[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Hide and press Q that’s the reason I’m telling you it’s not coming back.

Gold level Mercy’s will stay out of GM and that’s that.

This is basically the reason people want it, and they’re trying to justify it which is ubsurd.

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That was one of my concepts, but yes every 30 seconds she gains a resurrect charge to revive an ally. When she uses her ult she gains another resurrect charge. Yeah it would take awhile if she were to gather 3 resurrection charges, but the only to accomplish that is by having a team that doesn’t die. If Mercy by chance have 6 charges of resurrection it would be during overtime or close.

Yeah, Mass Rez was a boring ult anyway. I don’t get the people that want it back. Mercy is fine.


Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble, but I honestly doubt that Mass Rez will be coming back. The devs have no plan to change her again and she is fine where she is now. As much as I loved Mass Rez, I love valk and its fun flying around. Her ult is still useful as well, as she can provide massive amounts of healing with her ult, basically preventing them from dying. Also good for pushes.


Agree with the first point.

Disagree on the second - they never climbed with it, and even if they did, that system has changed. So as a community we need to drop that fallacy. If anything it’d be worse for them to have it reverted.

Disagree on the third point as well - it’s not because they want to manipulate the SR system. It’s because they miss the hero they were accustomed to with her mechanics.

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What’d you find boring about it? I have a hard time finding sitting in the sky and changing beams super fun.


You’re constantly dashing around, saving people, pulling out the blaster to kill Widows. Valkyrie is fun as hell.

That may be a true story for QP and lower tiers, but otherwise, you’re hovering over your time in cover switching beams and hoping they do something with it.


While I fundamentally disagree with you, yours is one of the best explanations for that side of the Mercy debate I’ve seen. Thanks for laying your views out so eloquently and remaining civil, I honestly didn’t expect you to.

I will say though, the problem I see with the idea of another resurrect is while it might give Mercy competition, it wouldn’t help the other supports at all and in fact, likely make things even worse for them. As for anti-rez mechanics, we technically already have them in the form of CC, the problem is they’re simply not effective when the reviving is going on out of reach in the back-lines.

There is zero change of that happening.

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I’d rather keep teammates alive than bring them back.

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Valkyrie could easily turned into an E ability (with proper adjustments for balance). You’d be able to use it much more often. That would be fun, right?

Bringing back (a nerfed version of) mass rez doesn’t necessarily mean that Valkyrie would be deleted from Mercy’s kit.


Mercy is fine right now. I don’t get the obsession with old Mercy. Why can’t people just move on?

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Nah I prefer erasing all res and giving her flying Coalescence. So she can rival Moira

But that’s wrong…

but that’s right…


It’s a Deus Ex Machina for the other team.
Everyone has their role on a given team and all offense ULT and even ULT combos have play/counter play to them. So when a chain of events comes into play that results in say 3 players dead, there was ways that could have been avoided. The dead players, screwed up. Their play directly resulted in them being back in the spawn room and losing a given team fight.

To then allow the lowest skilled hero in the game (well, before Brigitte was released) and her ULT “earned” by holding left click to just erase the screw up of her team was boring and terrible game play. Over and over Team A does something, out plays Team B and time to… nope Rez.
“Yeah well just shoot the Mercy first lol”
So now the game is just hunt the Mercy, again?
So much fun.

Compounded by the fact that Mercy “earns” her ULT but just keeping her healing beam on people. Where as say a Rein vs Rein has to outplay and or fight the other tanks directly to build ULT first to win a team fight.

So when the Huge Rez hit it always felt like an unearned Deus Ex Machina save for the other team. They all screwed up but never mind, it did not happen!!!
Terrible, terrible, boring and dull game play for anyone/everyone but the Mercy player.

I see no way they allow Mercy to have much impact on games anymore, ever. There is no way entire OWL matches are going to be won or loss off a 3-4 player Rez from spawn.
It’s not dynamic or interesting game play.

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It’s called killing the main healer, or someone who has the possibility to stop you. I’m going to kill the Zen if I plan on using grav, no?

She gets charge for healing, if she isn’t healing and it’s on, it’s the standard slow ult charge.

You aren’t going to see her in matches given most of the other healers, at a high level, are much better than a Mercy pick.

She’s a simplistic healer whose pickrate drops as you go up the ranks, and that looks like a design choice, honestly. But now, with this version, you do less of the work for a much better pickrate.

Your teammates also get rezzed, I don’t suppose you cried because you got another chance at winning?

Also, yeah, I mean, do you jump for joy when that McCree kills your team with Deadeye? No, I didn’t think so.


There’s no way it’s coming back. Non-tempo mass rez caused fairly unpredictable results regardless of how many counters there were; no amount of modifications would fix that without being more similar to what we have now.

mirror play happens all the time, it changes nothing about the balance issues of the game play being mirrored.
Rez was a huge Deus Ex Machina bailout of a team who failed to stay alive. A reset as if their failed play/counter play did not even happen.

The game is better off with it gone.
The real problem with Mercy right now is a lot of players find her boring to play. Yet I don’t know how you make her game play more dynamic.
So with each new hero the old guard heroes seem even more and more boring to play.

Mean while a hamster is flinging himself off the roof in a flaming ball, pile driver slamming into the ground, popping shield and shooting stuff before dropping his mines and then spinning around the payload looking to boop people.