We need other more viable main healers, but Mercy isn’t fine. She doesn’t need more nerfs but at the same time she can’t stay forever as she is since her rework. She will need a rework again one day.
Eh, Lucio isn’t F tier tho. On Avg he does 3rd most healing behind Mercy and Moira, and hes pretty solid on damage too, tied for second place roughly with Brigitte/Moira behind Zen.
It’s just that Mercy is so far ahead of everyone else that she’s kinda must pick, and discord/trans are op as all get out so Zen is pretty high priority pick. There isn’t much room left for a Lucio at that point except on maps where boops are really really strong.
That’s not going to give Mercy a weakness.
I am being dramatic. He’s not bad, but the last season and this season have been night and day. Lowest pick rate for a healer, lower win rates, lower average healing overall. I’m like top 70-something in healing with only an average of 9k healing, when last season 10k was squarely in the middle. My deaths have risen too. Brigitte + damage burst meta have knocked me down.
Mercy is always going to heal more and more consistently than other heroes. That’s by design. They created Mercy to be a hero who sacrifices most of her offensive output to have stronger healing. She’s always going to be like this.
Supports in general are the most nerfed role in Overwatch and it shows. Every support has received major nerfs since their original release and the end result is where we are now.
Mercy sticks out right now as a powerful support because she’s great in the current meta. Mercy used to have problems dealing with heroes like Winston who could dive on her consistently. With Brig having solved dive, and Snipers rising out of the ashes, Mercy is perfect as a Widow pocket and rez tool on whomever the other sniper picks. She’s going to stay top tier through this meta, I think.
Mercy is great in any meta, that’s why she’s broken.
Moira is a great healer. Moira’s healing should be pretty close to mercys.
If Moira’s would focus on healing instead of damage she would be right there.
But Moira NEEDS to damage to have her healing be effective. Afterall it’s on a resource. If she can’t deal damage she can’t focus on healing because of how long it takes to just refill on its own.
Man… You do realize that this part is totally bananas? right? Why even have a tank class if for you there are heroes that are not meant to be protected?
Still not sure, why Blizzard thought, that hiding healer’s main function behind skill checks(resource/aim) is good idea. I mean, you can’t predict when your teammate will need healing, unless they are already under fire.
It’s not low damage, like for DPS, it’s healing or no healing.
Moira was meant to be anti-dive so how she functioned was to reflect that. Having that restriction on her healing was to focus on more strong group up matches, rather than the fast back and forth of Dive. Along with her ability to deal with flankers and peel that the Dive healers did have trouble with.
I get was Blizz was doing, and it would have been great!
If she wasn’t released a MONTH AFTER THE MERCY REWORK
Restriction on her healing is why she didn’t outmatch Mercy. It’s great to have 80hps on whole team, but your teammates can’t be sure that you won’t suddenly run out, or stop healing them to recharge.
Reliability is too important for healer. In dive, it’s non-issue, as teammates are mobile and can escape engagement to recover, but in other metas it becomes a problem.
Change Mercy please. Deleting Valk would be nice and Rez as ult would be good. That is my effort for today… bye.
Yup, very true. She she has healing orbs and her healing is very high. You can still avg at least 9k in healing and have like 6k in damage. Almost where Mercys healings at.
People just play DPS Moira’s a lot.
Unlike her healing, her damage has no limits, not even reload. Makes sense, that players choose part of Moira, that is reliable and won’t run out at worst possible moment.
Don’t forget the tunnel vision effect.
I must admit that sometimes I start attacking at someone and I don’t stop until that someone is dead or run too far away from me (or I stop when I realise my team really needs healing ).
Ya no one plays perfect. However, a Moira that avgs under 7k healing is doing something wrong. And 7k is very low for Moira.
I always check a Moira players stats. It will change my play style for sure depending on the healing avg.
We need more main healers in general. Moira doesn’t heal enough alone consistently to be a main healer. She’s like a main/off hybrid. Ana was fine until they nerfed her.
I think everyone needs to get off that “consistently healing” thing.
The healing of the sups is really not the problem, but the utility of them and i think they should fix the sups we have first before that.
This is just because of lag lmao. It happened to me a when Im had those big lag spikes where the game freezes except you but then the ping goes down again and youre able to play. This isnt a bug.