[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Dmg boost of mercy is actually better than supports dmg. It helps burst thus better skill securing whereas other supports can help with dps but they need to have perfect
Timing with dps.

There’s a massive rumor going on that she will no longer be able to dmg amp ultimates, which is a good thing and I think I’ve been saying it since the start of this garbo meta…

Yeah, and it’s totally a coincidence that the only 2 heroes in the game with a damage boost are must picks right now… right?

D.Va just can’t catch a break :frowning_woman:

Hanzo’s ult can’t be damage boosted on PTR - from any source, not just Mercy.

D.Va had her fame for over a year, she’ll be fine. She isn’t useless, and is still picked, especially in a GOATS comp, or Orisa D.Va.

Oh good, didn’t notice.

I’m not saying damage boost isn’t valuable. I’m just saying that it does not equate to an extra person putting out actual damage.

A good start would be to let barriers block ALL healing.
No exceptions. Zen and Mercy have enough going for them as is.

Sure it does, here lemme get a couple clips…

https://clips.twitch.tv/TenuousPlausibleJaguarHassanChop - Dallas Fuel Aero, a literal legend.

https://clips.twitch.tv/RefinedVictoriousTraySquadGoals - Jayne, Coach of Team Canada, GM before he quit ranked, and used to main Mercy.

I think a lot of the mercy hate (at least from my point of view) comes from the fact that she doesn’t have to aim anything, ever (pistol is rarely needed). She gets soooo much value from abilities that do not require “skill”.

Overwatch is a VERY different game. You have hero’s that favor a fps genre and hero’s that favor more of the moba genre.

I’m one of those players that favor the fps side of overwatch, and mercy seems a bit cheesy with her mouse 1, mouse 2, L shift kit.

The must pick, point click queen we call mercy must die!! Jk, but yeah bring her down a bit. I don’t care how because I will never play her, but she is obviously more powerful than the other support hero’s in the game atm.

Wouldn’t help in the slightest, damage amp is the problem for both of them, it’s waaaaaay too strong.

They must have changed that on the ptr. Because I have watched streamers nano hanzo for dragonstrike and mercy damage boosting hanzo to kill through Zens trans.

What ability does Reinhardt have to aim? The person-sized projectile doesn’t count.
Mercy is not the only character in the game whose kit doesn’t revolve around being mechanically challenging.

You’re comparing difficulty between rein and mercy? Lol a lot of people would light you up for that bahahaha.

Rein has to be smart. Mercy is a minion, a follower, mercy isn’t a play maker like Rein can ABSOLUTELY be.

It actually does count. You telling me all these great skilled Mercy players can hit 100% of those fire strikes on the smaller heroes? Mercy mains can’t even understand aim lol.

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I agree that Mercy is still too strong.

Her pickrate in GM is rank #1 at 82% and in Masters its rank #1 78%.

I don’t mind her being strong, but she’s still the best option for healer the vast majority of the time. Her kit brings a ton to the table: she has incredibly reliable healing, she’s ridiculously mobile both vertically and horizontally, she can reverse picks, and she’s slippery as hell. Damage boost is just icing on a very large cake.

Mercy actually has to aim more than Rein if we count her gun. :wink:

And in case someone thinks this means I think Rein is easy, I do not think so.

If people think that mercy deosnt require skill you are using her wrong, true she does get a lock on beam for healing, but she is all about positioning, knowing where to move when to move, who to rez, when to rez. If that Tank is being kept alive only while the entire team dies, you will lose at the end. It really grinds my gears that people feel mercy is easy, just because a hero has an easier kit to handle, doesnt mean they are easy to play.

Mercy is a follower of her team. You speak of positioning?? I’m gonna guess the mercy is behind her team holding mouse 1 - 2!!

I was mostly kidding; damage boosting self destruct was almost never used lol