To be fair, Valkyries weren’t suppose to interfere until the heroes died.
So I guess it’s thematically correct?
EDIT: just thought, use it when you’re scared. Fly to the skies like a coward, and yell at them to go away. Works every time (unless it’s a hitscan player, at which point fly around like a Moth with Brain Damage. Usually they give up out of frustration)
In any meta with sniper DPS expect a Mercy pocket, especially with rez on a cooldown. A consistent 60hps heal, damage boost AND an undo button if you get picked. Like, that’s the dream for any long range DPS lol
There are plenty of ultimate abilities that would target the player being resurrected or deal so much damage that they would instantly be removed from play again with no chance to defend themselves.
The time it takes for her to get into position to pull off her resurrect is time that could be spent countering the ability, in order for her to get everybody back up she has to put herself in the center of the danger zone. Interrupt her so she cannot get within range to save her team. The best way to counter an ability is to make them waste it or simply deny them the ability to use it.
If she uses mass resurrect to bring back her team but your team saved an ultimate ability to counter it. The ability is wasted. It got nullified.
If she is spotted flying in to pull off her resurrect kill her in transit or force her to pop it early and miss a couple teammates. This creates a unwanted spawn stutter that gives your team the advantage.
Capture in transit and eliminate.
Force a premature resurrection by shooting at her in transit causing the player to panic.
Save an ultimate ability to nullify the resurrect.
Focus fire on the most troublesome targets first after their invulnerability has worn off.
2: get rid of the invulnerability effect as all it did was encourage people to hide with rez then fly in for the big 5 man rez
3: also get rid of the performance based SR for lower tiers. It’s works well in my rank and I think it works well for diamonds as well so it makes sense to push it out to all the ranks. It would stop the need for a big rez because no matter the number of people rez’d it won’t effect SR gains or losses
The fact that it can take away progress wasn’t and cannot be balanced. I.E: enemy team gets a pick, 2, 3, 4, 5 picks, Mercy hits Q, and rez any amount. Regardless of Mercy being invulnerable, it was still quite unfair.
Even taking away 1 pick, is still kind of unfair. She’s balanced the way she is now, leave her alone.
I remember when she was given invulnerability and 1 second regen…ah, the good ol’ days…
Mass Rez was sometimes a bother but it was hardly a broken ability. I miss it, even if it was MY ult that she got mass Rez from, good for Mercy. She clutched and probably turned the tide of the game. Good on her for her positioning, and shame on me and my team for not focusing her first. Plus Valk is just annoying.
Indeed. The only reason “hide n rez” became so popular was because of SR exploits. This created a bad situation where GM Mercy players with negative winrates thought they were suddenly experts and gave other players this bad advice.
ACTUAL Mercy players would hide to dodge an ult storm, but morons who hid the second they got Rez do NOT represent real Mercy players.
The SR system is flawed to all heck, and performance should be removed. Then, add an AOE/LOS/no-wall check to Resurrect, and instead of invulnerability give her massive damage resistance like Take A Breaker Hog. Easy.
Even after the hps buff and the invulnerability, and the Ana nerfs, Mercy was still VERY rarely seen in pro play, pretty much only for pocketing on pharah maps.
The rework managed to make mercy good at all levels of play, and got rid of some of the more frustrating aspects of playing against her. IMO she’s a lot more fun to play too, but that’s a controversial opinion on the forums.
You cannot balance Mass Rez. No one understands that at all. It was and STILL IS the most powerful ability in the game. Regardless of heroes resurrected.