[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Never seen a “mercy op thread” after her last nerf.

Only request for a buff/rework/make her fun again.

Ya’ll are just going to complain until she’s trash tier like Ana.

Here’s an idea, maybe bring Ana out of the mud instead of just stomping on Mercy?


I never said she wasn’t overturned but sure, generalize away.
Putting rez on a cooldown was a big mistake but after saying the same thing over and over it just gets tiresome.
If you nerf her any further it won’t help anything, nerfing her won’t make the other supports better by comparison. If anything we need more variety in our “main” healers, or just more healers in genral.

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So the fix would be nerf Mercy?

Why not buffing Moira-Ana instead?


Pretty sure that means that you dont think she is overtuned, might not have used the exact words, but implied it. Rez being in the game in general is a big mistake, guess we will just have mercy be a must pick till they get around to reworking her again and hopefully just getting rid of rez all together. Scatter got removed, hopefully rez will too one day.

Rez wont be removed, it needs to be an ult again


Maybe cause Mercy is the one hero you can play at 90+% efficiency while web browsing or eating dinner

How can they buff moira when they are currently nerfing her. Buffing other supports to the point where they might be a better choice than having rez on your team will make them so strong. The power creep of that would be silly. Sure ana needs buffs, but to the point that she is a better choice than mercy? We would be back to s3 ana.

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Maybe someday it will, id rather it be tied to an ult, but would be happy to see it just be replaced with a different ability.

I would be fine if rez was taken away and we got like, a manual GA boost or an ability that let’s her pop into the air, basically something that doesn’t make her so team reliant really.

Rez without earning it definitely wasnt the way to go, but messing with her base kit can go so wrong so fast.

I think her ult needs to be looked at again, something honestly I wouldn’t be sad if they got rid of the free flight mode and brought back a small increase on her GA in valk, I still kinda like rez on a resource meter or half health rez

She already has great mobility, even if it does require being in LOS of a teammate, after all it is a team game. If it was removed it would have to be replaced with something else that is strong, just a mobility skill without a target wouldnt be enough imo. Especially if other changes were not made.

How about replace Resurrect with Soulstone that you prematurely cast on an ally who gets a 2nd life at 30% HP after he dies.

I just wanna be able to throw off a flanking genji/tracer/who ever by blasting myself backwards or right at them, that would throw em for a loop lol

Just pop up in a widows scope and scare the beans outta her

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Mercy is picked so much thanks to her reliability, at cost of 0 defence.

This meta is perfect for her because all the picks are good to defend her, especially brigitte that is very good against flankers.

This meta delete her biggest weakness.

About other healers, Moira would be a good start reverting the “fix”.
Ana maybe less delay on aiming/shooting and a lower cd on dart.


Remember what the homie JeffaLlamaLordLowLeffa Kappa Said ;o

They ain’t nerfin the homie Mercy my boiis lmao.


The thing that throws me off most about SD is I keep forgetting about the cast time :sob:
I miss so many shots because I keep thinking its instant cast

Every meta is perfect for her, if anything one would assume dive wasnt, but she could still just fly away and be amazing there too. Thats the problem, it isnt this meta doesnt need to help her biggest weakness, because she doesnt have one. Rez will always be too strong, especially on a normal ability, only way it can be balanced is if they ruin the rest of her kit, which no1 wants to see. Those little buffs to moira or ana would make them better, but still never really contesting mercy for the main healer spot.

I had an idea similar to that actually, I posted it on here

Mobility doesn’t save her from flankers,even if she fly away.

With flankers outmeta, she is better.

I think her ult could have res tied to it, but not her regular kit. Tell me if this is balanced or not:
Mercy’s ult: Valkriye.
Gain the ability to fly and have chain heals and damage as usual, and have res. But in her non-ult state, she has a new ability.
Angelic ward: Mercy takes damage for a selected teammate for 3 seconds, but she cannot take damage that takes her below 50 health. 10 second CD