrate going down, every healer got a buff and are going up, but you still want more nerfs. Cause she hasn’t had enough already

Her pickrate going down is a good thing… you fail to understand how much of a must pick she was you also fail to understand that that is the goal… also where are you getting your data? A lot of mercy mains have their profile hidden so such data isn’t recorded…she’s still a good pick she’s still picked, She just needs this tiny tweak and we’re perfect… i’d also suggest not allowing her to heal through barriers but lets keep it for now so she can have an edge over other healers.

From Overbuff, even though thanks to “wonderful” idea of private profiles it isn’t as accurate as it was.

She’s now around 7.43% with potential to drop below 7%. So that’s what you wanted - to un-must-pick her. You succeeded (so far). So why exactly do you want to add yet another nerf?


Nah, that’s a good idea. While we are at it make her beams Symm-Like so she has to aim. But lower her healing at 40 hps, we don’t want such a no skill hero to heal for more than our precious Ana. Clip her right wing so her GA stops midway and she can’t use Angelic Descent. Her GA’s CD needs to be increased by 200%, because those angry genji’s can’t hit her with the 10m long blade. Make Valkyrie do nothing but just letting her fly. Take out her pistol, she doesn’t need it. She shouldn’t be able to dmg boost anyone but herself so she could 1v1 people by melee’ing. We could take out her passive so she can’t regen, since out precious Ana can’t regen as well. Don’t allow her to heal thru barriers with the miserable healing, that’s too OP. But leave resurrect as it is, it’s 100% not the root of the problems

Or wait. I have another idea. We could just revert her to a state we know she worked (S3), nerf her ult charge rate, give her little cast time and done.

Oh but Mass Res promoted “toxic playstyle”? Well then why don’t we just delete Mercy from the game?

To have Mercy become even more bland than she already is. Oh and nerf her 50 hps, it’s too much if it goes thru barriers.


Er… Are you guys okay? :sweat_smile:

Pick one?

I wont comment on the rest as it’s not productive at all.

Nah valk is better imo.

As usual. We are just predicting another VERY NEEDED nerfs. Because as you can see, healing nerf was not enough. If you have any ideas, please join us :wink:

Mostly angry/frustrated/loss averse. Anyone would be frustrated seeing a character they like nerfed over and over. People demanding yet more nerfs only amplifies the already volatile reaction.


Nah lets have both. Lets nerf her into the ground.

I said a state we know she worked. Valkyrie, as we have seen by this 1 year that just passed (24th of august the rework was pushed on PTR), is an ultimate full of flaws. And if you want to “fix” those flaws you make the ultimate feel like a glorified E ability. The hero is bland and underwhelming to play. And she serves no purpose. Ana provides far more utility and healing. Self-mobility (valk, GA) does not count as it doesn’t have direct impact on teamfights. Moira provides far more healing and team dmg and her mobility is somewhat comparable to Mercy’s (if you wanna count that) . I don’t see a game where you want to pick Mercy instead of one of these two. That is unless you just feel like a useless player because you cant outheal any dmg in this game and because your ultimate is the only support ultimate in the entire roster that is most effective when acting like a cheap already existing ult. (supercharger).

Oh and I wanna say, yes that’s your opinion. Greatly appreciated. But I don’t think you have much room to comment as you have nearly 2 hrs of Mercy expirience.

(I just wanna point out that I feel like your posts are not productive at all, but do I shove it in your face?)


Yes, I am…aware of that. Let’s try to avoid hostility though, if at all possible.