[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Yeah dude all the professional Lucio players who were forced to learn Mercy are just playing her because she is popular.

That’s due to res being on cooldown, and a consistent form of healing.
The most powerful ability in the game literally every 30 seconds in addition to the most consistent form of healing gives us the obviously best healer.
There will always be a “best healer”, but did you ever see professional Lucio players being forced to play mercy 1.0?
Cuz I sure didn’t.


There are 2 healer slots. 1 is reserved for a main healer. Lucio is not a main healer. So you are either going to run Zen or Lucio. Zen’s discord orb is super valuable, especially with Hanzo and Zarya.

So are you going to nerf Zen? Or Hanzo? Or Zarya?

Oh yes, lets assume it’s Mercy’s fault. A hero that was nerfed heavily and hasn’t received any changes since

I’m sad
 Why do certain balance posts get more attention than others? Mine got borderline ignored

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Lucio doesn’t compete with Mercy OMEGALUL

Discord more powerful with slow heroes OMEGALUL

I’m sorry, but this is just too funny. And for the record, Zenyatta and Hanzo probably need some tweaks.

If Mercy and Lucio aren’t competitors, why did Lucio drop from a 85+% pickrate to a <10% pickrate overnight when the Mercy rework dropped?

If Zenyatta is more powerful in Deathball metas, why did he start the first introduction of Dive (with 50% Discord) and was absent from Triple Tank?

Everything I said has been backed up with stats from overbuff and master overwatch, pro play vods you can watch yourself and well known meta’s throughout the entire overwatch community for the last 5 seasons. It’s not my fault you choose to deny it in a pursuit to continue to argue.

But go on, have the last word.

TBH I think lucio should be more competitive with zen. So I think they need to buff lucio’s heal and/or make drop the beat more effective at countering ultimate combos. DTB is “good”, but it’s kind of lack lustre compared to transcendence.

For mercy, I think they need to make her more mechanically demanding by reducing the leniency of her heal beam’s ability to target allies. That or they should probably reduce her healing output because it’s kind of crazy that one of the most mobile heroes (capable of traversing vertical and horizontal distances) can heal for so much per second with hardly any mechanically intensive limitations. Maybe she needs a longer cool down on guardian angel too idk.

wow wtf, a thread about mercy needing a nerf merged into here? im shook


They’re shoving threads in here overtime it seems.

I think the devs are starting to get desperate and need to look good to investors/players. I’m pretty sure that they thought that by now this whole thing would have died down to a murmur that nobody payed any attention to. Well as we can see they are wrong. Now the mods will lock every thread and hope we just shut up.

Let’s see if we can get Megathread number 10. That will show those Mercy mains. If one Megathread doesn’t shut them up then another will
and so on

I’m starting to wonder how many we will go through at this point. :thinking:


You’d think that by now they would finally just acknowledge that a lot of people are really unhappy with their changes, and do SOMETHING to at least make it sting less other than simply say “We’re reading your feedback”.


why not just do a support over haul and re adjust every supports skill celling / floor. Every support but ana can be played by a monkey and get placed at gold.

Torbjorn: It’s like a culmination of a thousand of my worst nightmares! N. O. NO.

But seriously; those suggestions would make playing her completely unessential at all. Sure, her pick rate would drop
to about 1% and then she’ll need another buff to increase it.

Decreasing her healing from 60 to 50 would make her almost contend with an Off-healer; she would be the weakest Main healer to choose from. Most DPS do 65-120 damage in one shot. She’d be unable to keep up with all the damage being put on her patients.

The Valkyrie parts I’m ok with, as she needs some kind of E ability anyway, but the Ultimate I simply can not agree with. It’d still feel too underwhelming to be an Ultimate.

Again, you people insist on using Overbuff and pro game play as your ‘proof’ of how Mercy is ‘overpowered’ and ‘needs a nerf’. You nerf that bird into the ground any further and even the Undertaker’s going to be scratching his head.

She’s a must pick because she, now repeat it with me; FITS EVERY SITUATION REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE ENEMY TEAM IS RUNNING. Her base kit is easy to adapt to, so that helps nothing either.

She’s not a must pick because she’s some powerful game changer or counter to something. She’s literally a glorified babysitter that literally anyone can pick up and use at her base kit.

Stop asking for a nerf; she’s not nearly as powerful as you all would like to think.


She’s been made into never being a bad choice, simple as that.

Consistent healing? Check-

Though just at 60hps, not bad but not as good as Ana and Moira can dish out. But it’s constant and not tied to a resource/reload.

Consistent Boost? Check-

But wasn’t really looked until the rework when people started seeing how good it actually is. 30% isn’t much, but it’s ready when you need it. Too bad it just took so long to notice it.

Mobility? Check-

She has great survivability
as long as she knows where her teammates are and can get to them. It’s probably one of her strongest abilities, but there’s a limiter on it with only having access to it if your team is with you.

Rez? Check-

The ability that shouldnt’ be. In OW’s small team yet fast paced game having Rez on a cooldown is just not possible to balance. Increase the team size, the match length, letting ALL MAIN HEALERs (ie MORE and ONE character can) rez would be SOMETHINGS to tone it down. But that’s not going to happen. Revive mechanics have worked in other FPS games, but they have those three things that help balance it out.

AoE Healing? Check-

Something she DID NOT need. Mercy’s niche was strong single target healing (and mass rez). Providing her with the AoE, just makes her more viable in comps. She can do both, single target and AoE.

She’s just never going to be a bad pick. She has no niche to fill since she fills everything. She’s constant and consistent.

It’s her viability that makes her OU.


OR (and hear me out here) we make rez affect living teammates, too. That way Mercy doesn’t have to wait for her team to die in order to get value out of her ult.

Aside from a “single target” version, having a hard cap on how many people multirez is allowed to affect would be a case of double standards in game design. If you put a limit on it, you’d have to start limiting how many people DPS ults are allowed to kill.

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LOL, actually a lot of people preferred old Resurrect? I’ve asked in games and quite a lot of people wish that Mercy was never reworked to begin with, the only thing they wanted was Resurrect to be countered. You know why they didn’t want her changed also? Other supports could be played and Mercy wasn’t viable in EVERY situation possible.

Umm yup. I’ve followed my flanking Pharah countless times for a beautiful behind enemy lines rocket barrage. Most of the time those stunts work. Did I ever see 5 man Resurrects? Honestly not as much as I saw team kills, because 5 man Resurrects was poor usage of her ultimate. It was a lot better to Resurrect 1-3 people to keep the momentum of the fight going.


Aside from the fact that you’re not over there suggesting that Death Blossom or Dragonblade being capped at say three kills, a capped mass rez would be a nightmare to deal with. You would have no idea who you are going to rez if 4+ people are dead. You can’t pick and choose unless you have rez charges.


Just another support discussion, mostly about Ana (with KarQ), but also indirectly about the state of Mercy:

So at this point, I’m expecting that we won’t see changes to Mercy, but rather a butchering nerf so she “could match” the others.

And in the comments to the video we are going back to “Mercy is so fun to play!” but “let’s nerf her healing to 50!”.

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We will soon reach the limit, prepare for “feedback-thread-continued-part-iv-mercy-updates-jan-30-2018”.

tho its more like “feedback-trashcan-continued-part-iv-mercy-updates-jan-30-2018”


I’m not exactly sure why you’re replying to me. I don’t believe I suggested any of that. I’ve only pointed out how Mercy has better healing than season 3 Ana, and has the best of almost everything but damage.