[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

You’re actually in gold, aren’t you?

Edit: Wow, never mind. You’re the 4th mercy now apparently, that’s pretty impressive. but, in quick play. Why haven’t you played this Season yet?

Wow seriously.

I played against a Kephrii Widow for crying out loud and was beaten to a pulp. Just because she has a movement ability doesn’t make her this unstoppable force. My gosh.

Pretty much this. She flies in a predictable fashion, and I’ve seen plenty of GM players focus her down between flights. I thought people wanted to balance this game around the higher tiers? So why nerf a character because you aren’t good enough to hit her in the lower brackets?

I mean, 4421. Only 2000 sr difference lol :stuck_out_tongue:

But in all seriousness, Mercy is very difficult to play at higher ranks vs godly DPS. Just look up NeptuNo recent interview where he explains why “Mercy is one of the most complex heroes to play at high ranks” and Custa’s interview as well. Granted, Ana is of course much more difficult to play than all other supports at GM, and Zen is very difficult without a main healer pocketing you all game.

Haven’t placed this account because my school doesn’t end until tomorrow. Finals > Overwatch, at least for a few more hours! ;p I placed my smurf to duo with a friend, but it’s only around 4100 sr right now.

I also dislike this meta as a Mercy player. During Dive, I had to be proactive, slippery, bait out enemy flankers and stay alive in the process. Now I just stand by Hanzo and hold right click. Not as exciting, as you might imagine. In this meta I feel less like a skillful juker and more like the skilless healbot people say Mercy is.

Also, I’d like to point out, I’d love for Mercy to be less dominant. But I don’t think she needs straight nerfs. She needs a rework/redistribution of power. Rez as an ability is too strong and making her more viable than the other healers. And pressing E to bring someone back to life is neither very skillful nor fair. I personally want Lucio and Ana to be buffed, Moira to be able to continue to heal through shields, and Zen to be toned down slightly. As for Brigitte…she can go back to beta testing for all I care shrug. She slows down the game too much IMO.


I don’t think Lucio is a main healer, he fits the off-healer status due to his cd between amps, he can’t dish out healing like Mercy, Ana and Moira can, who have no cds.

I agree. Lucio provides a utility and not just healing like off supports tend to do.

But I’ve seen so many people go;

“But Pros ran Lucio/Zen. You’re SUPPOSE to run Main Healer/Off Healer so Lucio HAD to be a main healer”

100% this.

Mercy’s power in her kit is very distorted. She has a watered down ultimate to fit an ability slot, and an ability that is too long in order to fit an ultimate slot.

What Mercy needed was Valkyrie to be introduced as an ability to assist Mercy in skirmishes where ultimates aren’t in play to compete with Ana’s Anti-Nade. While making Resurrect as an ultimate harder to pull off on your own and somehow affect allies who are still alive as well.

But hey it’s still a success everyone! 9 Megathreads and probably going to head to a 10th one soon.


nope… was meant to be a pure single target healer. that was her niche… therefore lucio is not fav anymore… his aoe healing is not that great and who needs speedboost these days when you can have rez.

Giving her valk as an ability would be removing rez as an ability, thus making Mercy less dominant overall and Lucio more viable. Also, I think Lucio’s Amp It Up needs a buff. When he uses Amp It Up, it should increase its range by double or triple, making his healing radius much larger during the 3 sec duration. Then Lucio would truly be THE AoE healer again.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Pharmacy is broken on consoles.

Like what do you want PC players to do for you?

Apologize? We’re sorry?

Like in High Elo Pharmacy is shut down REALLY easily on PC.

Console needs separate balancing from PC in my opinon. I mean, they said they would do that, but haven’t, so

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and im done

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But she isn’t fine anymore. People just want her fixed, we’re sick of seeing her as the #1 pick for the last 8 months.

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Didn’t they nerf torb only on console because of the auto aim turret? At least I’m pretty sure that’s the only nerf that’s been different between console and PC.

I think we have a winner! Yay!

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Haha, yeah, but then they reverted that change too, iirc.

Of course they did. :roll_eyes:

She’s not the #1 pick tho. Zen is the #1 pick and has been for far longer than Mercy. You can run Moira and still win, you can even run Ana and still win. But it’s almost impossible to win without a Zen, especially at higher ranks.

Yes, Mercy is too strong right now with her rez, but she’s no where near the #1 pick. For main support, yes, but not out of all supports.


Check statistics websites, Mercy is ALWAYS the higher pickrate.