[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Reduce the healing but there needs to be a balancing act with rag doll effects from ccing abilities. AKA Reinhardt flying all over the map. Winston gets hit with rag doll as well but has a way out of it with leap.

Again, I just want to see more comps, synergy, and overall something anything different in makeup. Mirroring the other team should never be an option as a counter. I support the supports and want to see them being brought up to the level of never being asked to swap because X is better.

Ana hasn’t recovered since the nerf to her bionade and gun damage.

Honestly I’m okay with her getting her old grenade back I think with her lowered damage to enemies it means she isn’t such a threat to flanker meaning she can be eliminated easier stopping the heals

But I do think with the addition of Brigitte she’d be broken because of repair pack and grenade and Brigitte synergy with rein and ability to destroy flankers so maybe they should tone something down?

Honestly I think they need to buff sleep dart, part of her problem is how unreliable she is, making her more reliable should help bring stability.

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I actually don’t want her old nade back, too much power is invested in that thing. Maybe some small buffs, but nothing like it was. I’d rather they look more to her kit as a whole than make her dependent on one thing. There are so many frustrating aspects about playing Ana that I would want them to deal with first!

Awe look at is thinking rationally. Quite proud :)))

Plus i think ana players should really be here to discuss her as they play her and know her the best (my problems with forums is blizzards takes the feedback from players who don’t play that hero e.g mercy and sombra and not the people who main them)

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That’s why you nerf her healing, and not her survival. She wouldn’t be “helpless” because of that insane survival.

But she wouldn’t always be the most effective healer option.
Which is the goal, in balancing healers.

They can always reduce her damage boost from 30% to 20%~25%, but increase it to 35%~40% during Valkyrie.

While they do that, boost Zenyatta’s orb damage but reduce the discord affect to 20%~25%.

But honestly, the reason why Mercy is powerful is because Res is a powerful ability, and I hate it if they do decide to remove it from the game because it’s like her signature.

PS: I like that idea about res being resource base. I don’t mind if nothing is changed for Zenyatta too, since he’s my favourite healer character.


Yeah removing resurrect would really be one of the worst things they could do, its literally what makes mercy mercy, might as well remove Reinhard shield or give Hanzo a laser rifle.


I think her shots should pierce Barriers but do less healing to allies and the damage that would hit the barrier only.

Easier way to put it she only heals through Barriers but with lower healing and she can’t damage through them.

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Honestly she probably doens’t need to do reduced healing through barriers, would be pretty average with just piercing. (looking at the charts above)

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Understandable I didn’t see those beforehand

Have those numbers of yours for healing changed greatly since Mercy 1.0?

Dunno, these are from Feb2018.

Either way, wouldn’t simple math indicate that if you reduce healing by 1/6th.

That a healer’s total output would be 1/6 less?

Many have given up long ago with bothering to post feedback or suggestions for Mercy because they’ve realised the megathread’s intentions aren’t exactly true. It’s mainly there for damage control reasons and to ignore the lack of success the rework has been. Some however will continue trying and hoping either a rework or revert will happen eventually, even a year later and counting.

She needs a rework, not even more nerfs on a bad rework. Nothing about her standard kit has really changed, the problems created by the rework are:

  • Resurrect being a standard ability, an ability which has the potential impact of an ultimate ability
  • Valkyrie being an ultimate ability, an ability which actually has the potential impact of being slightly better than a standard ability (excluding Hanzo’s Storm Arrows, but that’s something that needs nerfing) but definitely not an ultimate ability
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I’m asking because last time I checked her healing hasn’t changed since 1.0 days, and 1.0 days had a LOWER pickrate then we have now, if I must find the stats I can but if the healing has changed in negligable ways you’d think that her healing output isn’t hte problem we are having.

The problem isn’t so much the healing, it’s that Mercy either has too many strengths, or not enough weaknesses.

And nerfing healing would have a better impact than nerfing her survival or rez.

Because her survival is already really high, and average rez per game is only 6. So it would have to be a really strong nerf before it would have an impact.

And because we’ve already tried nerfing her rez a lot, and nerfing her survival would impact lower ranks a lot more than higher ranks.

LOL. Just shows that the devs don’t have a clue. Of course her winrate will be ~50% if she is basically in both teams every game, LOL.

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It’s actually probably because this is what healer pickrate looked like 6 days before Jeff said Mercy seems fine.

30th Mai, was that when Moira was still able to heal through shields? If so then I get it.