[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’ve mained Mercy since I got the game. I make it work but it’s irritating knowing I could have done more had this nerf not come through. Though at this point I don’t have any hope of them reverting it so I’ll just deal. It’s what I’ve been doing since 2.0 hit :slight_smile:

Well with Titanium’s thread being number 1 all time hopefully they will see most of the community agrees.

Did you guys play Mercy 1.0? I only was around to play Valk Mercy with 2 rez charges. How was it playing her?

Now that you mention that “nothing in return” I remember that I had always seen a pattern in blizzard balancing and that was if they were going to tweak down something about a hero’s kit they’d be sure to tweak something up elsewhere in their kit. ( think when mercy got her old og rez nerfed and her healing increased to compensate or widow’s body shot damage nerfed but hs multiplier increased or zarya’s recent changes; I’m not saying that this was/is true to every nerf but it was something about a good amount of them. It was like “balancing” the power of the hero.) For mercy it kinda was like that until that flat, out of nowhere BASE healing nerf, without anything to compansate that. I was surprised when I saw that cause base number adjustments like damage and healing numbers rarely get changed.

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I never got to play Mercy 1.0, too. But i really love the idea of an ultimate that counter mindless ultimate spamming. It could save us from so many headaches and boring meta comps…


Personally i player her on my cousins xbox a few times before invincible mass rez and even though she wasnt played often i thought she was so much fun to play.

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I adored Mercy 1.0 She could have used something to spice up her kit but I feel rez was way more balanced as an ult since it IS such a powerful ability. And her ult felt very rewarding to pull off properly. She was all in all more involved compared to how she is now, imo!


Yes, I think that she was more engaging back then as you had to be near the fight and all. Now you litteraly are encouraged to run away from the fight


Mercy 1.0 was my favourite character to play by far within the entire cast, but I always found myself bullied off of playing her so over time I evolved into an Ana main. However, when Mercy 2.0 was released I was allowed to play her whenever I wanted so I returned to my roots of being a Mercy main. For me, by far, Mercy 1.0 > Mercy 2.0


Damn 500 posts in just a few hours, only a matter of time before we finish this thread.

So far so good. My thoughts on Valkryie:

  • No chain heal
  • Increase HP/second to 90-100 (from 50)
  • Increase duration to 20 seconds (from 15)
  • Everything else remains the same

She becomes a strong single target healer, which is her niche to begin with.

So, Mercy just dropped below D.va in pickrate
Link: gyazo [DOT] com/cc80ee116ec4fd36b5d49c5fe704f485
…and has the 3rd lowest winrate of the game(Right after Rog and Sombra in the Nerf-club)
Link: gyazo [DOT] com/c94a8e74dede34d56523ce83f0034e6b

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By .01%

and D.Va has a lot less competition for her slot given Hammond (to an extent) and Hog.
Despite this respectable pickrate, she has only 1% lower winrate than Ana.


Blizzard, when will you stop f*cking up our long time favorite healer? It’s nice that you want to give other healers a chance but please leave our HEALER alone, Mercy heals and boosts damage, doesn’t fight the enemy. That’s why her new ult doesn’t work for her, she’s supposed to sit back and heal her team, leave the fighting from supports to everybody else please.

Stop f*cking our beloved healer up even more, her quote “Hero’s never die!” ended up being a lie, she’s dead now. The “rework” started her death, the long chain of nerfs to follow after it killed her more and more. S t o p I t P l e a s e .


fix doomfists cratered achievement from 6 to 4. or make it to kill 2 players at the same time. or make it kill 6 over the duration of one game.

#Revert Mercy
please blizz

-signed, a tired, ex mercy main


TBF Valk does infact let mercy sit back and heal everyone…

Is anyone else shook that the Megathread isn’t locked rn

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I kind of think everyone is.

Too weak for an ultimate, 100 hp/s is something Moira and Ana go over consistently by pressing nade or orb and holding M1 afterwards. Plus without chain beams her damage boost gets 0 changes whatsoever.

What do you mean? it i–
oh, you mean this one