I’m going to need an actual explanation on that one Quizzy, can you elaborate?
What we really need is to remove her
Jk she needs another rework…
That Mercy had a set of weaknesses from start (single target healing, prioritization, team dependence) and then they give her an ult that basically gives all of that the finger.
Why not remove res and replace it with a damage reduction ultimate.
Her ult line is “heroes never die” not “heroes die sometimes and I bring them back”
The ultimate line that Mercy mains oh so love, doesn’t even make sense.
Last update regarding her was on May. I don’t think they plan on another rework anytime soon.
I might be among the few people who’d be able to swallow that pill if it came to removing rez, but many players and blizz themselves believe it shouldn’t be gone, and in a game where ultimates like Rip Tire and all those other neigh guaranteed kill ultimates I don’t see how rez can’t exist in some form.
Then there only other option is to buff all the other healers except Zen because a nerf to Mercy is off the table unless blizzard are really that disconnected from how Mercy plays
Guys, come hang out with me in the Mercy Fanclub, and don’t let the haters get to you. Mercy fans never die.
Just keep in mind in May her pickrate was totally ok. And surprisingly, just after Jeff’s word, she went up again.
Basically, expect current Mercy to stay for another year or so.
Mercy mains get more depressed with every nerf
Non-Mercy mains get depressed over the fact that all of these nerfs won’t stop her dominating because she needs another change
Pretty much this,
Either they buf all the other healers to ridiculous amounts or they rework mercy with the lessons I’ve mentioned in the OP
The community cant even agree what makes her OP
Res in general in any form
Or the best consistent healing in the game with the least effort to do it.
Most players just want the other support’s kits to rise to the level of Mercy’s. People are tired of the same song and dance. Bring back reasons to experiment, counter, and not having to mirror the other team. Playing UltWars is ruining the game.
Well blizzard have to know it’s rezzurect, why? Because 1.0 Mercy only thrived below plat and that’s because she’s the only main healer with a skill floror to be consistantly played (with her only competition at the time being Ana)
Not against this either, Lucio and Ana could use some tweaking for sure and Moira needs a bit of help (first step is undoing that “bug fix”
Just saying in this thread Nerfing Mercy is not a solution, she’s survived so many nerfs already and so many people already feel like the hero feels helplesss (even if she’s not) that any nerf ot the actual power would only make it worse
I thought they kept it alive to throw Mercy topics into there as a garbage bin.
- Res being an E, delivered to you on a silver platter every 30 seconds, no matter how good you are.
- Making an ultimate which eliminates Mercy’s flaws.
An opinion, many others have a different one.
I don’t quite agree - Zen’s healing is a “throw and forget” orb and Lucio can just switch to his aura and be in the vicinity of his team. I’d say mechanically the healing is easier for the both of them, although their kits as a whole are not easy to manage.
Well I’m just reading and waiting to see how how long before the mods either close this thread or merge it with mercy Mega thread…
I don’t see the point, I gave up on mercy being fun and balanced a while back why are people so attached. Let thme nerf her make her trash tier. Then watch them try and deal the backlash considering mercy players make up a large portion of the community. Want mercy noticed then stop playing her to show the dissatisfaction you feel with her state. They can’t ignore facts that’s she’s no true being picked
Mechanically sure I guess, but off healers and main healers can’t really be compared.
Pure numbers, Mercy wins with Moira (before the “bug fix”) slightly behind. Now she has a distinct lead in overall healing.
A new ultimate would be pretty fun, the thing is about Valkeryie, while it removes Mercy’s weaknesses, it doesn’t really give her any strengths, she’s just harder to kill and has aoe healing now(damage boost is pretty ridiculous though).