I don’t think it would be Op if it had like a half second cast time. You still need to entire a teamfight almost everytime you used a rez putting you in high danger. Also it solves the (perceived) problem of mercy letting her team die so she could rez. Also gets rid of the 30 second rez issue. The idea foundation is what I like, small adjustments to be made for sure but its been the best iv seen other than revert
I honestly would deal with a nerfed mass ressing mercy than a nerfed solo res every 30 seconds Mercy. You know how jarring it is to watch a mercy res a teammate that you tryharded to kill.
Mercy synergizes really well with long range DPS, like Widow and Hanzo. The same DPS that have been doing really well in the meta right now. So the correlation is there, the question is where the cause is. Are these DPS good because Mercy is good, or is Mercy used a lot because these DPS are really good right now?
I agree. 30 second rez is such a lazy and terrible idea. Valkyrie and 30 second rez made all of Mercy’s old weaknesses non-existant, and 30 second rez is more disheartening to play against than mass rez every other teamfight. Even then when mass rez was a thing if you played smart and didnt use all of your 4 ults you could easily bait it out of a Mercy and win the fight, which was very rewarding.
isn’t that what made valk with multiple rez’s op? That Mercy could extend the length of the fight multiple times? idk, don’t quote me
Most people didn’t have a hard time understanding it.
You only did because of your confirmation bias.
What statistic do you want to use, then?
Yeah and no, I think it was that fact that she had that ult but also still had rez on E at the same time. Getting rid of Rez on E is that main issue that they just refuse to admit.
there is a key difference
she was never picked in higher tiers
and there were LESS healers then then now
this makes it that this one is worse
because of the rework.
they ruined her balance instead of just tweaking her.
Don’t use statistics as a way to prove you point at all. It’s never going to be reliable as not every player is logged onto websites that record stats. This is why I never take people who argue that a hero is OP based on their overall played time seriously.
Yes, don’t you dare use numbers, you must use feelings like “it doesn’t feel powerful.”
This rework sure is a great way to watch Mercy’s pickrate jump around, huh?
Dude even before the private profiles they’d just ignore stats. You’re dealing with a bunch of people that have already concluded what they think, then they just argue feelings and anecdotes and maybe cite a stat of they feel it supports their case.
Many simply argue from the perspective of their “main” or their “role” and that’s about it. They approach a very complex game in very simplistic ways, thus why 1v1s come up so often in balance discussions. The game isn’t a series of 1v1s, its comps vs comps, etc etc.
I mean you’re fighting the good fight, but no one comes here to have their mind changed, they just come here to voice their views and feelings.
so… if after the MASSIVE amounts of nerfs she rebounded w/o a single buff since…maybe it isnt a MERCY issue in the end and an issue with the others?
Mercy is simple (simple. not no skill mind you as you can tell a good mercy from a bad very easily just by watching em) she always has been.
She has one job which she was built around. Healing.
Sure she has the abiltiy to buff damage but in the long run of a math the boosted damage is minimal and if she does it a lot that means the enemy team isnt enough of a threat to require her to be healing instead which is NOT her fault)
Every single other healer was designed to do other stuff than just heal.
Zen is the dmg debuff HoT while tossing out high damage healer.
Lucio is the group healer who can disrupt enemy positioning and comes with the benefit of speed boost aura.
Ana is technically the most health per second healer around in that she can combo her own kit abilities. She also comes with TWO forms of support. Sleep dart and her heal blocking.
Moira is the hybrid group healer/damage one. simple but effective. Also has her escape that has independent usage (meaning she doesnt require anyone else around to use)
Brig is the durable healer (think War Cleric). She has a shield, healing (not capable of burst healing or group healing), stun, and powerful damage combo.
As you can tell from the differences in them all Mercy is simply the most balanced (in her design to effect for those who would say she is OP) and consistent one around. In a game like OW where the battlefield changes in an instant having a predictable and less risky healer IS goign to be more effective than the healers who have the unpredictability in their healing output.
Zens isnt instant healing, Moira has a heal fuel tank limit, Lucio requires being in a specific range, Ana requires aim, and Brig has a cooldown.
She rebounded over Stage 2 with no patches at all. It is a “people have realized Mercy is good” issue, not a “Mercy became good” issue.
Don’t use numbers that are useless good sir.
mercy will ALWAYS be good…
there has never been a tiem she wasnt good since before she got the god mode during mass rez buff over a year ago.
When a hero after constant nerfs to nearly every bit of their kit gets back to their pickrate…that is a sign that “huh…maybe somethign is wrogn with the other supports” so they are picked more.
Please give me a statistic that you believe in then.
She was literally D-Tier with invuln before the rework…
Like I said I won’t use statistics to prove my point because they are overall unreliable… I will however say that if a hero is nerfed 9 times and still needs nerfing, she either needs a revert or a rework. Nerfing her again and again would be despairing to those who play her.
links a titanium post
I’ve read them all. There are exceptions to what I said around here, but they are just that. Exceptions.