[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

The flag option on individual posts still shows for me but you can’t flag the thread post itself.

EDIT: Nevermind I now see the flag option for the thread.

EDIT 2: This is becoming predictable, the megathread is locked again. I guess this shows players are becoming fed up with the way the Overwatch team has ignored our feedback and neglected and poorly handled the Mercy rework (including the upcoming nerf).

oh it’s back again!!

Wait… You could do that? I thought flagging the blue/orange posts were forbidden.

you can’t flag their posts, but it seems like you can flag their threads.

I’m on mobile, so things are probably different for me, but I can’t see the flagging option on the main post.

This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

You must keep your staff on the corpse for 5 out of the 10 seconds that it lays there. They do not have to be consecutive seconds. There will be a little UI bar indicating how much more time you need to hold left click down on the dead ally. Same cool down, or change it a little bit, either way.

Are you acutally serious? Why not just make it so it kills her when she’s rezs


Sure why not, throw it in the mega void, I’m sure it will be just as acknowledged as the rest of the feedback there.


To be fair, 98% of the feedback there isnt worth acknowledgement

One mans opinion, anyway

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Repeat this idea back to you and legitimately ask yourself if this is a good idea. If you’re still thinking if is, stop it. Get some help.


So this suggestion will be right at home then?


So… her rez should take longer than a respawn where you’re down a medic for the interim who dies to any charge/explosive/sniper/etc?

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

Wonder who keeps flagging this thread.


This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

Pin this back, right now.

or are you gonna act like you have done everything u can even tho u ignroed the 140k comments + the countless threads about mercy giving feedback.


Please forum mods dont let it be flagged everytime. Its a megathread. It needs to stay pinned.

EDIT: If mods and devs really care about this megathread then they remove the flag option from it. But no. They not.