[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Mercy and Zen meta…Feelsbad

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Oh look, it’s the 500th version of this thread , again.
Look, she’s fine where she is, no nerfs, no buffs.
They need to focus on fixing the other healers to help them out instead of mercy.
They should have let Moira continue to heal through barriers tbh


It’s like we are still in Mercy and Zen meta.

Edit: I had to correct it for you because Zen had been meta longer than Mercy, but it seems like people are ignoring this part of fact.


It’s not as bad as before, but it’s still there

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Ana, Lucio, and Moira is not going to help out the snipers in this meta.


Again, Mercy is not the issue though.

Simple truth is, no hero will every compare in value to tempo res. It’s simply too much.

At least… unless they massively gut the rest of Mercy’s kit, but I don’t wanna see that. Tempo res needs to go.


I don’t think it’s possible to buff the other healers to a level where they can compete with Mercy, without making them overpowered.

Ana and Lucio are on the weaker side, but they’re not exactly Torb Tier. They’re plenty strong in their own right, it’s just compared to Mercy, even very strong healers like Moira look weak.

I don’t think Mercy is massively overtuned, Res on a cooldown is simply too powerful a tool.

It’s nearly impossible to balance bringing someone back from the dead. Unless you make them come back half-dead

half health res when

As long as shes a VERY accessible hero with a good effort-to-impact ratio she will always be up there in the pickrates.

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I think you can balance it if it is an ultimate. Mass rez could have been balanced but Blizzard jumped the gun when reworking Mercy


Remember when Ana was actually considered a more effective healer than Mercy? Ana alone could solo heal an entire team without any problem. The drawback was her mechanical skill requirements, which prevented her from seeing much play on lower levels, in exchange for Mercy’s lower (but less mechanically intensive) healing output.

That’s the kind of trade-off I want to see between those two healers! I want Ana to be better than Mercy, but harder to play. Unfortunately, that might not happen, as Mercy’s Res (as an ability) already gives her tons more value than Ana.


Oh look, its the 500th mercy main who thinks she isnt overtuned, and that other supports need to be buffed cuz power creep is acceptable, but nerfs to over performing heroes is not.


Mercy being nerfed will completely make Ana viable, simple as that. I heard that on the forum so it must be true.


You camt fix the other healers when mercy can out heal them and rez. If you buff thw more, dps heroes are going to be more trash than they currently are.

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I mean, bruh… Brig is dominatin right now. I’d be thunkin that it’s the brig meta.

Also bruh, Tracer and Genji homies still be slidin in that role queue like cthulu. I’d be thunkin it’s the Tracer Genji meta.

The homie Zen be in every round fam, I’d be thunkin it’s the Zen meta.

H E C C I sware (Shoutout to that one homie), the mercy homie is like a tiny porschen of all the heroes that be dominatin in this game. She ain’t even close to being the reason fo this meta right now, LOL

If she is still op why nobody complained about her before the moira nerf?

These forums are a joke.


1: Not saying she’s op, but she’s still meta for a few seasons now as well as Zen.
2: We have been complaining for a long time lmao since September

People have complained about her since the game came out. People just started making more posts about it since moira being nerfed. The worst support in gm, who is also a main healer, is getting nerfed, while the one with like 15x her pick rate isnt. Makes sense.

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