[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Wait, how long have we been open now?



Yes, but the risks outweigh the reward when you go battle Mercy while Valking. Your 20hps regen is nothing to help you survive focused fire from one dps. Plus 20 damage per bullet is not that great to kill someone who’s getting healed.

We are still in business. Unfortunately I have to go for the night. GN y’all! Keep up the good thoughts for Mercy!


About 3-4 hours, very weird.

Gn thanks for the feedback!

I can see where your coming from however with certain dps on the other team it is very worth going battle Mercy at this point imo.

Most recent nerf being 60 heals per second to 50 heals. I’m not digging this most recent change. I notice it way more than I thought and it makes Mercy feel so frustrating to play.

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Oh trust me, going Battle Mercy is a valid strat. Once I valked from spawn amd killed 3 people while my team was doing god knows what and saying: “did we just do this? Oh nvmd”

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Why is the Blizz forums trying to suggest the terrible “Stop the Mercy Spam” thread???

LMAO i did the same thing to a Zen and Ana then we won the match, that was the first time in a while i felt impactful as Mercy.

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I’m surprised it hasn’t been flagged down yet…

From what ive noticed it seems people who mained Mercy before the nerf notice it but do well and people who didnt play Mercy before feel it and dont do good at all.

I’ve mained Mercy since I got the game. I make it work but it’s irritating knowing I could have done more had this nerf not come through. Though at this point I don’t have any hope of them reverting it so I’ll just deal. It’s what I’ve been doing since 2.0 hit :slight_smile:

Well with Titanium’s thread being number 1 all time hopefully they will see most of the community agrees.

Did you guys play Mercy 1.0? I only was around to play Valk Mercy with 2 rez charges. How was it playing her?

Now that you mention that “nothing in return” I remember that I had always seen a pattern in blizzard balancing and that was if they were going to tweak down something about a hero’s kit they’d be sure to tweak something up elsewhere in their kit. ( think when mercy got her old og rez nerfed and her healing increased to compensate or widow’s body shot damage nerfed but hs multiplier increased or zarya’s recent changes; I’m not saying that this was/is true to every nerf but it was something about a good amount of them. It was like “balancing” the power of the hero.) For mercy it kinda was like that until that flat, out of nowhere BASE healing nerf, without anything to compansate that. I was surprised when I saw that cause base number adjustments like damage and healing numbers rarely get changed.

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I never got to play Mercy 1.0, too. But i really love the idea of an ultimate that counter mindless ultimate spamming. It could save us from so many headaches and boring meta comps…


Personally i player her on my cousins xbox a few times before invincible mass rez and even though she wasnt played often i thought she was so much fun to play.

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I adored Mercy 1.0 She could have used something to spice up her kit but I feel rez was way more balanced as an ult since it IS such a powerful ability. And her ult felt very rewarding to pull off properly. She was all in all more involved compared to how she is now, imo!


Yes, I think that she was more engaging back then as you had to be near the fight and all. Now you litteraly are encouraged to run away from the fight