[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

So? Mercy was always the higherpickrate before the rework, she will always be one of the higher pickrates. She’s a community favorite, has one of the largest playerbases, etc.

Also, Rein is the most picked hero in the game right now on those “stats websites”. Does that mean Rein is OP/needs nerfs?


InútilApagar unfairly pushes a false narrative that Mercy to exaggerate her success to place excessive nerfs on her by just cherry picking Comp data. When in reality across the board Mercy has the weakest offense/defense capabilities and low pick rate a lot in duels/deathmatch/unlimited, and many other modes. Mercy is top heavy on support to balance because she has nothing else.

Mercy’s Original ULT was to resurrect all is a counter to DPS ULT that constantly team wipe. Another DPS Ult popped right after Mercy like in the video is another easy counter. Rock, Paper, Scissors. Balanced.


Yet fast forward today with excessive nerfs on Mercy. She’s barely left with a crumble or fair compromise. The two remaining quick resurrection are off the table. While DPS still gets to keep their Team Kill ULT, with a set of damage buffs over the years.

Imagine if DPS ULTS were hard capped to two max kills only. DPS players would say its unfun and almost pointless. It reeks of hypocrisy and double standards.


She is also the highest picked support in the OWL, and always has been… Pros don’t play their “favourite” heroes, they play the heroes who are most likely to win.

She doesn’t need a nerf, she needs another rework. She’s enabled by so many comps because of her high mobility, reliable healing, and a revive every 30 seconds. Res won’t be balanced as an E ability. An ultimate ability can’t be put onto a normal ability and be balanced. Single target res as an ultimate is not the solution. Many of us Mercy players never asked for a rework, and in my opinion MercyWatch was brought on by the community.


And there is no data that backs what you say up.

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The people who cried mass res is OP created the Monster.

Just like everyone who cried about Scatter arrow created the new Hanzostien.


An ultimate ability goes to a normal ability? What could go wrong! :slight_smile:


Why nothing, nothing at all :smiley:

No, Zenyatta, and has been for a while.


Yeah okay, the last 5 seasons of Overwatch just haven’t happened. Stat sites haven’t consistently had Mercy at a must pick, 50% win that entire time either across multiple meta’s.

She is the most picked hero in the game, has been for some time. This month overall she is the #1 pick, 6% over Zenyatta. The only tier she isn’t higher than him is GM, and she’s down by .06%.

Edit: Rein is currently #1 pick, my mistake. She is #2, highest of the supports.
Source: Overbuff

Odd, Overbuff says Rein is the most picked hero in the game for this month.

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OWL pickrates:

Mercy: 86.44%

Zenyatta: 82.56%

Try again.

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LOL a whole 4%, I guess that means Zen is balanced and only Mercy is OP, right?


I just corrected myself, my apologies

Who woulda thunk. That an ultimate on ability slot wouldn’t be OP or anything.


So what, since D. Va has a 96% pickrate, she needs a nerf?

Yes. 4 is the magic number. as 4 is 2 twice, and Mercy is apparently 2 strong.

So therefore OP

Where does she have a 96% pickrate ?

But you were so sure Zen had a higher pickrate…

Remember, these stats also include before Zen was nerfed.