[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

And that quote is from what, 5 months ago? When people were thinking mercy wasnt as good anymore, and playing other heroes for a few weeks. Then her pick rate went right back up once they realized she is still the best support.

Only one she ever had was the lack of an AoE heal.

In comes Valk to fill that role.

She might be better in this meta than in dive, but she was still the best support in dive, along with a zen. Maybe weaker there, but still the best, that is a problem.

Quote was last month dogg.

Yeah I think her having res in the ult makes more sense, real talk. Her E ability is T h i c c as hell, they need to change all that. I like the angelic ward game, that’s pretty fire as an E move. I peronally dig it.

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Mercy has always been a popular hero.
15% of the player base plays her.
Her pickrate, comes from her loyal playerbase.

She would maintain a stupidly high pickrate even if she had no legs and was blind.

Where dem “skillfull Ana mains” at tho, y u abandon your hero and complain about mine?

Again the issue is the same.

Neither ana or moira are good in a dive comp.
Mercy was the only choice.

We need more main support characters.

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Agreed, even if she was bad she would be picked a lot, but that isnt the situation we are currently in. We are in “pick mercy or be at a disadvantage”

The thing is while Zen has been meta a lot, you’ve never strictly needed a Zen to be able to win. I’ve played games where Zen has been subbed out for another secondary healer such as Lucio and it’s been fine. Mercy has been a must pick for a while and still remains pretty meta centric because she can deny picks while getting a lot of value out of her healing.

I think the ability is kinda bad, and Valkyrie just doesn’t work as an ult. We need another Mercy rework

I agree we need more main supports, but dive before mercy re work used lucio and zen. It didnt even run a main support and that worked until mercy totally replaced lucio. If they buffed moira or ana to the point where they are more valuable than mercy’s constant healing, and res, they would be so broken.

She was only a must pick after the rework tho


Zen exists to bait people to play second healer.
He heals, but people only play him for duh DEEPS.

I think Valk COULD work as an ult. Just not for Mercy.

Mercy’s kit is just too viable that Valk really can’t do anything to improve on it other than give that little AoE heal that she lacked.

If mercy wasnt being played, I wonder how much worse zen would be. Right now he gets pocketed hard and lives a lot longer because of her, which results in discord being around longer, getting trans much faster etc. Zen is right up there at the top with mercy, but I feel like he relies on her a lot.


I never said she wasn’t. However ressurects didn’t occur anywhere near as frequently. The main issue is that such a powerful ability is on a cooldown. There’s not as much value in killing Mercy 2.0 as there was in killing Mercy 1.0, because if she got rez off while she was alive, it’s still on cooldown even when she’s respawning. Mercy 1.0 couldn’t charge ult when she was respawning.

He definitely relies on her. Damage boost and discord is a whopping 60% of extra damage (probably calculated that wrong) And she can also save him in a pinch because he has no escape and he either hits his shots or dies against flankers.

Exactly, they should make another healer and work Valk for him/her. Valk doesn’t fit Mercy

Those early seasons of “any two healers,” dried up a lot faster than I think anyone expected haha.

Once upon a time you could have a Lucio and a Zen on your team without hearing four, simultaneous “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.”

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You calculated it right, they are additive.

But with no change, the situation wiil remain the same.

They must buff them.

Did you read my suggestion about Ana? They wouldn’t make her op.