[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Yep, and she got one, and a counter too. :slight_smile:

She now only has a 75% pickrate.

Lol you really think the Zen nerf made him any less OP? He’s still one of the best heroes, not just healers, in the entire game, and has been for over a year. When are we nerfing Zen?

Oh, did I mention Rein is the most picked hero on overbuff? Are we gonna nerf him?

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Hey if we are nerfing Mercy’s ultimate to a single target Resurrect feel free to nerf the DPS ultimates in the game to a single target kill. I don’t think that it’s fair in an FPS game that 1 hero has the potential to kill an entire enemy team.


I’ve got you and ONLY YOU in my sights.

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Nope, Reinhardt just happens to be meta. Besides - we’re talking about OWL.

Zenyatta is balanced Mercy just needs a small healing output nerf, and a counter.

Yassss! It’s High Noon only for you Zenyatta!

Uh oh looks like we got a triggered Mercy main

Uh no looks like we got a “Triggered” edgelord.

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I’m being super sarcastic good thing that went right over your head a long with others that think Mass Resurrect was broken af.


Was broken, that’s why the devs of Overwatch reworked it. LUL

No it wasn’t and created this monst… I mean “success”

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If it wasn’t broken then why did the devs rework it?

Because it was “unfun to play against.”

It’s very disheartening when your team goes for a Zarya Grav combo and Pharah Rocket barrage only for Mercy to swoop in and Resurrect her team.

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People cried. just like they did with scatter arrow.

Maybe she’s consistently meta bc so many ppl like playing her and we learn how to always make her werrrrkkkkkkk no matter the meta baby yas !! :wink:


2 abilities that were absolutely no fun to play against. Why do you think they got rid of it?

Yas queen! Slaying these nerfs one after the other okurrrrrr!

And here we are, complaining about how GravStrike has " Little counterplay"


ahaha, you got so defensive and brought up another reason when you realized you f*cked up

People make a forum post about mercy, offering suggestions, they get their post locked.
People make a post about needing mercy, blizzard don’t seem to care.
