[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Yes it is, because mercy has no skill needed to play her, if you told me than Ana was a pro pick with 96,7% i could argue that pro’s have the skill to make her do their best, Not mercy, NOT MERCY, NOT MERCY
Mercy stalls the support meta, it’s the 400 day of mercy meta now, she needs a nerf to 2 things, likely his survability, but blizzard won’t nerf her anymore, because of you guys complaining a lot about “weak” 70% played support and most played character of the game in every rank match.

You’re confusing good and strong.

Mercy is GOOD because she can literally squeeze her way into any setup and fit just fine.

That’s a problem.

Wanna know why it’s a problem?

Because it means we don’t need any other support to fill her shoes, which means she will keep getting picked.

Her base kit is strong, but her Ult is weak. When they were balanced and she wasn’t being exploited because of an SR problem, she was fine.

In fact, the only reason we’re even at where we are now is because of the Dev’s giving her an invulnerability when Rez’ing that literally NO ONE asked for. And to follow it, people started complaining because of hide and rez Mercy’s that were usually just low ELO players discovering she could be exploited to get them to Masters or higher.


So we can nerf her survability, we can’t make any changes or nerfs about mercy and you know that, this forum it’s filled of mercy players that will complain, i don’t like to be here on the forums, i just want you guys to accept that you have the best hero on the game, and stop disturbing the devs about changes, can you just get carried playing the easiest hero on the game, no aim, and the strongest also?

At least this game doesn’t ban me for playing the hero i want, or just banning me because i got 100 reports for playing doomfist, that’s why i still play overwatch.

But the balance, and the state of mercy, sucks, but hey i accept that now, could you guys do that? You guys know that she’s overpowered, omg, good is Soldier, good is Junkrat, mercy its just the best in the game, check omnic meta please or look at pro play

AND AS I SAID IF PRO’S PLAY MERCY, SHE’S JUST OP, A PRO PLAYING AN AIMLESS HERO WITH 0 SKILL? if pro’s were playing ana we could argue hey it’s only problem on very good players, ana needs skill, etc. Not mercy man, so please mercy mains, could we play the game and leave the forums? I surrender about the balance of this game.

And about again the skill of mercy, she has 0 skill pro’s say that, everyone knows that, the learning curve is the lowest of any hero, look this link please

Mercy doesn’t need anymore nerfs, so no, we won’t stop fighting over this or rather for what we believe.

You think we LIKE having her in this condition?

Surely you don’t understand what this megathread is for then.

We wanted Mercy in a BETTER state, back before she was a must pick, she was great. The Dev’s made her into a monster when they gave her invulnerability during her Ult, and it only got worse when they turned her back into Valkyrie, a bad design they scrapped before the game even dropped.

We don’t want her overpowered.

We want her to be what she used to be; fun.

Ana needs to be brought back in as a serious pick and not a ‘boost x hero to combo with grav if we have no Hanzo’ hero.

Even us Mercy mains hated the Mercy meta, because we’re MAINS not ONE TRICKS. We play other heroes, but the meta that she ended up running made us play her and her alone.


I think you take what pros say way too seriously, how about we calm down, just a little bit? You may argue that Mercy is a skill-less hero and that she is OP, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it, but don’t be rude and say to shut up and get carried by people on our team. As for the no aim part, you may not know it, but Mercy has a pistol and that requires aim, so don’t start being disrespectful without looking at every aspect of the hero.


Lets see:

  1. Lucio- Reworked and weaker than before
  2. Ana- man she was nerfed and very situational, an none of her Buffs do any real good in bringing her up.
  3. Moira- Nerfed
  4. Zenyatta- Recently Nerfed
  5. Mercy- Reworked to OP Rez monster an untouchable Moth, NERFED 8 TIMES for “Balance” an people want her Nerfed more…

MAYBE, if THEY stopped Nerfing and Reworking the Healers then we could have a good game instead of DPSwatch or PROwatch…


Noone of us wants that. We don’t want our hero to be any type of “ez-pz just hold M1 and wait 'til you are T500”

Also, I hope it wasn’t intentional, but this sentence sounds with a bit of hatred. So please, we don’t need more toxicity, there are enough players like that.

