[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

isn’t that what this thread is about?

Not explicitly, no. OP didn’t actually ask for Mercy 1.0 back. OP just made the statement that Mercy 1.0 would save us, if she were still a thing.

If you want my own personal take on what I’d do with the game if I had the power to change it, I’d certainly give Mercy some form of mass resurrect but it wouldn’t be a straight revert to 1.0 when she was considered a troll pick. Rather, it’d probably be the original near-instant mass res without the invulnerability they added later, and instead of the invulnerability I’d give her a 3 second Valkyrie on E with a 15 second cooldown. The extra regen would help her survive a resurrection attempt without making her invulnerable.

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Don’t forget to add a LoS check. We don’t need “Hide 'n Seek meta”. (Just joking, but still add the LoS. It felt cheap to Rez behind walls)

Also, I wouldn’t mind a cast time on Mass Rez, if it had damage resistance to compensate.

The problem with the LOS check idea is that it would lead to resurrect getting blocked by lamp posts and other things like that. In addition, it’s an ultimate that doesn’t guarantee success even when used to its maximum potential. I’ll explain what I mean by using Reaper’s ultimate as an example.

When Reaper ults and catches all living enemies in his ult, that’s the fight. It’s over. Reaper single-handedly wins the team fight by pressing Q at the right time. When Mercy 1.0 ults and catches all dead allies in her ult, that’s just the beginning of the fight. By using resurrect to its maximum potential, Mercy does not guarantee a victory. She only gives her team another chance at victory.

By adding an LOS check, we’d be introducing times when mass res may be used in an attempt to bring back four allies at once, only to bring back two because there was a random pebble in the way… which would not only waste the ultimate in a lost fight, it would also feed the enemy additional ult charge for the two additional kills they’d basically get for free since they would still outnumber Mercy’s resurrected teammates, and the whole team would get staggered respawns. No other ultimate in the game can fail and hurt the team that spectacularly.

In order for it to be powerful as an ultimate, Resurrect actually needs to go through walls. In most cases, that doesn’t actually let Mercy revive through walls anyway, as Mercy needed to fly into the middle of her dead teammates to get all of them.

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That’s assuming Blizz will F up again with LoS. We have LoS checks that don’t do this BS (Lúcio’s ult, IIRC), so it should be possible. Also, the lamp post thing should really be fixed. It’s ridiculous I can survive d.Va’s ult while standing behind one. Should be destructible, IMO.

Why nerf an ability that wasn’t overpowered in a way that is super prone to bugs?

Lucio’s ult doesn’t have the problem because it doesn’t have just one LOS check. Lucio can ult, then move into line of sight after he already gained shields to give allies shields for a short time that he may have initially missed. This allows Lucio to shield everyone on the team regardless of immediate line of sight, because he has a few moments to move around and get them all.

I used to defend huge rez, but watching old videos recently it became clear how bad for the game it was.

The reason I want it tweaked is to kill any of the discussions regarding Mass Rez before they can begin.

Mercy 1.0 would just cement mercy’s place in this meta, when ana is actually viable to run in diamond and above. Mercy would still have damage boost and the counter play to grav+dragon as huge res.

That wouldn’t stop grav+dragon being used though, it would just be used when zarya knows she can catch mercy in it too.

Sombra will save us from this meta not Mercy she would just make it worse because nothing dies besides you grav strike the enemy team and she would just bring them back and the fight would last twice as long

You can’t kill discussions about Mercy. There will always be someone who complains that she dare exist, let alone be able to resurrect anyone. People have problems with the fact that healing even exists in this game at all, and go on and on in other threads about how their “hard work” of holding down the left mouse button is undone by a healer holding down the left mouse button.

Heaven forbid Mercy press Q to undo the work a damage hero did by pressing Q.


But a no-compromise attitude will get you nowhere.

Now, if only we could fix Blizzard’s delusion that Mercy’s rework was “successful”…

You forget that Mercy is also a part of this meta.

I’ve been done with Mercy “saving us from metas” since her 6 month tirade.

There was a time when Mass Rez was overpowered. There is no disputing that fact. It only became such because of the amount of overbuffing it recieved.

A mass Rez with a 1.75 cast timer, LoS check(can’t rez what you cannot see), and interuptable by stuns,knockbacks , and hacks would be a balanced Mass rez.

Mass Rez countered “wombo combo” ults such as grav + fill in the blanks. It also had counters such lower kill potential ults and others that spread that staggered deaths.

Not to mention McCree’s ult lost a ton of a value when Mass rez was removed. If a team is mass rez’d in front of McCree he has all the time in the world to lock on and remove them all. However, without Mass Rez his and other “bad ults” became bad ults for real.

My reminder in these Mercy threads that Mercy’s ult was never considered OP UNTIL Blizzard gave her invulnerability during it.

ReVeRt mErCy

two wrongs dont make a right. Mercy was changed for a reason. Look mercy is already a must pick as it is. I hardly see how reverting her to her old status is going to change the fact that she is a must pick?

How are you defining “overpowered”? Statistically, it was amazingly balanced.

I agree with everything you said, except

I played Mercy from halfway through season 1 all the way until now, and it wasn’t until the rework that Mercy being overpowered ever entered my mind.


OMGH They Merged A THREAD!!!