[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I barely play these days. The only thing that will get me back as a regular player is if they fix Mercy.

Factoring in what we know of balance schedule:

Symmetra 3.0 by the end of June
July PTR has been confirmed for big Sombra changes
We haven’t had a new hero in a while, so that’s probably going to be what’s happening in the August PTR
Torb rework has been confirmed to be on the devs “to do” list, so that’s September
The devs have never done big reworks back to back, so October is out

My best guess is that IF there’s going to be another Mercy rework, it’s going to hit the PTR in November at the absolute earliest. Blizzard prioritizes looking at unbalanced and unviable heroes first, so Mercy is definitely at the bottom of their priority list.


Be my guest. The swamp will be bigger then!

Oh boy. I wonder if by the end of summer, the garbage dump will reach 20k posts? We can listen to people complaining about Mercy in the meantime. I bet many who complain now were the first to celebrate Mass Rez’s departure. Hah.

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It’s already 11k, so that’s possible. Unless the new megatrash will be created in the meantime.


Onward to 20k! :smiley:
How can they say “Mercy is fine” when she has 3, almost 4 Megathreads? xD Hilarious.

To them she’s fine, nothing wrong with your own opinion.
Truly funny thing is how their movement lost impact and split into “Nerf Mercy” :stuck_out_tongue:

Grunt: “Sir, we’re receiving reports that Mercy is still able to outplay DPS without 1v1ing them with a widowmaker sniper rifle at dawn on the ceremonial field of dong measuring honorable dueling.”

Shadowy Figure: “This is very serious. PRESS THE RED NERF BUTTON IMMEDIATELY.”

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But Trump said he would drain the swamp. He would never lie to us…:neutral_face:

The goal with the idea of a burst heal, to use res without dead allies is, to shift the power of Mass Res more to the midfight. So it should be far more than 200HP. I understand your concern about Tank’s, but as an Ult it would be way less regular than for example Ana’s healing Nade. Even 100% HP would be no problem for the start, if it’s too strong, the amount of healed HP can still be adjusted with a set number.

As i already stated, Movement abilities, healing and utility abilities can cause some balance problems. I generally thing that those are really not a good idea. The only movement idea i can think of, which might be not to strong, is a change to GA. The idea is that, if you have no target, Mercy jumps up. That would only work on the ground. The height would be just enough to reach the balcony on first point Eichenwalde (or that first bridge in the training area). If GA is used that way the CD would be 0.5s longer.

But your right, if we give her a new movement ability, even if it’s only something minor, her slef heal would need to take a bit longer to kick in. 1.5-1.75s seems reasonable for me.

The E… i wouldn’t give her one (partly because i have her weapon switch on E), it has to much potential to be broken. A small self defense ability, like a Aoe knockback might be fun to try but more is no real option.

Where did they say that? As far as i know he lost priority at one point.

I think they said Torb was next after Sym. They didn’t mentioned changing their mind, I think.

Well… i know that this is from a long time ago, but it seems like they have something in between Sym and Torb.
The hopes for that being Mercy are more or less dead, but he is obviously planned for later. Unless they said something about that, i may have missed that.

I wonder who that someone is. I’ve heard about how they wanted to do something about Reinhardt, but it still might be someone else.

Unfortunately, I doubt it’s Mercy.

And Torb being put off further? Nooo!! :persevere:

Could be Sombra, they’ve announced changes to her in July.

Yeah, I heard about that. But I consider that like a fix more than anything.

The most recent dev post did say that what they had in store for Sombra was “big.” And the devs have developed a habit of understating things in order to manage expectations.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a rework.

To be honest, I think she needs it. But that’s the thing with a character like Sombra, it’s hard to design her not to be super annoying to play against when viable (which results in them keeping her un-viable). It’s kinda the same with Doomfist, who I really think has a terrible kit (who thought giving a character 3 CC abilities was a great idea?).

Crazy idea time: what if they reworked Sombra into a support?

They could limit how many health packs Sombra could hack, but in return the hack is permanent until Sombra hacks a different health pack.

Sombra could hack an ally to overclock their abilities. What that would do, I have no idea. (But it sounds cool).


That is a crazy idea. Dx

While personally not opposed, I think others might feel differently. Besides, what I most want is for DF to be reworked as an off-tank instead. No one-shots, just using the punch to make space for his team. Remove some of his CC in favor protection. :slight_smile:

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