Stop Calling for mercy Nerf

Because it’s not going to happen
However disconnected Blizzard have been with Mercy’s design even they have to know what everyone who plays Mercy knows, and that is no meaningful nerf to her can be made that won’t make the her feel helpless to play. With a Mega-thread being kept alive by people who already feel disempowered when they play this hero it’s a very clear dynamic

We all just have to get onto the same page with this, this rework was bad design from the get go and we need to do some kind of new rework that takes the lessons learned from both 1.0 and 2.0

As far as I can tell here are the lessons we’ve learned
From 1.0 we learned

  1. . Rez must have counterplay built into it in some fashion or a heavy cost (like 5 man rez costing the life of the main healer as was the case pre invuln)
  2. Rez as an ult cannot be the only thing Mercy has going for her (as was seen by the fact pre invuln Mercy needed buffs)
  3. Rezzing an entire team has to be some kind of play that would require similar skill to a six man genji blade, or else we will encourage it as a cheese strat.(as seen with the HIde’n’rez phenomenon

Lessons from 2.0

  1. Tempo Rez is ridiculously OP - thus it cannot be something that can be done consistently, connecting rez to an ult in some way shape or form and giving it varied value is so far the best solution to this we know of. (As seen by the fact even a heavily nerfed 2.0 Mercy with Rez on Cooldown is still a must pick)
  2. Ults that last longer then 8 seconds will never feel like an ult unless they are OP beyond belief. (It might be “decent” but it’s powerful feeling is the same as passive ults that don’t c hange the heroes mechanics and don’t make the base kit easier to use like Nano boost or super charger)
  3. Angel Hop is a fun mechanic and adds some extra layer of skill, we need more of these subtle things that add skill cieling to the hero. (Just in general we need to add skill cieling to the hero)

So there we go, instead of calling for more number nerfs why don’t we make everyone happy and come up with idea’s for a new rework. If I missed any lessons we should have learned from either 1.0 or 2.0 please feel free to tell me and I will add them.