[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

And Mercy 2.0 was around when people were still calling him “God76” so how is this suddenly different even after several nerfs to Mercy.

Buff Lucio, time for him to receive some love.


“You gotta believe!!!”

Well they clearly didn’t nerf her enough, if she still a must pick, after all this time.

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So a power creep on DPS happens and rather than buff the other healers to a standard where they could be picked you would rather nerf her down so that all healers are equally rubbish?


What powercreep, most dps are garbage currently.

And you seem to ignore the many MANY threads where people are asking for Ana to be made more viable. There are PLENTY of people that think Ana need something, indicating that she may be the one in need of change and not Mercy. It seems like hating on Mercy is just the popular trend for those who wish to troll these days.


Hanzo and his magic delete button.

Widow with her extra mobility and ability to dole at 120 damage per shot. And no heroes to lock her down.

Zarya enabling said deleter with a devastating ult combo that used to be countered by an ability they have now removed.

Mercy and her magic delete the pick button, is balanced then. Ok.

Ok i am done it’s clear you are trolling lol

what? No.
Just no. That is not the only reason. His discord orb is still a really, really good ability

Pfff, who’s this “we” :stuck_out_tongue:?

Oh totally, just like Lucio’s speed post is amazing for capitalizing on certain situations. I’m saying its the ult that puts it over the edge. Just my opinion though.

maybe “Soldier” should try killing Mercy first, then going after the other target.

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but you literally said that the only reason he is viable is his ult.

The earth is a pokeball.

fight me.


She isn’t op, she is just the only main healer in the game.

She doesn’t need nerfs, the other supports like Lucio and Ana need buffs and changes.

Mercy is now more needed due to this horrible meta, but it’s not her fault. Blizzard is neglecting other supports so she is always the best option.


Or the Soldier should just learn to play Widow or Hanzo and not waste his time.


There is no dps powercreep .
Only support powercreep since Mercy’s rework

If perfect pickrate is 16.66, how is PS4 16.73?

More than perfect?