[Feedback Thread Continued Part IV] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Thanks, same to you.

In b4 Blizzard pins this.

Bump! Because this is going to be the new pinned thread!

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Might wanna check it out?
I had to speak my mind, Mercy is something I am very passionate about, and would love for her to be more enjoyable.

A community ran megathread?

Now we are censoring ourselves

You all know what i will say anyways, rez must be an ult, at all costs

Agreed, don’t see it any longer

It happens from time to time. It usually gets re-pinned a day or so later.

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It was suggested in nearly every part of the old feedback threads that her rez should:
a.) be an ultimate (tweaked and/or like before the rework) or
b.) be removed entirely from her kid

There were some awesome ideas like:

  • let her earn rez like a mini ultimate by accumulationg charge throuht healing/dmg boosting
  • current rez a “stackable” ult where you can accumulate up to 3 rez charges and valkyrie (greatly nerved with range falloff etc) as new e abbility

but non of the really great concepts (and i don’t mean ppl calling to get mass rezz back) was accepted or even read by maybe blizzard.

for example: there was a recently locked thred innitialy trying to proofe the uselessness of mercy mega thread.
they where mostly posting useless stuff that was just flaming which is why it gets locked but one user (aria rose) made a video actually explaining why our feedback wasn’t read by blizzard’s devs - YouTube

the 2 most active dev’s in the forums are Jeff and mr Goodman
Jeff has 5.1k read posts
Mr Goodman 6.9k read posts

and i know they couldn’t (and shouldn’t) only read “our” mercy related feedback and also should spend most of thair time developing/balancing but:

there where 43k post only on the megathreads + nearly 50k posts not in the mega threads and lets say our hard working community managers where sorting out the best 1 to 5% (1k - 5k posts) of the posts and relay them to the developement department. They the would read the posts and discuss them.

but these 1-5k posts is mostly the number of postts read by the dev’s for thair whole forum activity …

i don’t want to blame anyone or want to get attention i don’t deserve.
i just don’t fell like our feedback matters anymore and like i said before i get the most fun playing mercy in her current state with just pure battle mercy.

so my oppinion (with a little bit or sarcasm) remove mercy from the healing category and make her a full fledged dps ^^


Mercy for DPS! >:D Yaaas.

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I would actually laugh so hard.

Edit: Oops, I double posted. Oh well.

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I’d be very surprised if so :stuck_out_tongue:

This all feels so pointless >.<

See https://www.vg247.com/2018/07/20/sombra-infinite-invisibility-stealth-overwatch-patch/amp/
Straight from the horse’s mouth:

“The majority of people we’ve shown this to have told us it’s terrible but they’ll come around!”

It’s official; your feedback here doesn’t matter.


:rofl: this would be why the game is dying. if you don’t listen to your players they leave.

revert mercy
give me upvotes xdd


It doesn’t work like that - you need to end the post the proper way, like this!

Hail Hydra!


Didn’t you know? Blizzard always knows what’s best. We players don’t have a darn clue. How honored we should be to have such amazing devs! Unquestionably put your trust in them, and everything will work out just perfectly!

(Sarcasm in case it wasn’t obvious enough)

The Winston thing is an issue… but here is the thing… why bother solo focusing the target she is healing and why not, just go for Mercy herself…

I know… she can escape blah blah blah… but if your team mates aren’t going to assist, then do the best thing for the team and try to kill Mercy.

People keep ignoring her and that in itself is a fundamental problem.

Also I frown upon pocketing… like Mercy works better assisting the whole team rather than baby sitting one person. The reason I go Mercy is because I don’t have to concern myself with how well the sub healer is doing, as Mercy I am good enough to solo heal unless I get singled out and focused upon.

It isn’t Mercy fault for enabling Toxic meta’s/combo’s but rather her team mates for thinking it is a 100% fail proof plan to go toxic combo.


So this is become unpinned to avoid those that flag it? Interesting.

Some interesting suggestions here. Anyway…

I’m not so sure if it’ll be re-pinned this time. On the last two occasions it was unpinned there was no indication within the megathread as to when it was unpinned or who did it. This time however it clearly says our community manager unpinned it. It’s quite possible that they’ve accepted defeat, or simply become fed up with the way the megathread keeps getting flagged constantly.

Either way I hope I never see a stickied megathread return for a long time, or even another megathread misused in such a way (to censor discussion on a hero from the main forum and for damage control).

Going back to the topic, nerfing Mercy any further on her current rework is a serious mistake. They need to rework her but most importantly the two aspects which need to be focused on are her ultimate ability (valkyrie) and her current standard ability (resurrect). The former is weak while the latter is too strong.