[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

We can only hope… Year 2 of OW will probably go down as the Dark Year :confused:

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Having a 1 character from 28 being must pick on every single game/mode/map isn’t balanced with every new addition/patch to the game the roster gets less viable than the previous meta, if Mercy doesn’t’ take a long break from the meta then what will be the point on releasing new support-healers? if Mercy will be overpicked again.

On dive comp we had 15 viable characters
With stun-dragon-grav meta we have 7.

Next season if things doesn’t get fix asap probably we well end with 5 viable characters.

Yes, a whole 700 dmg/ game on average. :laughing:

Lies. Damage boost hanzo while he dragons a grav… 700 is just a lie

Go check Overbuff if you don’t believe me.

That wouldnt change much. You see, every time you switch characters, ability cooldowns are reset as well as ult charge. Because rez is so good, i usually find myself switching off Mercy and switching back to reset the 30 second cooldown. Valk doesnt really do much that Mercy cant already do and you get it so fast it doesnt even matter. It usually pisses the enemy team off that I get so many rezzes and I usually get accused of cheating but thats the easiest way to counteract that change you propose.

You’re taking into account all of the people who don’t know how to play mercy… they don’t even know they can damage boost a hanzos dragon strike… overbuff is overrated and inaccurate

We need more main healers.

When all you have is one, she is going to be used the most no matter what.

Or the other supports could use some small buffs.

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Then why even have discussions about “Mercys healing more than Moira!” or “Mercy’s pick-rate is too high” if the next moment when the stats doesn’t fit the narrative it’s discarded?

I think you will have to accept that damage boost works the best for boosting selective ults and boosting very effective players, not as an amazing compensation for not doing damage.

We have moira and ana but it seems blizzard likes to nerf them and buff the things they don’t need actually buffed xd makes them feel more like off supports at times.

When mercy ults she can damage boost 5 players to be doing 33% more damage… and your claiming it’s not effective?

The argument is that mercy by far outshines the other supports hero’s. If you deny that, you simply don’t know what you’re talking about.

I said:

And I never said anything about Mercy’s overall kit - you said:

Which is true, but then again Mercy does on average around 400 damage, which ends up with her having a total average of around 1100 damage. Even Ana does more.

Most people don’t take over buff as the end all be all of a hero’s power. But do as you will.

You should watch a YouTube of a mercy that damage boosts a hanzo while he dragons a grav. Just watch her ult charge and tell me that’s okay.

why the hell does she need a blaster nerf? are you actually okay?

We just reached “Nerf Everything About Mercy” (NEAM) Phase.

I’d say I’m a pretty decent Mercy. My average damage + my average damage boosted last season added up to about 1500. That’s well below the average damage output of every other support.

Let me address these individually.

  1. Healing nerf: while not drastic, this is still a questionable nerf. Mercy cannot do (significant) damage, heal multiple heroes at once, or at range unless in Valk. Her core value is mobility + healing consistency. Not to mention-- I don’t think that this would make other healers better-- she’d still be most picked, just poorer on heals. In addition, her current heals match out Winston’s damage, which could introduce a Winston off-pick meta due to being able to chip down heroes that are being healed.

  2. Cooldown nerf: I don’t agree with this. It’s not economical. It encourages hiding and staying out of teamfights in order to maximize cooldown efficiency-- which the point of the rework being making Mercy more engaged in the teamfight.

  3. Blaster buff: I love the gun, and I’m sure you do too. It’s extremely satisfying. HOWEVER-- we need to keep in mind that it has no falloff, and a significant 20 damage per shot with 5 shots per second. For comparison, Soldier gets 19 damage per shot with 9 shots per second at optimal range. Now, it’s a little weird here because Soldier’s gun is better, period, but that would put Mercy doing a little over half the same damage as Soldier. It’s still not scary until you look at it in close range-- which is where Mercy will meet most of her flankers. As it stands, I think the gun is very well balanced for what it’s meant to be.

Ultimately, I hate to say it-- but rez is the best ‘utility’ in the game and will never be contested unless we introduce another rez hero or rework it into a preemptive ability. That’s where the healer subcat’s problem stands.

Rightfully so. Would it be fair if Mercy did more damage than Ana considering Ana actually has to aim her abilities?

Mercys damage boost has some problems as far as ult charge goes. But I’m not upset over the actual about of damage it does.

Yes, that’s my point. You’re saying that damage boost makes up for her lack of direct damage, I’m saying it doesn’t.

Ginger I’ve seen you on here a lot before flaming and reporting people who simply disagree with you… I would like to say on behalf of the players who want mercy changed, that your opinion is biased and inaccurate. You only defend mercy because of how much time you’ve spent on her, you are putting your personal work above what is truly best for the game.

Goodbye ginger.

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