[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

It would be for nothing if it’s only for the healing. With an E it would be reasonable again. If it’s only for the healing, the difference between good and bad Mercy players would be just the same as it is now.

This is why i say it would be for nothing.

The problem i see with that is that it makes Mercy to strong with the rest of her kit. She can already dmgb, heal, shot and res. Much more and the utility of other sups would be pointless.

I really don’t understand what you are trying to say. All I’ve been talking about as of late is an E.

People have wanted an E though. Fix her ult and maybe it wouldn’t be such a problem. Or focus more on what QuizzyBunny is looking for. You give her any E outside of maybe a jump thing for escape and you will have the same situation.

The problem with changes to Mercy is that she will look better than the other supports unless THEY get fixed. But that’s a design and balance problem overall, not necessarily a Mercy problem.

I’ll just drop this: Is our feedback worthless in the eyes of the devs?
In case any of you is interested.

Okay than like that.
QuizzyBunny’s idea is a good one, but won’t fix the satisfaction problem of Mercy’s kit. Also, the “distinction problem between good and bad Mercy players” doesn’t have its roots in her base kit. That is already the only thing which differentiates good Mercy players from the bad ones.

This is why i say that the idea would be pointless work. It would change nothing about how good it feels to play her or how good she is, even if you play her well or not.

In regards to a charging E ability.
That mostly comes with the fear that it could be too strong.

This is what I’m trying to say. Sorry if that mixed itself too much.

I am so confused.

Hey, you’re back! :smiley:


So they 404ed it as well? We really need someone to publicize the fact that they are censoring the highly detailed Threads about Mercy.

Like really Jeff says that they want good feedback and than they get it they censor it.


Supposedly they were going to uphold the suspension (first labeled as “spamming” but the forum support agent said that it wasn’t spam, but really the fact that I talked about the previous account action), but I’m mysteriously unsuspended right now…

And the reply telling me they were going to uphold the suspension left a lot of unanswered questions that I could not ask because they marked the ticket as resolved.

I submitted another ticket to ask those questions.


This entire situation is very suspicious.

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this is really spoopy

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Some time before I tried to not write huge posts (so I wrote a lot of little posts), and the results were a lot of arkward discussions with trolling, toxicity, people ignoring all my other posts, and who knows what else, and finally being banned and furious after spending long hours here, so now I prefer to write this type of post. Yeah, it takes long time and it can be hard to read it all (I’m not going to force anyone to do so anyway), but it’s healthier for me, and by now no one has turned my posts into a toxic fight anymore. Somepeople gets afraid of how passionate I am about Mercy, but there’s nothing wrong with that, I think.

Just one word: Weird…

Welcome back, anyway, it’s incredible what are they doing to you and to every single complainer about this failed rework. This is becoming ridiculous at this point.


that’s really shady tbh

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Titanium did you get suspended again? Like you are suspended now?

Not suspended at the moment.

What if we give mercy a more defensive ult? When she uses her ult, all her alive teammates nearby glow yellow and she yells her “heroes never die” line and everyone becomes temporarily invulnerable which gives her time to start healing her team again while preventing death. Then Valkyrie could be a good E ability to couple with this ult. Thoughts?


She had a defensive ultimate. What she needed was an E ability to help her survive fights and give her something more to do in a battle. While making Resurrect as an ultimate more counterable and not optimal in every situation.


I mean’t that Valkyrie isn’t a defensive ult, and I believe the days of mass rez are sadly gone forever. I honestly don’t believe single rez will stay for too long either. I’m just suggesting what could be an alternative to a resurrect ult :slight_smile:

I don’t think they would get rid of Resurrect. I’d probably drop the game entirely if they did and start playing Realm Royale that game is hella fun. If you can kill an enemy you should be able to revive them as well just an opinion.

Resurrect has been in plenty FPS shooters people just think it’s unfair that a support like Mercy being easy to use gets to have that. While Resurrect is harder to use it isn’t that big and impactful like it used to be. While Valkyrie is long and drawn out and basically does everything and makes it feel boring to use it doesn’t exactly feel like an ultimate.

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In everything below GM, Mercy is at the highest pickrate, and just shy of Zen in GM. The Moira “bug fix”/nerf won’t help her case either


Going on 7 seasons of Mercy meta.
