[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Umm the results were pretty clear buddy. She either got the Resurrect or she didn’t. Like what?

Yes there are plenty of ways to balance Resurrect as an ultimate 0 people want to try it is all.

There’s 1 brilliant idea for you. Take a look through the 9 Megathreads. You might find something useful.


What do you even mean? I’m saying Mercy wasn’t the only one who was happy about the resurrection. Point still stands.

How is it different from a team that failed to prevent getting caught in a graviton and Zenyatta ults? Your team is caught in the open, no shields, soldier ults but Lucio ults over it?

It isn’t about being dynamic. It’s about making her feel like she has power and being unique.

You don’t feel powerful sitting in the sky, changing beams, hiding behind a wall. You DID feel powerful being able to rez and save your team from loss.

Ressurrction as an ultimate was unique. Having fly and healing is not unique.

It’s hardly the other heroes. I dislike how Hammond plays, Ana is fun, but this legitimately isn’t about other heroes, it’s about one her, and that hero is

“Mass rez was a Deus ex machina”

Right. Okay.

In one way, this is actually a huge compliment to the mercies who were really good at min-maxing their ult charge gain, surviving enemy focus, reading the field and timing their rez perfectly.

A less kind interpretation of this is that you’re taking Mercy for granted, and forgetting that there’s an actual person playing her and not a literal bot.

Mass rez was easily nullified with a zoning ult. It’s not that hard to look at the enemy lineup, see a Mercy, and go “hey, maybe we shouldn’t use all our ults at once.”


You’re trying to spin that a terrible game play mechanic that allowed a team to fail and get bailed out 100% like it did not even happen is fine, being the team getting bailed out liked it.

Yet as I said before, just because both sides can do something doesn’t change or make it balanced. Mirror play of cruddy balance issue or game play mechanics doesn’t all of sudden make it good game play. “Well both side can do it!” is not how you balance stuff.

being all of that has counter play, direct counter play on a player by player level. The tank could get a kill on the Zarya first, the dva might eat the grav. The team could be more spread out etc etc etc.
It’s far cry from YOU FAIL and then “Lol just kidding… your poor play did not just happen… reset!!!” from a Mercy who was hidden behind a box or even worse, was save in the spawn waiting for her team to fail in the first place.


Did you know

That mass rez

Could fail too?

We’ve already gone over this. ZONING ULTS HARD COUNTERED MASS REZ.

Mass rez kept ult spam in check. It’s not your own team’s fault if the enemy decides to dump all their ults at once.


The entire game should not boil down to every team fight is about having to hunt down the lowest skilled player on the other team who happens to be gifted with a high self healing rate and also one of the best mobility skills in the entire game.

If Ana had mass Rez? Yeah ok, then maybe it would be ok. You could see granny limping her way out of spawn. You could dive her and get a good fight counter fight going when team fight would start.

But Mercy? I can remember directly waiting and holding on to my ULT FOR Mercy, seeing the mercy coming out of spawn and oh wait sorry she was in mid flight already. Total BS.


I mean, it’s your personal opinion, sorry it doesn’t reflect my own? I honestly don’t mind clutch abilities and ults.

Never once did I say, because you can mirror it, does it make it balanced.

Just like you could target and kill the main healer :man_shrugging:

See, what you aren’t grasping, is that you are so sure people should be punished for screwing up, but that simply isn’t what the game design shows.

When it comes down to you, you are solely targeting mess rez and just kicking aside things like sound barrier and trans that can also save a team even if they screw up.

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Looks like I’m going to need to repeat myself again.

Step one: Save at least one ult.

Step two: Watch for Mercy rez.

Step 3: Re-wipe the enemy with the ult you saved.

Step 4: profit


It can come back with these changes: Mercy can’t use it while behind walls, no invincibility, it shouldn’t be instant, and souls must be in LOS.

So if mass rez get these changes, then I’m ok with it



But mercy will need an E still. Not having one last time railroaded her into heavily relying on mass rez.

Would you accept a tepid Valkyrie on E? All stats and numbers are up for negotiation.

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don’t let them see this one


If these changes were used instead of a rework then Mercy wouldn’t be in the position she currently is in.

Mercy was a trollpick when it came to the triple tank meta and it took Ana nerfs and a few buffs to Mass Rez for her to get noticed. Mass Rez never ruined a game cause DPS were smart not to use ults when Mercy had ult. Guess those times have changed.


That is still one of my favorite skins.

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It’s not going to happen, mass res was terrible for the game and everyone knew it.

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Oh please, I was pushing into masters and playing in a full 6 stack back in the Mercy power days. We had the team work and I knew what to do, it did not mater.

Due to guardian angel you could do everything right to stop the mercy, have an ULT, see the Mercy and so and STILL fail to stop her from doing a Rez. I hammered down a bunch of Mercy players on the way from spawn in a 2CP map but still was not rewarded with stopping them.

As they were either already in flight or already in glowing stage or due to latency it looked like she was at one place on my screen in the rez process but not really. Then you had the Rez invulnerability with the same exact issues.
The team getting their magic like reset to wash away their totally poor play and get their free bail out was also gifted with being invulnerable for a bit of time.

So again, I still have my shatter ready to go but now I have to try to time to the split second when they come out of the glowing stage. The entire time they are being rewarded with movement and 100% invulnerability as their pay off for the poor play that got them killed off in the first place.

Terrible game play mechanic.
and again, that’s with in a 6 stack playing at high 3k with masters and future GM level DPS player etc. I’m sure at lower SR ranges it was mostly just “Team plays crappy, team dies. LOL rez reset” and repeat over and over and over.


This rework is so much better, I totally agree~
Looks at the last 9 months


Ugh that reminds me a play I had back when I had my old btag name. It was just horrible, a 4 man rez and they still couldn’t complete captured the first check point.

It’s kind of bad when the enemy team is able to kill your entire team and just outright ignore the healer healing them…

those are proactive actions, not reactive. They take real game sense, timing and correct positional play to pull off well in game.

Where as Mercy and her Rez was pure reaction based only and the game sense was nothing more than “Oh wait, people died?”. The the positional play was… kidding, it was tap a button and fly in from spawn.

This whole debate is strange being it always boils down to same basic vibe. As in pretty much everyone who wasn’t a pure Mercy main can see the issues, but the Mercy player can’t for some reason. Falling back on “Just shoot them” or “Just save an ULT”.

I just don’t see anyway the game is going to go back to tapping one button, flying out of spawn on the last CP of some given map and bailing out a team who mostly just got killed off.

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Both Mercy and the game and in a much better place now, it was the right call, and people expecting or waiting for mass rez to come back are going to be dissapointed.

Clearly, otherwise people wouldn’t still be crying about Mercy right?

Oh wait…