Indeed. I’ve received the most likes from Rixt, so a big thanks to them.
I want Mercy to get a Regina George skin Imagine her dancing to Jingle Bell rock.
Aw, thanks everyone!
It’s great to read all your posts on Mercy, so keep it up!
Ah, but you’re rixt, I also receive likes from you, thanks also from me
I sent you a friend request, I don’t know if you can see it since I am from EU, but I would be happy if you accepted.
A long-time lurker has revealed themselves!
Please revert mercy…
The anniversary, huh?
At least we stole the show.
fingers crossed for some big mercy news in the dev update this week! everyone pray for a revert
That’ll happen when pigs fly
Mercy revert happens and Roadhog gets Valkyrie!
In valk roadhog spread is gone and his shots are hitscan make it happen blizz
I dont see roadhog flying yet
I think Mei can arranged that.
Well dang I guess Jeff will mention mercy in the next dev update will probably just be shut up shes fun and balanced you dont know what youre talking about
Thats not going to stop me or this thread.
Seems 20 000 posts really isn’t the limit for how many posts can exist in a thread on this forum since we are now at 20225
Woah wow have another mega Mercy thread that will get ignored? Can we get original valk back so we can have an ultimate that is at least fun since mas res got taken?