[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

That’s why Rez needs to be an ult or locked behind one

Mhm, in the early days of dive fights were quick, you didnt need much healing, kill the enemy before they kill you. Any real sustain came from alternating lucio and zen ults.

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at the very least it should be locked behind a resource meter. I’ve pitched an idea several times where Mercy could charge a meter to be able to use rez, but could stockpile up to two rezzes with it. So you could use one rez early, or hold out for two to get greater value from them later. Of course it got sent to the Mercy Mega-Graveyard

Buff them and nerf mercy, if they just buffed them to mercy’s lvl then they would be OP. I did read your suggestion, it wouldnt make her OP, i was saying that in order for her to be a better choice than mercy if mercy isnt nerfed, then ana would need to be OP.

Or attainable by all main healers.

But that’s just me. If it’s going to be a standard ability have it be standard for all main healers.

Yeah I know the problems that would come if that DOES happen, but Blizzard doesn’t seem to care that Rez on CD is a problem itself.

We shouldn’t just give alternatives or they’ll never listen. I think we should pitch new ideas, that will catch their attention

Naw, they seem occupied with other heroes, dont seem to care enough that mercy is still a must pick and has been for 9 months. She isnt anywhere near as OP as she was before january, but still the best support hero across multiple metas. Rez is just too good to not have.

It’s rez that’s meta, as with Hanzo it’s not the hero that’s the problem, just one of the abilities in their kit.

Unless Blizzard literally remove rez people will probably never be happy, I swear even if they made it a solo ult it still wouldn’t be enough.

I know, they just say “duh pickrates lul” and just ignore the problem. Mercy needs a new kit with a new version of Rez that isn’t an ability, but locked behind an ult

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From in the sky?
With her wings?
Where she normally is anyway, flying around in the sky?
With her wings?

Valkyrie fits Nerfcy fine.

They don’t realize that they made her a must pick with this stupid rework


And what are the nerf she needs?

Rez is okay, is risky and used rarely.
Heal beam is her only resource to heal, nerf ingthat will delete her from main healers.
Buff beam is okay.
GA is on lower cd, but depends on allies.
Ultimate is kinda meh.

No, Valk doesn’t fit Mercy’s kit unless it’s an ability. Valk is mean to improve the entire kit, but Mercy’s is so good that it can’t improve anything other than “muh flight” which does mothing


They didn’t rework her beam though?
Her beam and mobility is what does it.
Why play Ana and have bad, stressful games?

Mercy’s beam is what puts her ahead of the other supports.

They never changed her beam

I wouldn’t say new kit.

Rework her standard kit.

If rez is going to be a standard ability have it be standard for all main healers. (Like come on you [Blizzard] build Moira up as this “dark mirror” to Mercy…shouldn’t’ she have some kind of corrupt rez? Instead of Mercy’s pretty golden IFrame, give Moira the wraith form for her targets).

Make it so her healing isn’t at 60hps right off the bat. Have her work it up. Start her off at 30hps and the more she heals and the longer she stays alive the more it builds (keeping that cap at 60hps). Have Mercy be rewarded for properly using her base kit to build up that healing.


Body is not unclear.

You can outplay annoying Genji :slight_smile:

Tempo rez should never have happened. The only way I can conceive that they thought it was a good idea, was maybe if they had gone out for after work drinks, had a few too many, and this whole concept came up. Because having thought it was good idea when sober just boggles the mind.

Well, I mean rework her abilities, not full kit (E and Q) the rest is fine