[Feedback Thread Continued Part IV] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

the thing is… nerfing mercy health won’t change the way how the DPS players will play. They won’t play around you so they will still spam that space bar and blink and dodge the Ana darts, they will still rush recklessly and take as much damage as possible and won’t let you heal them and they will still stand at a choke refusing to be aggressive and stall so long to charge up ult (to look cool) and waste your heal supply when you are on Moira.

I hope so because recent ones I have been in are quite meh at best.

So interesting point to make… this is related to Ana more than anything else.

So people keep saying Mercy is a must pick and how trash Ana is… so what I don’t understand is that Ana lands a CRUCIAL Sleep dart on a M.V.P target who low health and can basically die with a single shot and punch…

Yet she waits for Sleep Dart to expire whilst her team mates is dying… like waking a target that isn’t going to die in a few hits is understandable but waking a target knowing you can kill them is way too acceptable… because that puts you straight back into the game.

The enemy Ana I fought waited and as a result she did nothing (and she was main healer) and 3 of her team mates died… but they manage to get a good ult so it was a win for them.

But when I asked about it… our teams Ana and the Ana on the enemy team had no reasonable excuse and after realising how stupid of a mistake they’ve made, they tried to justify it with a failed reasoning.

Like I wouldn’t be bringing this up, if it wasn’t an issue but I feel like it is a subconscious trend amongst us supports like the moment I dart someone, I would get really conscious about them but at same time I need to learn how to kill them myself so that i can get back into the game quicker.

Also… just completed a game on 300~600 ms ping… not sure why the latency lag occured (was playing just fine) but I ended up as a back fill and team work sucks because of over extension but 60HPS made all the difference… totally carried with healing, laggy GA and Damage Boosting Valkyrie…

… wonder if they trying to nerf heals to make damage boosting viable… Mercy going to be Neo Lucio XD…

I was talking about the wing hitbox ^^’

And still, no one wants to acknowledge the fact that other supports have much more damage potential than Mercy. I mean, Mercy has high mobility because if she were to be flanked by say, a Genji… She would need to either land 5 head shots or 10 body shots. Ana needs to land 3 body shots, and also has her sleep and grenade.
I actually made a table detailing some of the things each support could do if they happened to be flanked.

The more I think about it, the more I think that Blizz should have balanced the supports before adding any more. It doesn’t seem like they even have a clear idea as to how they should or want to balance the supports. Everything made more sense when we had pre-rework Mercy, Zen, Lucio, and Ana… I miss the good ol’ days.

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Honestly… it feels like this is going more and more towards DPS’ing more…

Everyone except Mercy is technically a Sub-Healer for specific scenarios. They aren’t designed to carry on support or replace Mercy as a reliable support

But you are right, all the other supports has high DPS potential at the expense of their Healing… yet we have Ana’s just TB’ing their sleep victims instead of providing support or finishing off their opponents

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Yes, thank you! This is what I’ve been trying to say since they started calling her out for being too good of a healer or whatever. She has such low damage potential compared to the other supports, and can’t heal and damage at the same time. We just need another healing-focused support to compete with her.

Have you seen this in comp? Because I could definitely see this happening in qp…

A minority of us already knew this… it’s just… people were too hyped up to see it until constant changes and terrible attempts at fixing something occurs.

That is when people actually start to doubt and question Game Developers and will soon realise that something isn’t right.

Like Moira was a golden opportunity… a lot of people were very hyped about her, claiming she can replace Mercy, how she a Raw Healer, how damage dealing OP she is… but reality was… Moira was far inferior to Mercy.

Her Healing has limits and the reason people were going Aggressive Moira, was because she could kill better than some of the DPS players on the team, but also because she had ran out of healing and needed to recharge and is trying to keep a balance of Healing/Damage Dealing.

But yeah a few months ago, we even suggested that, that we needed another Healing Specialist… a number of ideas for Mercy was to make her into a Buffer/Debuffer but quite frankly we could apply that to a new Healer, someone that can provide consistent healing whilst specialising in status effects.

Yes… at my rank… quite frankly the Ana’s aren’t that great… I don’t bother using her because Genji’s, Winston and Tracer keep dodging my shots to heal them.

And ones I do face just sleep dart and ignore or sleep dart, wait, attack and then I either lose the fight and die or I beat them.

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People need to realize Mercy has been, and may still be after the nerfs, the best healer in the game. Yes, other healers have the potential to beat her out in value, but in a majority of team comps Mercy’s been almost a must pick throughout every level of play.

Now, Mercy’s role on a team is the pocket healer, since her GA allows her to seamlessly swap between supporting here have her supporting a ranged dps in the backline, or a tank in the frontline, which no other support can do as easily. On the live servers, she is able to heal 60 per second, which is equal to Winston’s taser. This means that she is able to completely negate his healing, even if Mercy get’s back to Winston’s target at the last second. This completely ruins Winston’s role as an anti sniper. In addition, with the double sniper meta currently dominating on live, Mercy can easily escape flankers if she flies between snipers and tanks. Then there is Res, the best part of Mercy’s kit, is still going to be the most powerful ability in the game. Pros and GM’s refer to it as a ult on cool down, because she can negate picks that would otherwise shut down a push or create an opening.

Because of all this, Mercy is enabling a toxic meta that makes playing a tank hero extremely unfun, as we are basically just playing protect the president(s) with snipers instead of bastion, rather than being active in pressuring the back-lines or front lines like we want to. This nerf will mean pocketing these snipers (and zen) is much more costly, and rewards teams that execute a good dive, which is currently not happening on the live version.

Dang, the thread locked again. Better nerf Greninja and Mercy.

Wow, I don’t know who hired you, but I’m a huge fan of your sense of humor! haha, glad to see Blizz hired someone with jokes. You’re definitely one of my fav mods on this forum James!


I’m trying to figure out how exactly this relates to what I said above. Sure, she probably will. In that exact post I made the table in, I detailed why I believed she would still be meta… Her Rez and Damage Boost. Sure, it could help WInston out a bit… But if Mercy damage boosts said sniper, or decides to pull out her pistol to help out, that Winston’s just as good as dead anyway. It’s just dumb that she has an ultimate that Winston counters. And if you think about it, Winston essentially counters every support now.

No one actually asked for this rework. I never wanted Rez on cd, and never wanted my favorite hero to get completely screwed up by some odd, unnecessary rework. She could have easily been balanced before.

And just so you know, I’m not exactly opposed this nerf because she’s no longer solely a single target healer.

Jelly is just checking in, how is everyone👌

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I’m tired =_=

But I can’t sleep in this heat

Yes! I’d love to see this become a thing. Because sure, I like to do a little damage here and there… But I just enjoy healing. It’s why I’ve played Mercy so much. If we had a hero like this, I would likely play them both a lot. :heart:

Good, just relaxing.

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Jelly, my most healing done in match is now with Ana instead of Mercy, 17 446 (800 better than my Mercy)! :smiley:

Wow, thats amazing. Nice job😄


Also I was going to type this, my favorite girl in fire emblem fates was Charlotte, and also my gf was jealous of her.

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Dropping in again to say that rez on E was a terrible idea! Mercy needs help ASAP!

Hey, is it just me, or has the official mercy megathread been unpinned?


Wow, nice, good choice☺️

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