I just wanted to point it out because Mercy often get overly generalized, and I felt I had to point out that she’s not the only one with “easy healing”. Really, only Ana among all supports has a difficult time healing I would say.
I hope Mercy doesn’t get nerfed again. That’s because she’s my favorite character…
Seems just enough to make her as needed as she was in the Battle Moth state.
I really do not like the idea of any the support filling an off-healer role. This needs to be a role filled by a damage/dps character such as 76, Brig, and so on. The characters that fall into the support tag should have a kit as good if not equal to that of Mercy.
I think mercy concept guy should be used as another talon healer like mercy but that’s my opinion (focused on pure heals but different iconic abilities and such just infinite heals)
I already did stop playing her not in protet but because I cannot stand playing her, Fortuantely I’m more then happy to try and make Moira work and I’m also a flex so can’t call it throwing
Off-healing is a term that sprouted out out of Zen and Lucio (despite both having low healing numbers and both having seen time to shine with those healing numbers)
The correct term is Utility support as both instead of providing raw heals they provide other utility that only they can give, Zen is Discord and Lucio is speed boost, both of which can grant huge advantages but are a supportive style power
If ever we see a Shield based healer like what Sym was supposed to be or some other non healing hero in the support category that is what they fall into.
Its just enough as she has resurrect in her pocket, its the combination of resurrect & Valkyrie that makes her so useful.
I would rather they bring up the other support to Mercy/Zen level. Than they need to consider comp/synergy with other characters first before adding new healers to this salty soup. I believe this is the biggest issue with OW.
Blizzard really needs to think about how can we bring the supports up to par. Redesign the ultimates if they have to but their should be more comps that can counter than what we have now. I believe Lucio should be an effective health stacking healer while in his AoE. This would make RH look very attractive as one of his tanks. Just consider how can we bring up the other supports and also add other characters to new makeups.
EeveeA suggested making Mercy’s res resource-based. Heal more/damage boost more, you earn your resurrect - similar to Torbjorn’s armor.
I feel like that’d fix things. Downtime? Mercy doesn’t make that much progress on her resurrect. She isn’t rewarded for not doing anything, like a static cooldown is currently doing.
Then we get to an issue of too much healing.
XI thought it’d itd it quite cool for lucio to get a speed boost and heal rework.
I thought that the more of the team inside lucio aura wouls increase his speed boost and healing and AOE radius, This gives the inscentive of GROUP WITH LUCIO FOR GOOD HEALS TO EVERYONE but it might lead to lucio being a op must pick but meh we can work the kinks out on the ptr
Could get behind that as long as its a decently long charge rate and not instant.
please nerf mercy 20
We are already there and there is too many barriers/shields.
@Tom1315 - I agree I believe everyone knows Lucio/Ana needs some love.
The way EeveeA explained it, at its best, it would be the 30 seconds that the static cooldown has by consistently healing/damaging boosting your team.
When she dies and she has to walk back, she won’t get much. So it would inherently be longer when she’s not participating, but similar to what it is now when she’s actively in the fight.
Stop asking for nerfs which wouldnt even solve any of the problems but delay ANOTHER nerf in the next few months and ask for a rework that WOULD ADDRESS THE PROBLEM instead.
If healing is reduced than literally no one will be playing tank anymore, healing is higher that it used to be, but damage is so plentiful and high that tanks need it to operate or get universal shield buffs across the board.
I believe most in this thread are asking for the other supports kits to be brought up to par.
Only heroes that WOULD need those are Ana and Lucio. Thats it, but even then they still wont be much of a competition with the way rez works on a cd as her base kit outshines a lot of others.
Indeed as much a sense I can’t play ana she needs the most love considering her kit is naturally flawed but lucio needs the love too. I mean he’s my fav dj