You’re trying to say a fair 50% win rate is bad lol
and just because you say she’s a must pick, doesn’t mean everyone else is, and it certainly doesn’t validate what you say
You’re trying to say a fair 50% win rate is bad lol
and just because you say she’s a must pick, doesn’t mean everyone else is, and it certainly doesn’t validate what you say
You been tap dancing their original question. Just threw an insult and change subjects instead.
But hey nothing like double standard or hypocrisy. We know balance between character isn’t exclusive.
How is that an insult? All I’m trying to say is that these abilities were reworked for a reason, not just because the community wanted it that way.
Why is it only Mercy mains saying I’m wrong? I don’t understand.
Why did you add pretend developer comments at the end?
Get away from my hero lol.
Yeah i’m done with you, have a great night.
We are waiting for a reason buddy.
The only one we’ve found out so far is that it was “unfair to play against.” What’s next? That it was the most OP thing in the world? If so why wasn’t she a must pick back then too?
Your reason is that it was unfun to play against. lmao. Blizzard decided that they didn’t want a hero that just hid and waited to hit Q.
What’s your reason for the rework? Taking from what was said in the developer update that’s what I got. What reason did you take out of it? I’m interested.
Honestly I’m also wanting a hero that doesn’t hide and hit Q too guess hat time will never come.
50 hps won’t change anything.
She would still be the most consistent healer, simply because she cannot miss and doesn’t need to reload.
I would like to try a mass rez ult again on the ptr, with los checks and being blocked by shields. That’s all she needed. As long as res is an ability, she will be a bit overpowered.
What are you trying to ask? I’ve told you exactly why I and every other OW player that isn’t a Mercy main wanted it taken out of the game.
Yes but does this happen multiple times every single game LOL.
Single target res as an ult would be terrible, I agree. It would just be “use it whenever you have it” because any other time isnt viable.
Ana was good and then she was nerfed and pushed out of viability. Mercy rework had nothing to do with Ana becoming bad, she became bad before it happened.
“But buffing supports would be powercreep!”
Yea and ana has had the bottom 3 winrate for prolly a year now, she needs help desperately. And powercreep is impossible when support cast has been nerfed time and time again. You can look at the dps roster for the actual powercreep that is happening with all their buffs.
Healing does not need a nerf in any sense of the matter for any character in this game, otherwise you can say hello to winston grilling everyone. No Mercy’s healing is not OP and it was buffed back in season 1 for a reason and hasn’t been touched since. Mercy should have the best sustained healing out of all characters because healing and supporting is all she does, being the only pure healer in the roster.
If you reduced the hps to 50, mercy would be doing 2-3k less heals on average. Why should a pure healer barely outheal offhealers like Ana, Zen, Lucio and Brigitte on average? (taking account armor gained) Mercy lives and dies by how well they can heal.
I mean, how often does a solider get a 6-man visor?
Or how often does a genji get a 6-man dragonblade?
If mass res was blocked by shields and had line of sight checks, along with a slight cast time, and no invunerability (damage resistance, sure) I’m fully convinced it would’ve been easier to balance then taking res and trying to force it into the spot of a normal ability.
Anyway, the ptr exists to test things out, I don’t see why not test some form of mass res to get it to work…
Same here. Really made your thoughts more valid, the way you didn’t back them up and are gonna stop responding lol
Mercy has been nerfed enough. She’s fine. Having a popular hero in the game is ok. Pick rate does not mean a hero has to be nerfed. She is in no way in a state where she is “a must pick or you will lose”.
You can do whatever the hell you want but don’t you dare touch GA. It’s the most fun ability which made me love playing mercy.
The moment GA is touched is when I quit this game
What you fail to understand is that regardless of what is done to Mercy, those that play Mercy will keep playing Mercy. It’s ok for a hero to be popular. If you nerf Mercy any more the people who have stuck with it thus far will quit the game. We have already lost people due to past changes.
I definitely agree with this.
Ana desperately needs some substantial buffs, we have enough anti-tank characters to prevent a new tank meta, I believe.
Lucio could potentially use another buff to his healing output, or his ult. Atm, sound barrier needs to be timed perfectly to stop heavy burst damage, which in and of itself is ok, hence the “potentially”.
From my experience, players had an issue with mercy stopping healing and telling her team to “die on point”, or hiding and letting her team die.
If mercy had mass res back with the changes I proposed, or maybe some new ones, 5-man ressurections would be even rarer, and the whole “die on point” would be incredibly risky, with a small cast time, and all in all, res would be incredibly situational in how you use it.
Which is the reason many people miss her old ult.
Anyways, that’s just my opinion