[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I will never stop caring about the hero I have 600 hours on.


it was overpowered



That what she original was. But the outcry towards Ana nerfs and mercy buffs made her like that. It was the community.

  1. Flying in a straight line to the fight, lead to an easy Roadhog hog hook which always killed Mercy in one shot without fail. On a 6 second cooldown.

  2. D.va couldn’t block this.

Oh my word, did I say that, no I didn’t😂

I said focus on what she is now, try to fix that. Saying what could have been done gets us nowhere.

It’s only causes arguments.


Naw keep it as is but if you don’t heal anyone within like 15 seconds your ult gets locked until you heal like 500 HP, so you literally can’t hide, let your team die and then fly in to res.

Genji gets into position to ult:

Scenario A:
Zenyatta, sees him about to ults, get into positon and then hits Q after he activates his ult.
Genji is dead. Enemy team has ult charge from killing him and everyone is alive.

Scenario B:
Mercy sees he’s about to ult, gets into position. She waits a couple of seconds and then presses Q.
Genji sees the animation, is alive and gets to cover. Enemy gets less ult charge, because they were dead. All enemies are alive.

Scenario A is balanced, Scenaro B is bull.

That sounds crazy, but it’s actually kind of cool😂

Before invuln on res she was actually under powered, after she got invuln it made her balanced but brought the new issue of hide and res. These changes alone would put Mercy far below F teir. You’d have to buff her base kit significantly to make it work.

But why go through all that when she’s balanced and more fun now?

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It addresses the unintended non-participatory use without punishing those who used it for the intended purpose, which really should be the goal of any fix to address an exploitable mechanic.

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Inb4 this gets sent to the megathread.

My current desires for a Mercy 3.0 rework are:


  • Replaces Valkyrie as Mercy’s ultimate.
  • Casting time delay removed.
  • When cast, immediately resurrects the targeted hero and the nearest dead ally within 5m.


  • No longer an ultimate. Placed on a 20-second cooldown.
  • Duration reduced from 15s to 3s.
  • No longer gives Caduceus blaster infinite ammo.

Caduceus staff

  • Healing reduced from 60 HP/s to 45 HP/s.
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1: “more fun” thats personal opinion that a LOT of people disagree with

2: I don’t think she was underpowered because NO ONE knows how she played without an Ana who was the most OP hero in the game at the time being in every game.

Congrats, you actually took a balanced hero, and in theory, broke her. This would be too much for the game.

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Actually I think that would be underpowered not ‘too much for the game’


Genji, a hard to play hero, gets 4 kills with his ult

The scared, wild Mercy peaks her head out from the cover, runs out quickly and mass rezes her fallen friends

Progression has been denied

How. Tell me how. My Caduceus staff nerf would significantly hamper Mercy’s healing ability.

Yeah, I always thought that was a bad idea. I would love to go back to the Mercy we had prior to that!

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  1. true, so there really is no reason to change this if it’s to just bring back fun because many people think she’s fun as well.

  2. we do know because after Ana’s nerfs is when Mercy for buffs because she still wasn’t in line.

Ana got nerfed right after Mercy got buffed so we, again, don’t know how Mercy would’ve played out if she didn’t get those changes

So nerf her into F tier.