[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

That made me a little bit sad to be honest. Stuff like this shows me there is a place for mass-rez. But still a straight revert would probably not be the best option they would need to tweak it before.
That plus a good e-ability for Mercy to contribute more to the fight and we would be all fine. I can keep dreaming about that I guess. :frowning:


Watched it, loved it, liked and commented :smiley_cat:


Nope got into a wreck and had to cut our vacation short ;-;

This video makes me so sad, it reminds me of when I had fun playing Overwatch. How can the devs just take this away from us and then shun us? Itā€™s so sad.


i still have fun,just not with mercy.

slowly slowly my other heroes will overtake her playtime but she is STILL second most played hero
so you can tell how much i needed her when i filled as support so many timesā€¦

Hope you will enjoy your wingless moth soon!

Thank you very much !

Iā€™ve done a few other Overwatch videos on this cannel, if anyone is interested, please check it out :slightly_smiling_face:
If you donā€™t like Overwatch videos (then what are you doing here ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:), there are also a lot of LoL stuff !

Well, theyā€™re giving hints about their Sombra fixes since they messed her up recently, but still no word on Mercy MONTHS after they messed her up. Feels great being a Mercy main. Not only do we get toxicity from our teams, we get it from devs too.


Now i have to sayā€¦
Hit the brake for a moment. Sombra really needed something and i think itā€™s more than okay that they do stuff with her first.
If we go on a rampage, everytime they say somthing which is not related to Mercyā€¦That just throws a bad light on us.

I hate the fact that they do nothing with Mercy and donā€™t talk about her as much as many others, but freaking out because they said something about other heroes and not Mercy is just a bad move.
Still, if they would say somethingā€¦ That would be nice.


iā€™m waiting for sombra fixes too tho,i like playing her.

I also played symmetra fairly oftenā€¦ needless to say i need to relearn her ^^ā€™

Itā€™s a bit sad to lose the symmetra nesting,but yeah it was usually limited i guessā€¦
I hope new symm wont be nerfed into oblivion

Why did Blizzard have to ruin this? Ugh.

Those were the days. Nice rezzes.


Sorry, but as a consumer, waiting months after they ruined one of my favorite parts of the product (Mercy), it makes me mad seeing another hero they messed up get fixes right away. Just my opinion and how I feel.

But has anyone taken the time to check the math of the devs? Lol

Apparently changing the duration of Valkyrie from 20 to 15 seconds is a decrease of 50%?..

On a lighter note, Iā€™m working on a song about Mercy! (I love writing music) Iā€™ll make sure to post it here when Iā€™m done. :smiley:


that seems neatā€¦

I know this has nothing to do with Mercy butā€¦

Whatā€™s the recent deal with Sombra? People are saying sheā€™s being reworked, but then you got those saying sheā€™s being buffed. Whatā€™s going on here?

Edit: Might be suspended for a bit. We shall see :wink:

Sheā€™s getting a ā€œtouch upā€? Hereā€™s a recent quote from Geoff.

ā€œSo now she has infinite duration on both Stealth and Translocator, but we had to solve a couple problems that were caused by these changes. For one, she needed to be able to destroy the translocator, or it would often be stuck in some place she didnā€™t want it to be. To that end, you can now destroy it by looking towards it and pressing the Interact key. Also, Stealth giving you 75% bonus movement speed forever wasā€¦ a bit strong. This bonus has been lowered to 50%. In addition, she can no longer contest objectives while in Stealth, since she that would just be super frustrating with infinite duration.ā€

If only they actually took feeback and did their jobs correctly the first time. Then they wouldnā€™t have to work on certain characters over and over trying to fix what they screwed up


Ah memory lane, we cross again-


LOL 100% divided into 20 seconds and taking away 5 seconds would be a 25% decrease, not a 50% decrease.