Right up there with my personal fav “mercy has been nerfed so many times, we shouldnt nerf her anymore” Oh jesus, it was just used as I typed this
Previous nerfs don’t mean more nerfs aren’t necessary.
Lucio and Ana were perfectly viable before Mercy 2.0. Mercy 2.0 is OP, not the other way around.
Mercy doesn’t need another nerf on an already bad rework, she needs to be reworked again. She’s had enough nerfs on this rework and there’s little left to really nerf at this point. Resurrect on E is a big part of the problem, a fixed 30 second cooldown on such a powerful ability… an ability which has the equivalent impact that most other ultimate abilities have in this game. While Valkyrie, laughably called an ultimate ability, is more like a standard ability in terms of the potential impact it offers.
Yes, I am perfectly okay with that. Single target ult + valk as an ability.
If single target resurrect was to be her true ultimate ability then I feel it would have to be a little more imaginative than just “one man res” like the current resurrect is, unless you wish to slightly reduce the ultimate charge required for it instead. Valkyrie would also need nerfing in order for it to appropriately fit into the ‘E’ ability slot.
1500 pts, single target without as many range or cast restrictions.
No regen + other nerfs valk on ~5s duration and ~15s cooldown.
you cant blame people using her when the other main heals are unreliable and unselfsustainable
And out of all the supports, I played Lúcio and Brigitte the most in S10(which was sniper meta, although on console, most Hanzo/Widow players suck so I actually didn’t see it that much) and I had a pretty good start to the season, winning a fair amount of games compared to what I lost, and I had some clutch moments as Lúcio, but once Anniversary started(literally the day it started) I played 1 match where I carried as D. Va(it was on HLC, I only played D. Va, and I got 5 medals somehow, where my only medals that weren’t gold were Healing[I had 3, and in the last 20 seconds someone switched to Soldier and took the silver] and Damage, but I was the only Tank on our team, I went 39/2) and then it snowballed downhill from there because the game kept putting me in Rialto which at the time I was unfamiliar with, but now is a good Lúcio map for me, and I would have an instance at least once every 3-4 days where I would DC and be unable to join back in time, but I did derank to Silver at the end of the season so hopefully I can get my placements done tonight and place close to gold
Her winrate in gm is 50% so??
She is picked on both teams in GM. We have the Single-Team winrate for Mercy in OWL, and it is 56%.
In GM, her winrate is actually ~54%
I’m saying that most people haven’t started season 11. Coincidently, mercy was commonly picked by those who did start the start the season early. When more people start s11 those percentages will decrease.
It’s a joke guys. At least I hope it is lol.
Lol, this will be like her 11th nerf since the rework if they proceed with one…what an absolute failure
I fixed it for you. Hopefully now you can figure it out.
Honestly they just need to rework or revert her.
Ultimate: Go’s back to mass ressurect but requires LOS to use and ult charge decays if mercy doesn’t heal or damage boost enough
Valkyrie: Now her 2nd ability and lasts for 5 seconds and has a CD of 20 seconds. She now flies for a short period and her beam splits when she heals and damage boosts (Normal heal/damage boost rate).
Guardian Angel: Stays the same but she can still bunny hop .
Pistol: Fire rate increased. Gives her more of a chance to fend of any flankers.
Staff: Healing rate stays the same but Dmg boost rate decreased slightly. People feel as though her damage boost is too good.
Can you guys speculate this for me because my imagination is really dry.
Hey no need to get a tone with me because your post was worded poorly.
The funny thing is that pick-rates are not the statistic used to determine the power of something.
I’ll leave you guys to your little thread though, don’t worry.
Also, his stats are not even reliable because not everyone logs their stats onto Overbuff or other Overwatch statistics websites. Furthermore, most people have their profile hidden XD. This makes his stats even more unreliable.
I saw a good idea on reddit that iv also seen here mentioned a few times. Basically Valkyrie and mass rez combined. Can only rez 1 at a time during a 10 second ult but unlimited rezzes. So you could get a 5 man rez but you have to dive in 5 times unscathed to pull it off. Take rez of E and figure out something else.
Unlimited resses seems to OP. Also will the res be instant?
But Valkyrie is a buff, of course she’s going to be picked so much after they buffed her in attempt to rework her ultimate.
Honestly a revert would just be a nerf to her, turn her back into the single target healer/damage booster/rez bot that she was meant to be.