[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

This would make sense if rein was viable in every single team comp you could think of.

Lol, I’ve never “flamed and reported” anyone for simply disagreeing with me, but okay. You can start making things up when you realize your argument doesn’t hold up, but don’t expect anyone to take you seriously. And I defend Mercy because straight nerfing her isn’t going to do any good. They either need to rework her or not touch her and fix the problems with the other healers, or preferably both.


I’ve been lurking this discussion and I just wanted to step in and say that this is very relevant here. I’ll be back to lurking now…

This used to be true. With the rework she gained the best utility in the game which was what she lacked prior to the rework, and all the things she was already the best at got even better with Valk. Mobility, self sustain, chain heals and chain damage boost without cooldown.

With the best skill in the game on 30 seconds, it would be more than fair to nerf her healing output. Though, the better solution would be to revert this terrible rework.

Mercy is fine. Seriously. She has consistent healing and damage boost as her utility. Resurrect is quite situational and everybody on the enemy team is salivating to kill her more than anyone else. Stop demanding nerfs on a character simply because you don’t like playing against her.

Which I agree with-- on reverting or reworking.

I don’t think we need to touch her values, because her values aren’t the root of the problem. It’s rez on a cooldown + other support’s current weakness. (whether meta-related or not)

It’s the same copy and paste threads that’s been appearing for the past month and the same copy and paste replies.

But were making so much progress!

Mercy’s healing output would be fine if her utility was limited - instead they gave her rez which rocketed her from “some utility” to “immense utility”.

Not to mention an ult that just laughs at everything that’s supposed to be her weakness.

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How about that guy you reported for calling you “toxic, salty jaded and jealous?”

You were arguing about smurfs and I was lurking.

Dude was trying to turn a negative (smurfs) into a positive and you called him a delusional nut bag.

As far as mercy goes, the mercy mains will defend her to the death, no matter how painfully biased their argument is or not.

Anyway, you are a mean forum troll and I will be ignoring you now. Goodbye once and for all!

Wow, someone got reported for breaking the rules and insulting someone? :thinking: A real injustice.

This certainly doesn’t reek of bias whatsoever. What’s i-ron-ing?

“Instead of actually discussing anything or backing up any of my claims, I’m going to call you names and run away!”
Wouldn’t expect much else from someone like you.

The thing is, res on a cooldown isn’t as broke as people think. If mercy wasn’t the best at everything else she does as well, teams would be forced to build around it while having that weakness to the team comp.

Kind of like dive built around discord in season 4 with Zen and Lucio being the healers, giving dive the weakness of not having enough healing to sustain a team fight… which made triple tank still a viable comp to run.

Mercy just kind of does everything, and easier. Take away some of the other things she’s the best at and res on cooldown wouldn’t be so broken.

but, that’s just one way to balance this new mercy if reverting her is completely out of the question.

You’re never going to be balanced with Rez + the ability to heal large amounts of damage without stopping.

Moira has to stop.
Lucio doesn’t have a large amount of healing unless it’s AOE.
Ana has to reload and can miss.
Brigitte has to be in range and requires hitting or to use a cooldown.

It’s horrible.

So change her entire kit to promote battle mercy?


  • Reduce healing to 55 hp/s
  • Reduce flight speed on GA to 15 from 20 meters per second
  • Reduce self healing to 15 HP/s instead of 20
  • Increase Valkyrie duration to 18 seconds from 15
  • Increase damage boost value to 35% from 30%

Hopefully these changes would make her less dominant as a healer and give others a chance at being a successful healer over her. Mercy has too many niches and thus she’s good in too many scenarios right now. Buffing one of her niches (damage boost) while nerfing another one of her niches (the ability to consistently heal and get to other allies) should increase competition between Mercy and other healers for top healing spot.

Mercy’s main role is consistent single target healing. We should be going closer to that, not further.

But she’s the only support who can do damage boost as well that’s not an ultimate.

Yet another one of her niches that nobody else has.

She also does the least direct damage out of all the supports, and has to spend the most time not doing her main duties to do so. Damage boost is valuable for securing kills, but she outright contributes less damage than every other support.
Her base kit isn’t the problem. It never has been. She wasn’t OP before her rework, and it wasn’t her primary that was OP after. People are always going to be upset over rez, so that’s what they should be focusing on. Make rez an ult again (preferably with a system that’s not AoE), and put a watered down valkyrie on E.

Ok here is my argument.

Mercy has very little weakness if any at all.

Consistent healing.
Great combo potential with damage boost.
Great mobility.

Not to mention the fact that she can erase one of the most valuable things in overwatch, a kill, with her res.

Zen weakness = literally zero mobility
Lucio weakness = low healing
Moira weakness = has to manage healing resource.
Ana weakness = again literally zero mobility, very high skill ceiling.
Brigitte doesn’t play like most supports, it’s hard to make a comparison.

I think if there is one thing we have learned through our mercy rework history is that res is VERY strong. So strong that it should be part of her ultimate. Get rid of res outside of ult. She should only be able to res while ulting, her ult charge from damage boost needs to be altered because she get literally almost 50% ult charge from damage boosting a hanzo dragon striking a fat grav. And maybe increase the cooldown of guardian angel by 1-2 seconds, I honestly think 1 second would be enough of a nerf.

Everything else is pretty reasonable, but as long as Mercy has The Best Mobility and The Most Utility she’s always going to be better than the other supports. Rez is not a healthy ability for a mobile healer (or one at all, imo, but w/e) and that combined with her damage boost being a niche no one else has besides technically Zen (just like rez) is what makes her busted. Ppl say she’s the “pure healer” but she has more utility than the other healers too. Moira is the closest to a pure healer, kit-wise. Her damage is somewhat middling at any given point in time and is primarily done for self-peel and refilling resource unless there’s absolutely no healing to be done. Damage boost is more useful than biotic grasp in this situation.

Zenyatta only heals 30h/s. That’s half.

Also, Mercy is the embodiment of the true support. and for that, she outshines the rest.

She can also out damage Moira if she lands every shot.

Mercy has weaknesses if you don’t ignore them. She doesn’t contribute much damage, her healing is restricted to single-target only outside of ult, and she’s the least independent of all the supports. And no, she really doesn’t get 50% from a dragon. Her ult charge is fine. GA is fine. Like I said, everything about her base kit is fine. Rez needs to be her ultimate, and valkyrie needs to be her E. That’s really it.

I’m talking about damage boosting. You said Mercy is the only one who can boost damage outside of ult, but Zen can (and he does it better, most of the time). And yes, she technically can outdamage Moira, if she lands every shot, but her shots are slow and even using her pistol in the first place means she’s not healing for a significant amount of time, so it’s rarely used outside of self-defense.