Sure !

When we get Mercy back.


Just saying, Moira and Brigitte would not have been viable if Mercy did not get her rework “and” they were announced following her rework.

Also, Moira requires less skill than Mercy… you lob balls and hold left click and can lock on damage squishies while passively healing…

Brig can stun, spam left click while passively healing, has a lock on long range heal/armor pack and has a knock back.

Moira requires her own will to think and survive though. Mercy is at the…mercy, of her team mates, which makes her movements a little more predictable, especially if you know where all 5 of her team mates are.

Moira can come and go on her own free will. One second she’s there, now she’s anywhere if you don’t know how to read her fade ability. Sure, it’s got a short range, so she can’t go too far; but Moira can peel on her own and still support her team. Mercy has to make a choice: heal or fight.

Brigitte’s not a main support, she backs up the main supports, tanks, and DPS while lobbing out heavy but slow heals along with low trickling healing. She’s meant to keep the flankers off her allies.

Neither one of them requires Mercy’s current state to be useful. This is because their healing and damage are extremely limited.

Moira can not simply just start sapping the health from her enemies, because then her team mates start dying. Even if she continuously heals, she will eventually run out and the other healer will need to help pick up the slack while she replenishes.

So, if during that time, her team gets wiped because Mercy couldn’t outheal the damage; Mess Rez would have been helpful.

Brigitte again is an off healer, her armor packs may heal a lot, but they can’t be used as the only means of healing.

Moira and Brigitte are good for breaking the ice when it packs too heavily on their teams, but Mercy in her current state is only helpful with pocketing someone.

(Also, I’m the 13,000th post! :D)


Congrats on being number 13,000. :sunglasses:
How does it feel to be the 13,000 comment in this thread, and what do you have store in the future?

Ps. This new mobile layout is annoying. I keep deleting my comments by accident :rofl:

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Just to make you understand that a personal opinion of a professional does not mean the sacrosanct truth


It feels like a million bucks! Though my plans for the future are to get over this cold I seem to have come down with :frowning:

Why is this thread being unstickied and stickied again? Make up your minds, mods, clarify what you want from it or just let it die, jesus.

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I think the devs themselves cant make up their minds. Look at all the buffs followed by reworks we have gotten. It seems like the devs themselves cant make up their mind on what they want done, and I’m getting a feeling Moira is next to get reworked due to the recent “bug fix”.

The future is looking bleak


Well the problem is blizzard cant admit mistakes so they just keep pushing forward and make bad choices. Thats what the mercy rework was all about. Jumping the gun and not having any foresight. And it blew up in their faces.


I see your point, but the Sombra community, which are also consumers, have a really rough time pretty much since her release, same with Bastion which is also in a very bad place.

As i said, it is absolute BS that they don’t address our concerns, but others feel just the same. Mercy had ton’s of attention since her unreasonable revert for more than 4 seasons, while other heroes had almost nothing really.
It’s right to hate them for messing up our favorite hero and not fixing that, but that’s not a reason to hate them for fixing other parts of the game.


Who the heck is calling her weak?

The thing is, it wont die.
The Mercy topic is burning like that since they showed Valkyrie the first time.

Also, if they would do that, the Forum would be filled with Threads about Mercy and how s**** she actually is, thanks to her revert.
The Dev’s would see that and would need to admit that the revert is a pure s*** show and that it screwed over the entire game as well as the fack that they created a extreme problem by fixing one which never really existed in the first place.

They keep the Mega thread for censorship, nothing more.


What would he say if Mass res would be her Ult again? This is what interests me, because i know for sure that Valkyrie Mercy is more a joke when it comes to complexity.

Good question.
What I wanted to make the user understand that opinions are not always unanimous in professional players.