[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I mean there isn't really anything to do if you don't like it...
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It just sucks because I really loved Bliz when I started playing overwatch, but to see all this power abuse and the way Bliz is treating its customers/player base upsets me. :confused:


Hrm. If you don’t like it what are gonna do about it?

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I’ve already stopped paying for loot boxes or merch, no money for Bliz from me. I also stopped recommending it to people, it may not be much but it makes me feel better. ^^


This was 2d ago but it got moved into the megathread, so…

I agree. If Mercy ever gets reverted (currently she’s too strong to ever be balanced) she needs to be toned down. She can’t just get reverted and thrown in like “here ya go” and ignored for months.

I’d like to point something out here, at about the 1:28 mark in this video:

The statement is made that the pros and OWL in general are the ones most likely to use an overpowered hero, because it gives them the highest chance of winning, which is most important aspect of the match/game to them for various reasons. This goes a long way to explaining the recurring pick rate issue that gets tossed around.

Also, given the new people who’ve been dumped in here and are complaining about power creep and saying that nerfing is the best solution, I think attention needs to once again be directed here:


How about adding another 5men rez mercy? (with 2.0 abilities) xDD

Well this isnt really true. Think Eickenwalde the payload phase where youre climbing to the bridge. She cant hide below where the mega health pack is anymore because if she did she would not be there in time for the res effectively forcing her to stay closer to her team to make max value out of it.

I think the only thing it needed was LoS after all, and maybe 15% - 20% ult cost since with los you already reduced hiding by a good amount. It would charge at the same rate Valkyrie does now its not really a big deal. Immunity must remain though.

What thread was trashed here this time? I’ve noticed about 100 new-old posts :stuck_out_tongue:

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As long as the devs are up their own rear ends and sucking the money straw connected to esports (had to PG that due to rules) they will not take any feeback about Mercy from the forums. To them she’s a “success”, but to most of us she is a failure. Just like this dev team and how they are handling this situation.

So many months of silence and shutting down threads. Not one dev posted in the Megathread to even say “We are happy with how she is, and we do not plan on changing her anytime soon”, but a mod had to copy and paste a response that a dev made in another thread, and that’s pathetic.

Nobody really enjoys this versions of Mercy. She’s not that fun to play anymore, and with her rez as an E ability even I get annoyed when I play against her. At least when mass rez went off it wasnt that bad cause it was an ult, but she is way more annoying now.

Glad I hung up the staff and walked away. To think this was the first event I missed entirely.


It’s all about the GLORIOUS LEAGUE™

Please make single target rez an ultimate. It can’t be balanced as an ability and mercy is too OP.

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I believe it was Titanium’s thread re-post that got …“scrapped”.

That would be really bland and weak ultimate.

Please play Mercy more than just two hours. You sound like you could benefit from experiencing the perspective of a Mercy player.


You know… Funny thing with using “time played as hero X”… It seems to be only two variables:

  • You didn’t play hero X enough, so shut your pretty mouth, Jon Snow.
  • You played hero X so much, you are obviously biased about him/her and you can’t see the issues clearly, so your opinion is trash.
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We’re talking about balance changes here. It helps to know how to play the hero in question, so you can make more informed suggestions.

Someone who doesn’t know how to play the hero at all is at best prone to suggesting things that actually would break the hero one way or another, and at worst under suspicion for only wanting to see a rival hero eliminated from their games.

I’d say that players with a butt-ton of hours on a hero know them much better than anyone else, and have a better grasp on what exactly makes them powerful, where their vulnerabilities lay, and how player skill effects their use.


Everyone is a Sith on the forums and only deals in absolutes!

Well, Titanium’s thread didn’t last long I see. Less than a day before a moderator moved it into the megabin thread.

Yeah, unfortunately that’s most likely because:

  • They have the megathread(s) on ‘muted’ status so that they don’t even see it listed on the forum or get notifications about it
  • They are in denial about Mercy’s rework being a failure, to them they see it as a success, and are possibly cowards to come and face the music too

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if even Tom had it on ‘muted’ too, given how many times both Jeff and Tom have been quoted throughout the megathread(s) but have never directly replied to or appeared to act on a single one of the posts. Hell, one could probably post spam in this thread and no action would be taken unless it had enough flags as I doubt even the moderators read the megathread(s) lol.


It would be better than pulse bomb.