[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Rez can be risky depending where people died, it isnt rarely used tho, at least not in high sr games. Even if they died in a fairly bad place, if the rein moves over there she can get it off, at least it requires teamwork now. If I were to just give her nerfs and not rework the hero, id like to see healing as 55 a sec down from 50, and give rez like 10 sec longer cd, so such a powerful ability cant be used quite as often.

Looking at the healer per game from each support, bringing her healing to 55 would still keep her in the top or 2nd top position for healing per game. Atm she is at 11.7k and moira is 2nd at 10.2k

it scares me that people want other supports buffed to compete with mercy

itā€™s a denial mechanism yes, but the implications of what theyā€™re suggesting is very scary

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My bad lol. But the real reason sheā€™s on top is ult on E and the fact that Ana needs some love

The power creep would be real, I mean i do think ana and lucio need some minor buffs, nothing to bring them up to the lvl of mercy, cuz then yea, that would be scary.

Putting Rez on an even longer CD is just awful, and her healing is perfect. Just put Rez as an ult

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Which is why I said those are the changes id like to see assuming she wasnt getting another rework.

Iā€™ve seen good ideas, and I had a few myself, they can all be tried and seen which works

Her healing is the problemā€¦
Mercy has the most consistent and easy to deploy healing in the game.

If you left Mercy with only her beam and guardian angel, took everything else away, she would still perform better than Ana.

The only way you ever ā€œremoveā€ mercy or ā€œlessenā€ mercyā€™s impact on the meta would be to add a support with an ability of comparable strength for preemptive plays, a support that makes you temporarily unable to die (Health cannot go below 1). With that competition, you make way for not temporarily losing firepower in your lineup, which I believe would mean mercy wouldnā€™t be a must pick, but a choice.

Check overbuff.
A mercy ress on average 6 players in a match

I donā€™t think this is the issue.

I would kinda agree about a little healing nerf.

And hopefully sometime soon blizz will just try some on the ptr, maybe it can actually be used for testing instead of just seeing if the patch is stable and doesnt have more bugs, crashes etc.


Healing reability
Burst Healing

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Her healing is fine, it doesnā€™t need changing. The fact that she was never picked above GM before her rework is proof enough


Mhm, I guess I am mainly speaking at the higher lvls of play, where it looks ike its 8-9 rez a game. Which doesnt sound like a huge amount but just 1 rez can totally swing the fight, or save a lot of time by not having to wait for them to walk back from spawn to push again. Getting someone picked on defense and being able to res to be back at 6 is a huge advantage over having a 5v6 fight.

Iā€™m sorry, why are you talking to me and what are you trying to say?

That your previously argument is wrong

In some aspects Mercy is better, in others Ana is better.

What rank is there above gm where she could have been picked? She has always been picked a ton at every rank, regardless of her being strong or not. Back in season 5 it was all dive and lucio and zen were the best supports at the top and in pro play. And yet these are hero choices near the end of season 5

Yeah, Mercy is better at winning games and Ana is harder to play lol.

That was before they nerfed her, now she is not a must pick, but yet people are complaining as if she is a must pick.

However, this still do not ignore the fact that he has been meta longer than Mercy, but because he is skillful, people tend to not have an issue with it.

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She is still a must pick in the sense that not having her while the enemy does, puts your team at a disadvantage. She isnt as strong as she once was, but she is still much stronger than the other options. It is true that zen has been meta longer, and that people like to give him a pass because he is a more skilled support. But he also relies on mercy a lot to stay in his current position, no other support can keep him alive as well as mercy can. He has many weaknesses and mercy makes up for them.