[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

They buffed ana they’re not gonna do it again

member Jan 30, 2018 :slight_smile: ?

A useless buff that isn’t going to help

The OWL is saying it
The pros are saying it
Top 500 are saying it
Players are saying it on the PTR

They’ll eventually have to listen again like they did with her damage going back up

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They’ve ignored the Mercy mega thread and I expect them to ignore all the ‘buff this ugly old woman hero’ complaints as well

Well this is the first Mercy nerf post I’ve seen in 2018.

My bad. I did not read your whole post.

Because Mercy is balanced

Why would they buff a hero who has been in such a great spot even AFTER all the nerfs

While Ana had just as many and is now the worst support; Mercy is still the best go to support in the game

they think Ana is balanced if they didn’t they would’ve looked at her a year ago

What, your going to buff em all? Nah.

Mercy is simply going to stay as the best healer. They wont nerf her.

Why not remove her right click while we’re at it ?

What Mercy needs

  • Considering whether resurrect should stay where it is, as it is, unearned every 30 seconds
  • Fixing her ‘on fire’
  • Fixing a model related bug
  • Consideration for QoL improvements
  • Megathread to be abolished, since it’s not used for feedback but instead for silencing Mercy discussion at the moment
  • Valkyrie to be adjusted so that it’s not virtually an ultimate which can be used anytime. For example, Lucio, Zenyatta, Moira and Ana definitely have ultimates which can’t be used at any moment but instead a more specific moment. Brigitte doesn’t really apply however since the armor doesn’t decay after the ultimate has finished, which I think it should and may do one day.

An idea to improve Valkyrie would be to change the chain beams and halve the duration of the ultimate. Make it so chained targets get less healing/damage boost while the beam target gets more healing/damage boost. This would encourage Mercy players to prioritise who and when to target specific teammates during Valkyrie instead of autopilot beams which barely outheal small burst damage.


Nerf Mercy 3: Mercy takes Manhattan.

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As a Mercy player I’d be okay with this if it was done in an effort to increase effectiveness of her ult.

Primary healing reduced to 50hps
When in valk heals 80-90hps on target, 50hps to chained targets


Yes please, give me a time to use Valkyrie. Give it a purpose beyond popping it off because you’re tired of seeing the ultimate icon



Use it when you feel like you want to fly around for a bit.

Problem solved.

If I wanted to fly around for a bit then I’d pick Pharah. An ultimate shouldn’t be just flying around helplessly watching teammates die to small burst damage for 15 seconds, while actually having to do nothing really. I sometimes take the opportunity to get a drink out of the mini fridge by me while in Valkyrie, as short of going Battle Mercy what I do won’t make a huge difference, lol.


I too remember when I could use my ultimate to help my team, instead of using it for the novelty of zip-zooping all over the place


30% damage boost chain is huge.

Yet they didn’t completely rework Mercy’s ultimate until over a year later of release. She was relatively untouched until that point. Then also Symmetra, who went a year without being touched as well. And now we’re finally getting a rework.

Just because a hero goes a long time without attention, doesn’t mean they don’t need it.

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