[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

  1. Lowering/increasing numbers wont make her any harder to play. Her base kit has always played the same, the only real adapting that took place was using rez on E and using valk, which lets be honest, neither are very hard to use well.

  2. No, nerfing her wont make her any less boring, but it will make her less picked, when means people can have fun on other supports.

Im sure most people would agree they would be happy to see another mercy rework and to get rid of rez entirely, or at least but it into her ult. Seems more likely that they would just nerf her numbers rather than another rework at this time. Nerfing mercy will allow other supports to be played, they will still have their problems and not be the best in certain situations, but at least there will be a choice, no more would it be pick mercy, oh we have a mercy, well pick zen too.

S11 just started so not many people have played comp so its make sense for mercy to have a high percentage.

Sure, mercy is stronger in comparison to other supports in this meta than she was in dive. Problem still remains, she was the best support in both in like every situation. Differing variants of being OP, still OP in both.

That doesn’t mean anything. At all.

If she wasn’t the only consistent healer, she wouldn’t be so highly picked. But since the Moira bug fix of healing through shields, she has no competition.

She’s not OP because her pick rates are so high and her win rates.

Other supports just can’t compete because they’ve been nerfed in ways that made them less viable. Heck, Ana used to RUN the meta and did so for a handful of seasons. But then Blizzard didn’t think it wise to let a tri tank meta go on, so they nerfed her ability to hold up any kind of team.

Lucio saw slightly lower pick rates after nerfing his aura radius, still viable, but not nearly as he once was. It was already declining though due to slowing him down a bit because of the Lucio race wars that went on.

Zen tends to suffer in Dive metas due to lack of mobility. He would have to defend himself quite often if he was being dove on, not everyone that played him was lucky enough to stay alive every time.

Moira came and rivaled Mercy
and then they nerfed (or rather fixed a bug) her and now she’s in the same ship as Ana. You can play her, but she doesn’t have the same effect as Mercy. She can’t reliably keep everyone up when there’s a shield stack on the enemy team and Genji/Doomfist is constantly being picked this season for whatever reason.

Brigitte can do big solo heals, but hers is dependent on a cool down. Her Inspire passive doesn’t heal enough to solo unless your team is really playing around your teams shield.

So, no, the ‘nerf Mercy’ option isn’t the only one you have. In fact, it wouldn’t help anything. It would just add her to the useless supports bin with literally every other healer.

Her pick/win rates are not because she’s super strong, it’s because everyone else in the same role is super weak.


Thank you 
 Like really ! I’ve been trying to explain the situation for so long 

There might also be a ptr change that hanzo’s dragonstrike can no longer be damage boosted. This means one part of mercy’s kit is not essential in victory condition in sniper meta, allowing other healers to substitute in mercy’s place more.

Hanzo is also getting a nerf on ptr, which only ever slightly reduces his elimination potential, but that’s hardly enough.

Doublesniper has too consistent damage for it’s capacity to ohko targets at any range due to Hanzo rework which used to be doublesniper weakness and far too little weaknesses overall now to be a balanced combination as they can’t be dived either to deter their actions. This forces too much value on resurrecting allies when the value should be on healing allies to get ultimate charge and keep them alive, as ressing is a far riskier maneuver and on a cooldown.

Nerf widow’s hook by 2 seconds and let hanzo only have 4 storm arrows and leap cooldown increased by 2 and then we’ll see once snipers do not dominate the meta and have more balanced pickrates, other healers can once again be played for the healing aspect and mercy nor zen are must picks but rather synenergy and counterpicks.

Oh and buff Ana and Lucio. Lucio’s sound barrier is garbage and it doesn’t counter burst damage lol. Ana can’t main heal since she has garbage self-sustain.


Think carefully
 and this time use atleast 10% of your brain cells.

It’s grounds for another rework, not another nerf

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This is from close to the end of season 5, its from august and mercy got reworked in sept. Ana was doing just fine at the top, obviously was doing worse at lower ranks but that will always happen with high skill heroes.

Lucio was still the best support in the game in season 5. He had his smaller range that entire season but it didnt hold him back at all, it was still pick lucio + 1 other support. As you can see in the graph he was the most picked. Lucio+zen for dive, lucio+ana for a non dive comp. Mercy was also played a lot but people were also being boosted by her sr gains and having a sub 50% win rate in top500. Either way, lucio still great then.

Im starting to think this is just a troll, the hero who has been played the longest in dive suffers in dive? It went from lucio and zen to mercy and zen, zen was the constant throughout the history of dive comps.

When moira came out she made no impact, mercy still had double instant cast rez in valk, there was no competing with that period.

Looks to me like the heroes were doing fine b4 mercy rework, or they came out being a pretty bad pick due to mercy being OP (aka moira)

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How does it make sense? Are Mercy mains inclined to play the game more? You haven’t said anything.

You are straight up acting like I said “lol, every other healer just sucks and stopped being usable because Mercy is best waifu”.

I never said they STOPPED being viable, I said they became LESS viable. There’s a difference. Also, Ana couldn’t hold up a team on her own unless you were an AMAZING Ana and could micromanage your entire team at least 80% of the time. Ana often needed the aid of someone with healing capabilities.

Yes, Zen suffers and yet flourishes in Dive meta. He can’t escape being dove ON but he is extremely helpful in helping the DIVERS. Zen is a double edged sword in that regard. He can hurt in dive but also be hurt in dive.

Are you kidding? Moira had a pretty significant impact upon arriving on the live servers. Until Mercy got pushed ahead of her when Moira started getting tweaks and nerfs so soon after being dropped in.

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This is from just b4 mercy got her instant rez taken away, sure looks like moira had a significant impact. The only nerf moira really got was just the other week, when she couldnt heal through barriers anymore.

Solo healing has almost never been ideal, who cares if they cant solo heal well on their own, solo healing is bad in 99% of situations.

Sure the other supports never stopped being “viable” they are just bad picks in comparison to mercy, and just weeks before the rework you saw their pick rates in the graph I linked earlier, they were all doing well. And well now you can see the one i Just linked from early january.

But we can stick our heads in the sand and pretend that mercy didnt push away all the other supports and she is “balanced” “the other ones just suck”

You need to educate yourself on Dive before you get into this discussion.

Why are you responding to me with that.

Can we please stop using pick rate as an excuse to nerf a character please. She is picked because there are only two main healers in the game: Mercy and Moira. The others just don’t have as much healing output and are considered “off healers”.

You want Mercy to be picked less? Add another main healer.

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Or at the very least, stop nerfing the ones we have.

Wrong person lol I meant to quote him, but I was trying to take it from your post.

Or nerf her.

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Lol the whole “just add another main healer” argument never gets old.

She has already been nerfed several times. Enough is enough. When the only other option as a main healer is Moira, there needs to be more viable options.